bunny in a beret

Monday, August 06, 2007

There hasn't been a blog up on this blog for quite some time I notice.

Just thought I'd do something about that. Seeing as it's time for bed, I'm working (23 1/2 hours) tomorrow, and I have to have a bath and clean my teeth before I snuggle up to dream - I think I'll procrastinate for a little while. I do like the night time hours!

I dreamt of my manchester life last night (this morning). It was nice. We were moving in to our new house, and I was by the old house (which didn't really look anything like scarsdale road) and it had been painted inside and looked very very posh and gorgeous, and hannah's "old" house was opposite, but we'd never visited it before... hmm. Then it went to a big swimming pool, and I'm pretty sure everyone was naked, but it was cool - and swimming costumes kind of appeared, when they felt like it. Interesting stuff.

I'm full of all the self-fulfilling life-changing thoughts of change you get when approaching the beginning of uni again. I am sometimes ever so slightly annoyed with their cliche content when I say it out, because it seems to make them less valid. I was to get fitter.. loose a bit of weight..eat well consistantly..think more independently..think about change and be proactive more.. and work lots, and lots consistently. Well that sounds original. So original it sounds like something that echoes around the walls the last week of december. But I don't care (-:= (for once!) I would like to carry out at least some of it though, consistenly.

Anyway.. I should go to bed. And tonight, I shall dream of.. wearing a big cloak (fabric donations welcome), doing lots of exercise, being able to do the splits (one day,.. one day..), and adventures unspoken.

Night night kiddos, whether you be approaching new york, in india, bedford, pumsaint, cilywm, somerset approaching heathrow, manchester, or on a train down the north american east coast (gosh I have well travelled friends) xx x

Monday, October 02, 2006

Hey all.

Rwy just moin dweud mae popeth yn iawn fyn'hyn yn manky-chester. Rwyn eisiau'r wlad quel que fois, ond mae'd iawn spose.

Enough of that written welsh /french/english mix! I do love using my welsh now.. but I've always been able to speak it a bit better than write it correctly.. or understandably! heh.

I have written big big long emails to people, so I'm not going to repeat it. But basically all is cool. I'm doing waaaaaay too much.. but I want to do it all!!! I'm climbing lots and lots, spurred on by the fact dave keeps making me competitive by saying that other new girls in the club that have the same name as me will climb harder than me. Which is really quite annoying, and I really hate it sometimes.. it does get to me - as some of you will know when people group me and Bryony in the same category and I feel we're being judged as to who is the best - my achillies heel. - But, it is making me climb hard!!! heh. I just get scared people will compare us then like the other person more, and I'll be left and be rubbish. )-:= But this particular competition doesn't EVEN EXIST, I must remember. Silly Dave. (and me). damnit.

Anyway.. other stuff: People are nice. It's taken a while to find some really nice people, but I do like them.
The house is cool - I don't really feel I've had time to absorb the new feeling of living in a house, but it is nice. I think I keep annoying my housemates a bit though, because I'm rarely there I tend not to do the washing up much or put the rubbish out and stuff.. but I do when I am there.. but I think they are there a lot more than me, so they notice it not being done...
We also have a rota of 6 cleaning-related things to do each week. Which I always forget should be done by the end of the weekend, - when I'm usually climbing. Oh well! I do try and do my bit. I'll do some more today.

Wallet left on bus. Oh well. This'll be interesting!

Ice Hockey soon!!!!! I'm SO looking forward... I do hope the ice-rink isn't too late over scedule. Grrr! There's a social tomorrow night, so along with the 5 other things I'm meant to be doing I think I'll go.

Better go now actually.
Hello to everyone that reads this. I do like it when people blog - even if it's quite rarely like Janie and Ralph, it's nice. Emi especially. And hello Alisha, you mentioned you checked this occasionally. (-:=

Argh.. hunger time. Byes for now lovelies! Remember everyone is equal in goodness. xx x charlo

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I've just had a quick look at a randomly selected past post (as it happened, the 1st of march 2004) and it's so cool... hehe the little things you forget in, what, only 2 years! (sarcasm). It was around the time of when we went to see My Red Cell in Builth, and when me and Bethy went on our adventure to Bristol to see Snow Patrol (who I don't even like that much, but it was a very fun adventure). Aww I like... stuff. My life, etc.

In the meantime:
My pirate name is:
Bloody Charity Flint
Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the charlotteiscool.fidus.org network

Ho ho ho... that's emi's pirate quiz thing. I'm going to try and fill it in how I guess emi would and see if I can get her name...

And now for the Current News Events, with our correspondent, me:

Listening to Postal Service. mmm.. yum. They remind me of 3 people, mainly because they're the only 3 people that I've heard talk about them. Pete from work at the climb centre, because he said I should listen to them, Ralph because I remember he was obsessed with them around christmas time, and who gave me the copies I have of them now, and Emi, just because I asked her what she thought of them once.
Exciting stuff, eh!?

Big Green Gathering tomorrroooow... woo. I hope it doesn't rain. I don't mind cloud or wind or pretend rain, or even some sun, but rain isn't very fun when you're camping for a week at a festival. Oh well, twill be fun anyway. Nice that there are a few of us going, I didn't realise before because me and Lauren organised to go separately, Janie is going (-:= Adam, Dan and Abbie, Ben, Ezra, Luke and...some others I may have forgotten or don't know about. Yays. I'm looking forward, I think. I suppose.

My head's feeling a bit uuuurrr at the moment. It get's very tired very quickly.. one or two days at work and I'm dying.. I think it's the lack of sleep (8 hours at very most, when I prefer to survive on 10++) and all the travelling. Damnit! I said, when I left foundation-course-of-4-hours-commuting-a-day and did my back in (still done-in now) that I wouldn't do stupid commuting again. And here I am... Although, this is only 2 hours a day, and I am either driving or getting a lift in the car, so that's not a back breaking bus at least. I'm having a rest now anyway. Well.. does going to a festival for a week count as a rest? heh heh heh..

And now for the Sport..

There isn't any sport. well.. I suppose I could stretch it.. In work yesterday they designed the 2-hour-activity-session race, ... which involves doing everything that we take kids on in the 2-hour-activty session in as fast-a-time as you can. We estimated 5 minutes, and Rhys did it in 5:08 which was impressive! and Will followed with 5:32 or something.. which is also impressive. I think I'd be one of the slowest.. and I'd rather not be. But it involves two fairly long runs down from the kit store and back which seemed to really kill the others. I'm missing it this week too when the others will give it a go. fun.

And the weather:
Hmm.. Lauren's been trying to get through to me, and so I should get off the interrrrnet.. The weather? 's bin the hottest few weeks since the grand old beginning of time or something, and now the rain has come a bit, which is much needed, admittedly. At the moment it's nice and blustery... I like blustery. It's romantic and dark and exciting. I can imagine wearing a cloak sitting on a dark steed on a moor when it's blustery.

Wooo/.. And that's all from this desk. (-:=

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Hmm. I'm in the shop at the mo, trying, again, to use up some time until I can get a lift home when M has finished the delivery of another computer. At least tonight it's my own doing that I'm waiting and will get home late and not have any time to do anything; by choosing not to drive home, even though I have the car, and to get a lift this way and that tomorrow.

I apologise for any wobbily bits in this passage, I'm listening to radio 4 listen again: loose ends, and the poetry and comedians are distracting my train of thought. tis good though.

Hmm.. yes. Work is good. I do enjoy it. Most..no, pretty much all of the other climbing staff are un-enthusiastic and pesimistic about the job, and I am resolute to retain my optimism and good feelings about it (was that the proper use of 'resolute'? (-:=) Today I took a group of 13 devonshire school children of 11-14 years, doing the indoor activities, and in the afternoon I had a 5 year old and a 7 year old, all to my self, which was quite entertaining. slightly demanding though.. gotta keep an eye or two on those 5 year olds... oh, and how do you explain what friction is? Yesterday was really nice too, it being "the hottest day" I shared a group with 2 other instructors in the morn indoors, and didn't have a group in the afternoon! So I chose to sit outside in the sun / shade and watch the group on the rope course! Dubbed the 'water girl' because I supplied about 12 litres of water to keep the kids (and staff) from dehydrating and ..well, dying to be honest. Someone has to do these important jobs, you see. What would they do without me I wonder?! hehee. mmm things are fun.

I'm beginning to get thoughts of low (image) self esteem though I think.. I keep noticing thoughts of being overweight and such.. and I think it's down to having to wear climbing clothes day in day out. What I wear really has an affect on me, and although my climbing stuff isn't too bad, I don't have that many options and they tend to be top and trousers, and not particularly great ones sometimes, so when it all adds up, I forget what it's like to wear nice, flowy, colourful, layered, flattering, comfortable, nice clothes. Dangerous stuff, man. I do feel like I'm eating too much though, despite not actually gaining weight as such, apparently. Eating tends to be a social thing when I get home, because that's where people tend to be, in the kitchen -who aren't watching television or a computer screen; and I want to talk.. but being in there, I tend to eat while talking. Hmm. I do like people. Also, I have no will power, and I don't connect food with extra mass. buggero. Oh well, I'll try and get some will power.. and Look forward to Becky's barbecue on saturday when I can wear some proper clothes!! and dance!! mmm..d'n'b...

This is going to be a right 'I've got time to waste so I'm going to write everything I can think of' type of post.

Sleeping. = Grrr. Usually, Sleeping = wooooooo yum yum yum!!!
I'm sleeping on the floor in my proper room now.. and I can't seem to sleep without waking up at least at 2 hourly intervals, or switching sides/ends, or waking up not amazingly happy...
A bad Karma / feng shui thing maybe?
heh. I know it sounds a bit.. y'know...., but if I really think about it I don't feel all that relaxed in that position in the middle of the floor. Hmm.. might try and sort that, or move back into the spare room. Not to mention the need to clear both rooms... sigh..

And, another thing on my mind,

My back and wrists. (not literally..)
Like, I did my back in about a year ago, after a year of inflicted strain on it (serves me right) (-all in the name of education though..), and it's still playing up every now and then, or whenever I do something mildly annoying to it. It shouldn't do this. How do I make it properly better? I now try and avoid back stuff (like lifting stupidly, or the blue subaru's front seat) but it doesn't seem to ever mend properly. Chiropracter? Osteopath? I don't know.. I don't want to pay a load of dosh to someone to tell me, "yes, it is damaged, avoid lifting stupidly and the blue subaru car front seat, I'll poke you a bit, come back every two weeks, ok?" Maybe I should just go and get some advice. yeah. Yellow pages perhaps..
And, Wrists.
I am only 20.. I shouldn't have dodgy clicky wrists. Hmm... I now take cod liver oil, and eat lots of different nuts and seeds, for the essential oil and omegas, but still occasionally my wrists just kindof go.. like, have a day off being useful. Damnit, I have a perfectly balanced diet, I don't eat much meat, but I do replace it.. I think.. (?). Hmm.

Hmm Hmm. I'm 20!! Ghhhhaaar. I should be writing stuff like this when I've led a full and active life at like 75 or 80+.

Oh well. Otherwise, everything's cool. Most things are cool. I wasn't particularly looking forward to going back to uni, once I'd started getting used to (and enjoying) the climbing centre, but since Hannah's party last weekend, I do feel it will be fun fun fun, when I think about all the nice people again... mmm... yay.. . and emi'll be in uni too which'll be really cool, and freshers week will be so cool now I have yummy friends and I am confident and happy and not stuck with my ex-flat mates, and freshers' 'flu like last year.. And I Love pub crawls because they're such a good way to meet people!! Drinking, no drinking, or just a bit of drinking, you can always move around the group really easily because no-one gets stuck in groups in a corner like usually. I met Danny and Agnes on the physics pub crawl last year! I think they were like the first people (correct me if I'm wrong..) that I really clicked with.. woo I was excited! And our house will be cool... I get a new room! wooo.. a new blank canvas!! (even if I haven't seen it yet...).

Yeah, Cool.

Right.. going to go for a walk to to use up some more time. Variation..

oo no... M's back
better go/.

xx Home time!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

www. assembling adventures .blogspot.com!

This is my new project.. I was trying to think of a) stuff to do over the summer (vaguely travel-wise), and b) stuff Emi wanted to do over the summer, and the criteria we came up with was that anything we do would be best done with our lovely friends, and if not, then around dates when our lovely friends are doing stuff. (like birthdays).

So.. I've made this blog, so that as the llandovery massiv' we can all link up and just let the others know if we feel like going on an adventure somewhere.. however mini or humungous.


Small Nations approaches! Woo-dee-hoo.
Also, I got my brace off today! Woo-dee-hoo once again.
But, tomorrow I get a stupid spawn-of-satan clip-in one so..crappington.
Went climbing in the Gower on tuesday night!!! God it was so fun!! I went with my fellow llangorse-staff, Pete, Andrew, Ben and Greg. And we climbed wonderful rock a bit, then it got a bit dark, so we went for a dip in the sea! (because we were climbing right above it). Twas so fun. I think tuesday was the day that I properly 'clicked' with people now.. I'm bored of the 'I don't quite know you well enough yet' stage of chatting. Tuesday, was cool. =:-D

Other business? Nope.. not really!
See you all soon at the fest
xx x

Saturday, July 01, 2006


mmm... isn't life interesting? It really very is. Especially when you're this age.. boys, girls, girls, boys, home, away, (neighbours..), appearance, learning, finding, blah blah. y'know. I like it. It's kind of like a blank canvas. Kindof. but maybe it isn't.. oh who cares.

It's good anyway. and so is reading books. I'm reading 'Veronika decides to die' at the mo, by the author-du-jour Pauelo Cuhelo (plus or minus some H's and U's). I read a bit of The Alchemist, and it was ok, but a bit 'what's the meaning of life' and philosophical.. but seeing as Lauren loves his books so much, I noticed this one when buying some others on a book stall back in manchester, and thought I'd get it.
And it's about suicide and madness too, which is always interesting. I like it, and it's very readable. Impressed.

I think.. I think I just want to be now. I could say about the climbing centre, the people, their differences, their variations; the party last night at danny's house; certain manchester people I miss; my girls who are in lichfield and warrington (-:= ; plans for croatia and the amazing potential for climbing there if I can find someone to climb with..; my friends' triangles..and how they are all lovely, but all love each other too much in an innocent and just plain loving way; drawing and artistic things; the artistic potential of all the stuff in my room; how my room NEEDS a darn good JCB to clear it out; and the lovely sun and summer.
And so I did.
Now, I shall just be for a bit. Absorb nice things.

mmmmmmm. absorbtion.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Yiddely Ho kids!

(here is a photo. It is of me Laurie and two house-mates of next year - Jack and Rich! Hooray for the future!)

I'm here, in my room. It's a quarter to one in the morning. See, I have only been out of bed since nearly five pm.. so I'm a bit unsure as to when I should go back to the land of nod...

Thing is, I feel capable of things of the fairly active variety, but being the time it is, no-one else is I think. I did go down to Platt Fields Park earlier though, and did some stretching and cartwheels, and watched people feeding the many varieties of bird life by the lake. Swans really are very beautiful.. (-:=

The reason, by the way, that I only woke up at 5pm today is that it was 'Missing' last night, and that meant I only got home at 6.30ish, and after painting a picture and making my bed, bed at 7. Oh I had such a nice sleep... Lots of very real and very entertaining dreams. The stories are so intricate and detailed, and I can actually feel the feelings as if I was there, in that position. It's very interesting, definitely keeps me very entertained during sleep.

Missing was good.. It wasn't as good as the first time I went back in February though. There was a bit of a weird atmosphere, or 'vibes' as Lauren would say. I felt very normal, and as if I should really just be in bed at that time of night, I didn't feel very excitable at all. But then I found the Drum'n'Bassssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh it was good.... and there I stayed till it ended with Alisha. Love it Love it Love it, man.

When it finished at 4.30, me and Alisha were the only ones left of our group properly.. The two Hannahs, Lauren and Dan had gone to 'Ed's' Because they were either feeling (dare I say it..?) slightly bored or tired, or not very well. Me and alisha popped by spar, and I bought a chocolate bar with 50p I had in spare change that I designated to be spent there and then. We pottered back to Alisha's halls.. which were soooooo cooool! The views are amazing.. and the run rising too! Very cool.
I left her at.. half five-ish, maybe. And made my way back to mine. It was (and usually is) always a slightly eerie and bizarre experience walking home when things are beginning to wake up again. I do like the difference to normal human hours, but I think I'll try and avoid doing it much more when in manchester. Mainly because Hannah would actually kill me, and also because it was a bit creepy.
Being brought up in such a calm, safe, and beautiful area.. I'm very prone to being a bit too much on the naiieve side of things.. and often end up potentially being too trusting of human kind. I forget that people can actually be dangerous even.. I'm very glad I came to uni in a city, I've learnt SO so very much.. and I like being able to balance knowledge of how things work both in the countryside and cities.

I only have a bit over a week left here!! How bizzare.... soon it'll be back at home, none of my uni friends around.. no busy city, no easy transport, no peak district climbing, no thursdays at the pub, no buying my own food, no clean room (heh..). Hmmm.. I think it will be ...erm... different.

I love drum'n'bass.

I'm feeling kindof sleepy now. Maybe I'll find some Sex and the City and snuggle up under my quilt.

That's me done I think. erm.. .. yes. It is an interesting time.


Yeah man. xx

Monday, March 27, 2006

Oooo! And I thought I'd experiment with photos as part of my blogging.. Yay. How popsy is that, why have I never tried it before?

I drew something like this gecco type thing on my arm in henna. (-:=

I am going outside now.

See you! xx

I am practically better. But I'm still indoors. I was going to go to my tutorial today, but decided I couldn't be bothered. Now I should go out, because I have things to do, but I feel quite uncomfortable, warm, and like I'd rather not. My face is still a bit swollen, but that's not too bad. My hair feels bad and the same as always. I feel uncomfortable. I think the main factor is what I'm wearing, and how it makes me feel. I too hot anyway, and this stupid stupid green shirt just makes me feel like a horrible green colour. - I have nothing against green, but I have very much against this combination of pale green and yellow and white when it's a badly shaped shirt on me. Argh crap.

I don't know how everyone else isn't as affected by what they wear as I am..

Anyway. I've been musing over the idea of old blog posts. Because I've been in my room a whole week, some things that have been waiting to be done for ages have been done (Not very many, mind you), but this morning I decided to eventually back up and save the old malaysian travel blog. It is quite valuable, after all.
I haven't read through it properly yet, but just glancing at bits have reminded me of things I had forgotten! I don't want to forget bits of it!

Also, in may, this blog will be three years old. That, I am proud of I think. In this modern technological age blah blah... It's done well to survive and remain in usage regularly. I'll have to go through this one and save it all too ..soon. One day.

It is also raining and ..erm.. wet, outside.

Oh ok. I'm going to have to do it. I'm going to get changed.

Yes. I will.

Just.. when this Radio 4 program finishes..

Or am I listening to radio 4 a bit toooo much now...

But it's raining !! and I feel rubbish!! Isn't that good enough excuse not to go out??

The very fact I'm saying that proves I need to do it.

it's big and scary outside. There are lots of people.. and .. oxford road..

I went outside on saturday night. When I was beginning to feel a bit better. I wanted to test my wobbily legs. It was really cool!! Everything seemed so crisp and clear, and delicious and full of opportunity.. I walked out of whitworth park to the shop, and because I was looking very shifty (hiding behind my jumper, and just wondering around the shop) I wanted to a) treat myself and b) proved the bouncer wrong that I wasn't going to nick anything, so I bought a muffin.

It hurt my jaw, and didn't taste all that amazing. But still. Someone told me to " smile, beautiful!" on the way back into the gates, so that made me feel a bit better, considering my face was still all deformed.

Now it doesn't seem quite so clear and beautiful and real outside.

But then I'm not actually outside, am I?

Oh shut up brain. I'm going. Wish me luck!


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

So. Hello. I have mumps.

So I'm being quarantined till it goes, because I'm apparently highly infectious. Ghhar. Oh well, I suppose it's another tick in a student-cliche box. And I haven't really ever had to stay away from people properly before. Should be interesting. I feel a bit like I'm preparing for some kind of nuclear war, stocking up on the old tinned soups and honey...

But not really.
I'm glad because I got to eat some stuff today. That's always good. And I've spent most of today awake too. Lauren was lovely and did my shopping for me, so that I could go straight home after the doctor visit, and not infect the rest of the population who didn't go for their second mmr jab... *sigh..* you always think it won't happen to you, don't you.

Well anyway - I got some honey, yummy 25p natural yogurt, a banana!! soups, chocolate! and she bought me some strawberries too!! woo. they were a bit hard to get my painful jaw around, but I've found that pain is eased by just putting more honey on anything. And chocolate - despite causing pain by inducing saliva production - cancels itself out because it kind of numbs pain too. mmm... (or am I just making that up?). (Do I care?).

It's better than just living off semolina anyway. I had some for dinner last night, and for breakfast this morning.. and it hurt SO SO much.. I was gasping for the paracetemol. Ouchy ouchy. Not doing that again. (eating without the protection of drugs).

Hmm. This should be a little adventure in itself I think. Although I am missing lots of fun things )-:=
Oh well. Hopefully I'll survive.

xxx x charloinflatedface xx

Sunday, February 26, 2006



just thought i'd post. Yes, again I am procastinating.. (eek I suddenly have forgotten how to spell) .. Lab in on tuesday morning. today is sunday. I have done about a hundred words. Out of 2000billion. Ah well. I really don't know why I'm being so laid back about this lab.. I have no fear, despite having only vaguely started it yesterday evening. Oh maybe I do. I was happy with my exam marks, that would be it. False sense of sequrity I suppose. Darn. Oh well. it's all quite fun.

Hmm. although, speaking of fun. I'm beginning to find out that having just two days of lectures a day isn't as fun as it sounds. I find I just have way too much time, and I end up faffing, and just not making the most of it, and although I see a lot of people a lot of the time, I like seeing lots of people Lots of the time. So! what am I going to do about it, you ask? I am going to see if I can volunteer with oxfam! wooo that would be so cool. kindof. I filled in the form in a kind of messy way though, hope it'll be ok. I'm also doing other stuff. I think. I have training stuff on tues and thurs (which almost defeats the object of doing things on the days that aren't tuesday and thursday..) but that's fun. I would like to go climbing more too, like on the weekends, but the majority of climbers are up in scotland masochistically winter climbing. Which, I really would like to do too at some point, but I need to force myself to buy some proper outdoor shoes first. )-:= But they're SOOo boring!

mmmm. The best thing about uni is the sheer amount of students (i.e. people your age) and the fact a lot of them are guys! woo. Makes life a little bit more spicy.

p.s. birthday was cool. (-:=

Going to london on wednesday (not the climbing comp )-:= ) for the nus demo. Should be cool, and I'm taking the pics for student direct paper which is 50% "woo!" and 50% "bugger" because my camera is being an arse and won't focus on anything. Crap crap crap. How can I submit photos to the student paper that are all blurry?!? (they probably wouldn't notice to be honest..).
Anyway, work to do.
Au revoir mes amis x xx

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


just wanted to post to fudge the 'revision' post from the top. It's like, sooooo last month.
So, what's up? I'm procrastinating. Should be writing essays..ah well.

Meeting with our landlord-to-be today if we can eventually get a time sorted between all seven of us involved. (this organisation business costs such a fortune in phone usage). We will meet him - TO SIGN the deeeeds. woah. big stuff. And give cheques too. For large amounts of dosh. *sigh*. Oh well. *cough*Ineedajob*cough*. I'll go and print my CV today, perhaps. Woo-pee-do. Oh, and it's my birthday this weekend. mmm. It's a bit weird not being at home and having the usual crowd around you as a soft and fluffy bundle of safe-ness, which you are always secured some kind of a celebration. Here, you have to make sure it happens and patch together a circle of niceness. Which isn't too bad really, it's just different.

So, it's cocktail making lessons, jabez clegg, 'Dub Areana' on thursday, one of two house parties on friday maybe, and a few super-nice people round on saturday for pancake making! hooray.

Ok, that's me done for now. time for sophisticated writings! (That's what I need.. I need some glass-less glasses !! They'd make me work reeal well, and I'd look the part too..)
bye bye xx

Friday, January 20, 2006

oh I'm so boooored!! Much as I love doing my revision, I can't do it all the time without other people around! sigh... save me someone!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Everything is GOOOD, maaaan. (-:= (-:=

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Hey evrreebodie

Erm. yeah. I had a few minutes to spare on the ol' machine while waiting for a 'code' to be sent (how cool am I), and thought I'd blog. But, alas, for once, (watch me prove myself wrong) I don't have much I want to say. Of course there is a large wad of things I could say, but I just don't feel like telling everyone about the kind of things I do have to say.

So. Right.

I can't even say 'things are good' or 'things are bad' or that I'm 'happy' or 'sad' because there are many multiple shades of grey involved. And I can't even say 'christmas/new year/spain was good' or 'christmas/new year/spain was bad' not just because I'm a bit bored of the topic but because like most things at the moment, they were a bit.. grey. They were fun! but.. uneventful or normal or in some cases ridden with too much heavy thinking about current affairs. Hum-diddly.

This be my plan, mateys: I will get exams over with. I will try not to fail statistics, much as it would be easy to. I will get all bad or dark-shades-of-grey things sorted and overcome. Then I will do some sponteneous and exciting things again. Oh and get a job so I won't be penniless or poundless.

Please make note dear readers, that these are not 'new years resolutions' they're just resolutions that I've just made to make my current situation less grey, and more red, orange, green, white, and with some bits of other nice colours too. Like my red trousers that Emi has kindly altered.

Yeah man. Ah well. time's up. See ya when I see ya x xx

Sunday, December 18, 2005

OoOo0Oo excitingggg.. Breaking in the new year in a little place somewhere by wo'vvvveer'ampton in a psy-trance rave!?!?! Yeah man! What could be better.

Then hoppin' over (with a bit of a cuffuffle inbetween) to espania for a little see-danny-adventure just to use up any 'extra' dosh I have left in my account, y'know.. spring clean it.

With a dashing of lovely scrumptious christmas, family, fires, presents, traditions; a lacing of driving up to Grandma's house for a few days on (possibly) the 27th -> 30th; a smidgen of Joe's birthday on the 29th, even, maybe, if it's still going on; a sprinkling of giggles on Jan the 2nd; and to finish off, a new year's eve walk with family up 'pen-y-fan' mountain type thing. (oh! and as the cherrys to complete my month of holidays I have orthadontist and dentist on the 4th and 5th.. ah well.. I was missing good ol' llanelli..)

Fun Fun. Can I afford to buy any one presents? Well.. 'cos I like you all I will, who needs a balanced diet anyway!?

Hehe. I love being a student. But maybe a job will be in order next semester. See you all somewhere along the way this wad of winter-time. xx

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Helloooooooo there!

I thought I'd blog! there are two reasons for this: a) I've just read emi and ralph's blogs*, and they are nice to read, and b) no-one has emailed me for days so I don't feel inclined to email anyone back about my adventures here. and c) I have 0.5 work to do!! (i.e. hardly anything at all) Yeeeeah man. And I feel like telling someone about what a good mood I'm in.

(*= Emi- keep blogging regularly!! it rules, and cooool ralph.. thanks for that last blog, it was cool)

I'm happy happy happy-o. This has been such a good weekend. Well impressed, mate. (-:= And this high-pressure malarkey is my favourite kind of weather too! And the party last night was soooooo cool! And post-party-last night was soo cool too!! And It was cooooool to see lovely bethy too! and my costume was sooo cool too! and today has been the most comfortable and self-luxury and pampering ever. In the fact that I stayed in bed all day! Dave left in the morning, I woke at about 1.30 to eat some oats and bananas, and then woke at 4 again to meet dave to get some climbing gear off him for tomorrow! Ooooohhhh this day rules. I have nothing 'better' to do either. don't think I've ever had a guilt-free day like this before. mmmmmm..m..... swoon.

See ya later aligators! (sorry for the over-usage of the fabulous c-double-o-L-word)


Monday, October 17, 2005


I'm really neglecting this site aren't I?! This hasn't happened before. Interesting.

If anyone wants to hear what I'm doing, and isn't being sent emails, give me a buzz and I'll put your name on to the list of family and others when I send big huge long updates. (-:=

Happio x xx

Thursday, September 22, 2005


I've just looked over the photos from Joe's leaving party, Beth's do and me and Emi round at Kath and Janie's...

I SO so so wish I could have gone to Joe's thingy.. it looked so beautiful. I was actually brought to tears (!) looking over the faces that I haven't seen in so long, especially the people I haven't seen in ages (some people I haven seen more recently so it's less ..acidic).
John and Mel, matt, Jack, Kit (Mikey C's doesn't count), Ricky!! god! I acctually did not recognise him in the photo of him and ben! hehe funny. It's good to see he's changing; Holly, Ray, and the list goes on.

My nose is running more than normal now. *sniff*.

Aww... I really really do miss parties at home. Thanks Kathy for doing the photos (-:=

Charlotte the seventh xx x x

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I've been on this computer for too long, I can feel the edges of my eyes slowly aligning to create a square. Arrrugh.

Yay. Uni. I've written tons about it to send home so I'm not about to repeat myself. Just thought I'd say hi now I've registered and can make use of the computers. yay.

Have survived without my phone since sunday, Haven't found out where Beth or Joeseph are, have made lots of friends. But I really do need a top up of the old Drum n Bass Nights soon. And a top-up of people I click with. Nice people really are a breath of fresh air.

I've joined the climbing society! very exciting stuff. very expensive stuff. very worth it. stuff. going to the peak district on sunday, the morning after the notorious 'freshers' ball'. Hooray for that. Ah well. I'm looking forward to it in a slightly slightly apprehensive way.

Anyway, I'm going to go and buy some fruit. e-mail me, anyone. I like emails and I like talking and keeping in contact.

See ya later my friends. Who are (as I pointed out first miss freemando - very good looking!) and very nice. (but you pointed out the rest first).

x xxx Charlotte (from Manchester University. woooo) yeaah

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I feel like mentioning something about how I'm beginning to post frequently, and how it somehow reflects my life style habits or how 'cool' I am, or how my blog's haven't (hahaha just fooled you there with that apostrophe!) been all that interesting of late.....

I write this blog for my own amusement (73%) (and for the record the other percentage is by way of contact with nice friends that if I don't manage to speak to them directly all the time about everything.)

And. So. I don't care.

(Yeah. I sooo don't. Which is why I just wrote the above.)


Moquee is sooooo cute! He's so lovely and frieldly and cuddly and sweet! awww He really is very lovely, everyone should meet him and cuddle him.

Argh! I'm going on friday and A.M.P still haven't played their final gig! and I don't want the last one I heard of them be the last - because I don't remember which one it was!!!! Arrrrghhh! the horror of it all..

I want to make a list of all the lovely (and not so?) parties I've ever been to and remember. That'd be cool. I don't like the idea that I will forget that I ever went to certain parties. I like remembering them. (teehee.. and I do like lists....mmMm...satisfying..)

Mikey C's was groovy-o. It was reeally nice. I was 'well' impressed because I knew almost everyone there -and the people I didn't know, I knew of; even though it was a party which drew people in from an area bordering hereford-aberystwyth-llandovery-north powys. So that was lovely. I felt very comfortable and happy and feverish, but you can't have everything.
It was very interesting also comparing last year's annual mikey C do, this one was so much better - but I suppose that's just because I knew less people then. I wonder what next years' will be like.... OoOoo only time can tell... OooOo.. hah. crap.

hmm. I'm now feeling ... hungry, in true tamagotchi style I must now go replenish my fodder-lacking bowels.

Oh it really was nice last night!

off I go then, see you lovelies

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Our shop window was smashed last night. Death by Beer Bottle at 2am.

This is so horrible. Stupid fucking drunks. I'm never going to either be drunk again or ever throw anything when I am drunk. Or.. I'm going to find the bloody fat idiot that did it and poke him in the eye balls. And make him pay the 3 or 400 quid it'll cost to replace. Including all the sign work that needs to be re-done now.

So horrible! My dad had to wake up and drive over to Brecon (3/4 hour drive) to go and see his shop window wrecked by idiots. And he says there's even CCTV watching our street, so if the police 'can be bothered' they could probably see who it was. I hope they do bother.

It's scary sometimes how you can wake up and your little delicate world may have changed, for good or for bad. You could wake up and one of your family could have just died.. just like that. You'd be waiting for them to get ready.. and they just lie there. You could wake up with your house completely upside down because it's been burgled - while you were sleeping. You could come down stairs in your pajamas in the morning and find London doesn't exist anymore. Or simply that one of your favourite trees has lost a branch.

I don't like it. But I like sleeping enough luckily. I had lots of dreams last night. One was a very clear story about a few of us (the edinburgh lot perhaps) lived in this town, and there was this little black lady who was a bit nuts, and a lesbian and she kept scaring me. (yes, her), and there were even the crags in a slightly different formation, which we had to walk up in ski boots. And I did Graffitti, one I did of hands, and one of a face. It was a nice feeling but I woke up slightly annoyed that I hadn't finished one of them. Ah well.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I seemed to have missed Drum'n'Bass long enough to have forgotten how to dance to the beautiful stuff... ... to this I think... ... ARRRHGHGHGHG!!! I must quickly remember and get back into practice.

Dis party be goodo I like seeing peeps of me home land,

There's a few people not here though- Emi, Danny, and nothing feels quite right without Kit either. I'm used to going out within a clan of four or five. I mean, a certain four or five. I'll go and practice my dancing

see you!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Hello there fellow land beings.

I'm home again. Interesting. Hmm...

It is interesting anyway. Had a nice day because grandma's here and you have big meals and looks at photos and stuff when grandmas come.

Yesterday was a sheer feat of stamina I think. I know I'll probably tell most of you this- but it's not like much I've done before! And you are under no obligation to read it.
Thursday night: went out with my lovely peers (all..lots of them) got back at half 3 ish..)
slept till 11am ish
Friday: filmed all day and did stuff, lots of running, jumping and falling over in the street with robin and jonny. Fun and silly in one wholesome activity.
Friday evening: Went to edit film. Waited. Waited. Computers were full up. Listened to an odd insomniac who predicted he could predict everyone and anyone's birthdate through speech patterns and such. He did not succeed. He did though succeed in making the three 20-something guys who were there feel a bit insulted and uncomfortable. They were nice guys though.. plouging their way through some scrumpy jacks while editing their film about a guy who's a stoner. Waited some more.
Then left at 11pm. Walked home.
Popped over to see Emi at the crepe stall - got £137 and a free chocolate, marshmallow, chocolate, cinnamon, lemon and chocolate crepe to warm me up.
Packed. Went slighly mad due to lack of sleep.. slept at 2.30 or 3. I think maybe three am. I survived and kept my sanity only by swigging a few swigs of the ever wonderful 'twang'. (Irish Meadow to everyone else who aren't true followers of the heaven juice). Emily comes back and climbs in the end of my bad- seeing as it's he only space left to sleep.
Wake at 5am. (well.. 5.15) Then slowly got up and got dressed and stuff. Robin awoke from the seatee and I said goodbye; then slowly and with much effort and struggle I lugged my bag and I down to the station. Edinburgh certainly was very beautiful at the time. Very very lovely. After a pause to recouperate my energies, reflect on how much I hate the morning and stare at WHSmith, I found platform 20. It was miles away.
The train (at 6.32am) was sooo cool! a swift virgin one, and above each seat it had (electronically) the number and when it would be used until! So on my seat it said "29 window, Edinburgh to Crewe" How cool. Other than that it was, admittedly just a normal-ish train though. It went quite fast though. I stayed consious for as long as I could to see the side splitting views.. they were really gorgeous. And with the sun just rising.. very cliche photography moments. Calendar stuff. Lovely. Then I slept for a while. Listening to my beloved "I am X" (thanks Kath) and the other band I can't remember the name of from Serena. Half slept a bit.
Got to crewe. Bag heavy, tired arms. Cought train to Craven Arms. Half slept for a bit.
Arrived in Craven Arms. Lugged bag around a bit - affixed a reminder to Bradley's art project there. (twice). Waited and waited. Read. Train 20 minutes past an existing 1 hour 40 wait late. Met guy called Ollie and his mum - Tom Starnes' long lost twin brother. They should meet sometime.
Left Craven Arms 10 minutes before my mum arrived there to pick up my gran. But I already had the ticket so I thought I may as well use it.
Reached Llandod! affixed another few reminders of Bradley's art project. Sat in the centre behind crowds by the busy american-indian-pink-and-yellow-flourescent-dancing-indian filled bandstand. Ahh.. it was like a mini fringe festival. But NOT AS GOOD! and CRAP!
met my mum and gran, pottered, had some food, walked round the lake, came back, met my dad and watched "The Children". Very thoroughly scary and very well done. Quality stuff. Could well have been part of the Fringe.
Went to the After show Party with bod, surprisingly lovely acctually. Nice and friendly. they're a good bunch those mpyt-ers.
Left with Danny and Bod at midnight..trying to remember how to turn the lights on on the car. Nice talking to danny on the way home. Lovely.
Tasted a nibble of the majority of things in the fridge.. to experience a variety of taste which perhaps we haven't had in Edinburger. mmm.. evaporated milk..sponge..sliced ham..bolognese..yogurt.. We just had pasta, rice, pesto, OATS, bran flakes, and the ever brilliant and versatile: Mixed Herbs, Oregano, Pepper and ground Garlic!!! They make any meal taste fab. well, taste at least. Ok so I'm exaggerating slightly.. we did have a bit more food than that really, for example sometimes we had some juice or an onion. And sometimes we bought food for lunch! Heheh. ok I'm still exaggerating slightly. Well anyway.
Slept from 1.30am till 1.30 pm which was quite nice. Then got up and had today.

jolly good. Hope that wasn't too uninteresting. Because it was interesting for me. so there. That's what blogs are all about.

I should go to bed now. It's 23:23 according to my computer.

Wish I'd seen Lightning conductor, Poetry boyband, Stewart Lee, Monkey think Monkey do, and Tao drumming. Ahhh well. Not enough time for everything in the world. I did see Halo Boy and the Village of Death though- which was hailed as being worthy of 5 stars by many a reviewing publication. It was good. but not subconsiously good. And to be 5 stars it has to affect your subconsious mind and make you feel when you come out. And A Clockwork Orange was 5 stars.. and this was no-where near that production of godly proportions. Ho ho ho. I do talk silly sometimes.
Righty ho. Hahahaha... anyway. I will go now. Night night all, especially to me lovely flat mates and edinburgh co-explorers.

Bye bye! a bientot.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Yeah. I'm very unimpressed with Beth's comment. so much so that I didn't speak to her for a couple of days in protest. She didn't realise though. Beth- when you read this.. that was mean.

I am annoyed. Anyway. I'm slowly getting over it. Grrr.

Yay Kathy- it's good to see you commenting on stuff, you seem very lively. 'tis good. And Kwong too. Hope you're coping and finding time for some fun. -And poetry?

I'm off now- Emi's go on the internet now, the only thing left to say to the world is:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANNYI-OOOOooOoo !!!!!!! My favourite danny in the world who doesn't read blogs... ahem. I'm going to ring him in a sec. If anyone else doesn't know- ring him, unless you're going to his party of course! Yaaaaay for danny.

Bye bye!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hello there chums.

Edinburgh is good. I'm in a mood today due to a few different factors of influence. So perhaps this isn't the best time to post, seeing as I don't intend of doing it too regularly.

Seen some amazing shows, really amazing. And some total crap. My best one so far is definitely: A Clockwork Orange, this show left me stunned like a rabbit in very large head lights for nearly an hour afterwards. I really couldn't speak.. I couldn't drag myself out of that world back into this. Pretty peculiar. And it was really good how they used the ending in this version, unlike the film. Even though the new york production used many things that I generally tend to dislike in theatre they worked so well that it was as if they'd invented them in the first place. Fab.

Another favourite was a free show I saw at close to midnight, called... Apocalypse -the musical. heheh this was just funny. Not funnny because it was so bad.. but funny because they were acctually funny. They also sang and performed beautifully. A Pleasure to watch.

My third favourite is: Lumenescent Orchestrii, this is a folky/punky/jazzy/funky/tango-y beautiful band of three violins a tin guitar thing and a bass acoustic guitar. They are amazing! Kit's bough both their cds, we really could not keep still!! They were so good we went to see them again that same night in a different place (a cabaret if you wish to know). This was funny. But as much as I like dancing girls with no clothes on.. they were the best act by far.

Anyway, I'm going to do something else now,

Haha. See you all. missing home xxx

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Hello there.
I'm still distrought about Alcatraz Melon Project.

But other than that, things are fun I suppose. Joe's parents' party last night was really lovely, well worth going to. I glad the teepee valley party turned out to be a myth.
It was really nice seeing everyone again, the last time maybe being Small Nations before we went to greece. Everyone was really nice. And I'm only feeling a tad bit like I'm going to miss the usual crowd when we go on wednesday. Mmmmm... friends.. yum.

Dreamt lots and lots last night, I really do adore sleeping. If I had to do one solely one thing for the rest of eternity, it would be sleep. I'm sleeping on the floor of my bedroom at the moment, amidst many quilts and pillows and covers. It's ever so comfy and cosy. Unlike poor Kwong, I can sleep for days on end, my most natural night's sleep is about 11 or 12 hours, and I wake up feeling so relaxed and entertained - I have so much to think about when I wake up because I run through all the different stories that I've imagined, vivid and detailed, with clear story lines. So happy. Although sometimes my brain's fabricated stories are a bit more exciting that real life.

Anyway, not much else to say.. I have two more holes in my ears!!! And Emi has one up the top , If me and Em haven't mentioned it enough.. (-:=

Au Revoir for now! and sweet sweet dreams xxx

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Oh, Sad, Sad day of Sad days!

Terrible terrible! I am even on the verge of tears! So distrought... my second favourite band in the WHOLE world (second only to the masters, Cake, bien sur) are acctually braking up! no, no no nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

I'm going to phone Jack and threaten to break his legs if he doesn't accept his responsibility to entertain their devout fans.


..night xx

Sunday, July 10, 2005


I'm so happy-o, Small Nations festival is SoOOoOoOo groovy. I love it.. the people, the atmosphere, and even the music! ..everything

Off to greece tomorrow. Yays. will miss the festival atmosphere though.

Yaaaay - blogger has final noted the correct amount of posts listed as being posted on this blog.. heh. interesting isn't it.

Edinburgh is booked! Me, Emi, Bethy and Kit have a flat (right in the centre of town!) to live in from the 6th of August 'till the 30th. We just have to find jobs now! Yaaays - I love adventures.

See you all later (-:=
bye four know!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Off to a night of hardness.. on the living room floor. Sleep well everyone.

And I really can't answer any arguments because that would be 'arguing' really, and .. no. I really can't say anything further.

Happy days!
Visit your local grave yard now! they're dead interesting! (seriously.. and no pun intended)
Also: I have comments switched right on to the 'on' side of the on / off switch, hooray.
Does anyone know anyone, or does anyone live in Edinburgh? because we need some help finding decent accomodation there.. and er... could we live with you for a month?

Oh-and remember.. try never to a) twist your back and b) sleep in positions on buses that you know are very damaging to your back but you ignore for a whole year.

It hurts. )-:= night

Ow ow Owowowow ow ow Ouch.

I have done my back in.

And it's painfull. And Annoying. Grrrrr.


It's from my walk home from town yesterday I assume.. 7 1/2 miles on straight tarmac, with a twist round every now-and-then to check behind me on the nasty main road. Then at home 5 and a half hours later (I was dawdling quite a bit..) I twisted just once more, and there it goes. Ouch. 'hmm.. my back hurts' I think to myself. Ouch ouch. Right at the base of the spine aswell, the real important bit.

Well anyway, last night was offcially one of my worst nights ever. Oh how I did not at all enjoy waking up in pain not being able to find ANY kind of position that did not cause unhappiness. So from 4 or 5am I weakly made my way down to the living room floor and in discomfort I lay there till 1.30 pm. Watching my mum, brother, then dad all leave to do interesting things. Pfft. I hate the living room floor. If I'm on it it often is due to illness. And I don't like illness. It hurts. *sniff*

And this day has been similar to.. .. say, an absence of flour. Flour is bland and not very interesting. The lack of it being even less interesting and more bland.

Although me and E just made noodles a la sloppy slopp slop. Yum.

Right then. Life to be sorted, etc.

Bye from Violet Charlotte Champagne Vardell's biggest living fan.

Monday, July 04, 2005

wow-diddly- wow-o-greatness


Have you ever just watched the clouds.. I mean, lied there, and watched the beautiful dream-like delicate clouds not taking your eyes off them, following how they morph and move across the sky.. It really is wonderful

I think I also saw a low pressure system! If that is the right way to put it.. There were high clounds.. low clouds and they were moving in opposite directions.. cool

I really really reaaaallly recommed you make time to just go and sit. Trust me- it'll blow your cares away

Friday, July 01, 2005

Just an interesting thought,

Who tought you to plait?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

HaahahahahHaha haHa hahah hahah hah hah hah hahahah

I looooove it when people blog with a bit of grizzle and punch!! YEEEAH man! "We feel strongly about SOMETHING, DDDDUUUDE!!!"

Yeah. 'tis good for us to shout a bit. And stop being so polite.

Goooo Kathy-oooooo
(Kwong.. you're a tad silly, dear.)

Feel free to insult me back. Maaan.

Yeah, I'm impressed kath, it's really cool that you're spilling out real feelings, (seriously- I'm not being sarcstic) even though quite a few of them I am 'guilty' of standing for of course.

I have come to my own conclusions in response to kathy's points, (that I am agreeing exist) : The first is: People are silly.

Yup, we all know that. We all say things we don't exactly mean, we are fickle and are impressionable, and most of all, we are naieve and we generalise. And we like to be mean, moan and dislike things. We don't know much about anything, and what we do know is mostly provided in a nice little ribboned parcel from the media. But to be fair this isn't surprising - how are we supposed to know about somewhere on the other side of the world without the media deciding to tell us about it, of course, in their own words.

The second point would be: Everything in moderation.

This is just a good idea.

The third would be: Variety is the spice of life.

This also a super-good idea.

And if you think about the above two points (two of my favourite things) then you see why some people could get annoyed with others when you use less brain cells watching the box than you do when you sleep, and if all you do all day is watch tv...

Anyway, I'm not against the points made, (except for some of kwongs), As long as people try to keep an open mind, and think of the above three magic points everything will be balanced.

heh.. naff-ness is being to seep round the corners...eek

I need to find a better word for 'points' don't I...?

Just before I go- George Bush IS an idot. He's drilling for oil in the previously untouched antarctic, interfeering in all sorts of other countries' elections, oil business, nuclear weapon business -All incredibly hypocritically. And has the brain cells of a sea welk that has just been sat on by a huge rock. (sorry to all the sea welks out there).
'Poverty' Wristbands. They are all cool, fine and dandy untill they start selling them on market stalls for profit, and in shops with nothing to do with any charity except for the fact they've scribbled one on the front. I think it's good for the general public to have a little outlet for their assumed guilty consciences too. Good for them, hey.

Ok, now I've probably ruined any chance of not having 'argued against' the 'rubbish things' and have lost possible neutrality. But there we go. I don't want to stand up for these things either as being seriously rubbish or sarcastically rubbish, because of the above three points.

So, er, bye for now (-:=

Yay for kathy, too.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

STONE HENGE!!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
!!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!




wow wow wow! It was AMAZZZZZZZIIIIINNNNNGGGGGGG!!!! I think it really has changed my life. Yeah. I think it has. It was so immensly fun and a whole bucket.

I swoon uncontrollably at the mere thought of that brilliant 12 hours or so. *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*...
I don't think I'll go into details of why it was so fun. I think I'll just go and lie on the floor for a while spazm-ing with glee for the next two hours.

I'm so happy. Except for my only unhappiness is that it ended. And Serena went to glastonbury and I couldn't. And Glastonbury isn't on next year. And my henna tattoo stuff is a load of crap. And me and Kit lost a whole £8.99 keg of beer -Not having touched a single drop of the stuff. Oh, and we lost the twang too. And I'm reeally reeally itching to cut my hair. But I mustn't!! I must grow it! I must get the need for long hair out of my system!! arrgh! And my teeth hurt because the orthadontist mended my brace today. ouuuuuuchhhhy.
But other than that, I'm happy.

yeah man.

Oh heehe.. and some townies drove past me and glastonbury-clad serena today and shouted "wierdos!"

yeah man.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

You're a Boudoir Babe!
Loving luxury, you are confident and assertive. You have a magnetism that makes you stand out from the crowd and love to indulge yourself in extravagant treats. In your opinion every day is a special occasion and nights even more so.

Personalities most like you
Edie from Desperate Housewives
Gwen Stefani

Hah. aren't I the cool one? figleaves.com http://www.revealtherealyou.com/questionnaire/page01.asp?uid=6951679#


You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

Yeah. well, I happen to be of 'that age' when I spend an awful lot of time with my peers. So that's bound to feature heavily. And of course the fact I'm so cool. (I know that's not a relevant comment).

Wow last friday / saturday was fun!! It was so nice to be with soooo many people who are so groovy. The exhibition has to be the fastest and most hectoc 3 hours in my whole life. As it happens. Bit hot as well.. Heheh.. and the prize giving was fun. I got a bottle of wiiiiiine!!! I don't think I've ever won a bottle of wine before. Pity I don't really like wine...maybe my tastes will change within the next week.

Yes. It was very very fun. And so was the after party, and so was the sitting-out-on-the-grass after the after party bit. It was a bit tooo hot though. Then swimming with 3 of my favouritest people was also really really really, really nice.

Oh! and we're going to greeeeeece! yaaaay diddly. And... the week after that..... *dum dum duuuuummmm* We have the house to ourseleves because parents are staying another week abroad!!!! And I assume you all know what that means.

anyway, I have ..things to do. Love you all (-:=

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Due to all the brilliant publicity on the nude site I shall shove down the exciting 'maual handling' post for this more important.. and possibly even more EXCITING news about friday.

MmmMmmmmMmMmmm... partyyyyy..... yum

This friday (the 17th of June 2005)

is the carmarthenshire college foundation in art and design course 's

end of year ART EXHIBITION.

This is on all week, but the opening / private view (you're all welcome to come-and bring your friends) is this particular friday starting at 7pm. There is free wine and nibbles, and of course you get to witness the pinacle of fresh new talent from south south/west wales. The most exciting part of this though - is that afterwards, at 9pm ish everyone hops up the steps by college to...

The Trinity college student Union!

This is where a faaaabulous fancy dress party begins.. with HIP HEAD QUARTERS the amazing, CLARITY from milford Haven (I star in their music video!), and DIRTY DOG spelt with one G not two.. as I was lead to believe..

Then we have awards for the best fancy dress and stuff, I think, and then after my favourite DJ will play! He's called little rich.. or "Tulpas T" and is brilliant and a half. Also Sonus is playing, but I haven't heard him play. He's a cool guy though. (-:=

Then, afterwards, when we get chucked out at the grand hour of 2am we can all go back to 'the' house (which belongs to Kit, Sullies, Tom and Roger who are all scrumptiously lovely guys) and Tulpas T will continue playing hopefully is a dedicated room -with UV and christmas lights - if there is a profit from the ticket sales...

And there we can all go to sleep, or stay up 'till the early morn when we can go and sit infront of the house under the cherry tree on the huge playing field! perfect.

So, bring some nibbles for the house if you want to stay over (a nice gesture.. y'know), pop into the exhibition first if you can sometime after 7, look over 18 if you're not, dress up if you can, have a jolly bucket load of fun, buy a ticket from me, emi or kit before hand if you can for 4 quid (a fiver on the door), but most of all:

please, please... No fighting .... (-:= Thankyou tons

Nighty night, I won't be home again 'till saturday, so I'll see you all at the exhibition in college at the St. David's end of carmarthen. (there are plenty of buses from llandovery too if you're in doubt - number 280 and 281)

I think that's all.. so Byeeee!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

HAHAHahahahah today, we had a MANUAL HANDLING course today!!!!!

Think of the office..

that is how funny it was. They showed us a video- hehehesplutter heh=- which was probably one of the things that my beloved Brass Eye saw to make them (or him) think of doing brass eye. It had those funny dramatic-music titles ..if you know what I mean, the ones brass eye over do x a billion. Heh. makes me giggle. And in this rather badly done video, they showed us how to lift even the humble screwdriver!!! Which- lifted at a certain angle could have a pivoted weight of 500kg!!!! Hah! We were in stiches. Well, quiet ones. The ladies infront of us didn't seems to have seen 'the office' and 'brass eye' and seemed to occasionally nod . Yes.. nod. they seemed to be taking it seriously. Hah. fools. It's obviously so much better to take advantage of the hilariousness and have a jolly good time rather than worry about your 'disks'. (Although I will try and keep my posture better now after seeing those diagrams). Anyway, I don't know if I'm making much sense. I'm really looking forward to the end of the course so I can start reading and writing again. And maybe my short term memory will come back into existance.

post script: Biiiiiiig party on the 17th after the exhibition!! yaaaaay, it's going to be so fun. 3 live bands and 2 DJs, Hip Head quarters, Clarity and Dirty Dogg. OooOooo yeah. Then back to the house for more DJing and partying and lots of people... we've already sold quite a lot of tickets, which'll be fun fitting into the house. yay
must go now, have fun all

xx charlotte

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


(knee gashin')

Sun lovin'
(skin hatin')

adventure havin'
(currency losin')

fun doin'
(no workin')

car sleepin'
(late nightn')

twang gulpin'
(more twang gulpin')

(and more..)

student meetin'
(60s singin')

hippy lovin'
(knackered dancin')

Juice downin'
(tropical overdosin')

car drivin'
(181 mile travelin')

and then..

a whole whack in-da-face with a bon-funkin' load a extra GggGgGgGgGgggggGggg s.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

God isn't it borning when no-one blogs regularly?

Inc. me. Exc. Emi.

Hooray! This week I'm concentrating on:

My evil side.

It hasn't seen day light for too long now, and I think I'm digging myself into an image of fluffy girly daisies and cute things. Argh!
Of course, this excludes home stuff. (Hence the day light part. I am sufficiantly balanced at home. Well. Maybe. But that isn't the point here.)

So, I've decided to focus on a bit of swearing every now and then, some trousers, no bunches (hair), and some nasty comments about people - in a joking way of course.

This may work. But it may also never happen. We'll see. Tomorrow I will shrug off my frilly skirts and don my pink flares. Hmm. With a death metal old t-shirt....? Ok. Maybe not my pink flares. And the nearest thing to a death metal black t-shirt I have is my old "joseph and the technicolour dreamcoat" t-shirt.

Now, does that say something about my true self?

Let's hope not.


I didn't buy it by the way, It was a hand-me-down from my cousin.

Hmm. Chickens. Yeah I know, I've read and seen a few things about what macdonaldscumfaces and-the-like actually do. It is pretty horrible. To say the least. And I don't eat macdonald-snotheads. But I can still keep it out of my mind- being a non veggie and all. When I do eat meat, it is either in college in a roll, or bought by my food-buying-mother from either a butchers or... tesco. *sigh*. I am weak. If I was sensible and had will power I wouldn't eat it. But then in line with my "stop being a frilly girl, you girl" phase, I have to do more things that could quite possibly shorten my life, but make it more fun. Like jumping off things, crossing roads infront of oncoming traffic, and eating meat. Although that's not really quite a relevant 'argument' seeing as it's the animal welfare that is the main problem with eating meat; not that it's more fun or I might hurt my leg doing it. (although it is more fun. But it could be equally as fun not doing it. But think of barbecues, staying at people's houses, parties, and scotch eggs for the fun side of things)

Hmm. I think I'm becoming more vegetarian-state-of-mind. Damn. Thinking about why I am not a veggie:I am arriving to fewer and fewer arguments. The main being: I have no will power. So being veggie wouldn't last long. Anyway. I'm quite happy as I am at the moment I think. And you can still be a non-vegetarian who rarely eats meat. Better than being a naughty vegetarian who often eats meat. I think. .

Hehehe... I've probably wound up quite a few lovely people now. I hate arguments like vegetarianism and fox hunting with dogs that neither side will ever relent or open their mind to the others' side. Well, I like to think some do. Hahah., more people wound up!

Speaking of fox hunting, I had a dream last night. About fox hunting. As it happens. Me and Emi were going through this forest (not deciduous unfortunately) and then it occured to me we were there to find or catch up with something, so I cleverly looked accross (we were on a bit of a bank) and saw the trees below us moving. So I took the initiative to go towards it (hooray for inititive!) (heheehe heheh heee).
We got roughly to the right place, and out ran a fox from another row of trees! We ducked down and watched as it ran one way - heard the huntsman apporaching-then turned and ran the other way - towards us. The huntsman (no red jacket..) promptly emerged from the trees, spotted the fox (who was looking a bit cartoony really) pointed towards him, shouting behind him to the others.
The only problem here was that the path our way was a dead end, thus, the fox had just trapped itself between some kind of a forestry wall and it's enemy.

Oh no! So I jumped out infront of it- so as to guard it from what I suppose were hounds. So me and Emi were inbetween this cartoon-like fox and a huntsman in a brown jacket (complete with baler-twine I think) whom we knew, I think.

And so it ended. This seemed to be a dream of some kind of unconcious revelation. But, I'm against fox hunting as it is, so it was a bit wasted really. I woke up feeling slightly surprised and having 'seen the light' ..about nothing! damn. Maybe that was just a warm-up for tonight and a dream that will bring me into the vegetarian way of life. Who knows.

I do love dreams. Every single moring I wake up with a new bundle of vivid story lines floating around in my head. How joyous!

I have to return now, to the land of cup-a-soup packets arranged on the floor; supermarket trolleys being pushed around (we are 20 minutes walk from any supermarket here); huge wire welded shapes hanging from inbetween cabins, and burning bits your stuff is called work. Hooray!


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Damn.. the whole thing isn't pasting in. Oh well. I would apparently and accurately predicted vote plaid cymru. Jolly good.
Labour -6
Conservative 1
Lib Dem 41
Green 45
Plaid Cymru 58

But what about the Monster raving loony party? Now why don't we have a candidate that I know of round here? ukip smells. (boys smell too sometimes)
Hahah. Boys.
Me and Em spend hours last night dying our hair! wooo! what a girly teenage thing to do. Greatness. the peroxide looked coool. But mine's on the back so I can't actually see if it's now visible now it has henna over it. Ah well. Must go now, see you all (-:=


Thursday, April 21, 2005


Hello again. Yays kath-o kish-i-ness, that was actually really interesting. I'm actually inspired to actually go and read those. The square 'plane' flatlands one sounds kindof hallucinogenic, but life changing.
And I promise I won't say anything about anyone else's blogs again.

Well. Maybe just a brief mention. Like above.
But nothing else.


Anyway, last night was fun. It would have been 'funner' if the whole student union wasn't full of.. well, students from trinity college. Because they're all quite (a lot) townies. Sorry if anyone from trinity reads this.. but y'know. And the music.. well.. the macarena, congo song, Bewitched (remember them?), queen and the stereophonics repeated a mere 6 times (same song) should be reserved for year 7 discos. It was raaaaaather painful at times. But raaaaather funny too. But scary. Everyone looks the same... and .. anyway.

I hope that doesn't count as being mean.. it's not anything about blogs, so that doesn't count..
Oh and the other thing.
Oh, and we kind of lost Kit.. but I'm sure he'll turn up in a bathroom down the road, perhaps. And James' Knee cap slid off.. and Riva wasn't let in, and lots of the fashion lot had to leave for london this morning at 6.30am. Hah! And they only left the house at like 5am ! Tee Hee.

Yay. I'm so excited about Ezra's llyn Brianne on friday. I may have to work on saturday though, which won't be quite as fun.

OoOoOo And everyone has to come to Serena's festival not this week-end the week-end after (30th April). Most people are going from around carmarthen, and Alun (phonetically) has changed the barbecue at porthyrhyd to another weekend so he can and others can come - yeeeeeah! There'll be teepees, bands (-the states, Hip HQ I think.., & one from swansea,) Djs from carmarthen, and there will be equipement that can be used if other bands want to play (hint hint nude, alcatraz m.project, little johnny and if robin dies). Also lots of fire sticks, poi and like-minded groovy happy people!!! It's by Talog, on the fields by Serena's house, which is out of carmarthen a bit in the Newcastle Emlyn direction. I have directions (they're simple) if people want them.

AAAAaaand! It's bank holiday weekend!!! so we have an extra day to be monged out/recover/get home! OoOoOo so exciting. I may even take a tent..

Diddly middly. Twinkly ho and off I go

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Deary me. Once more.

See? Now by getting annoyed that my lovely friends sometimes don't consider their beautiful writings as brilliant as they are I've put people off and changed how they look at the blog. Damn. Well, to completely contradict my previous post - Sorry, you can apologise if you want. Just don't stop writing. please. um. thanks.

I don't know. I think I'll give up on this whole 'you lot are brilliant even if you say your last post hasn't been' topic. P.s. this isn't aimed at any one in particular- it's been building up for years.


Now then.

Perspectives and Reality.

Two very different things, but then again- not always. ever so interesting.
Just, I've been noticing lots of occurances recently. (With Emi too). How perceptions of the same reality change as we grow or do different things (like growing up through school and walking on a different side of a road you are very familiar with); and vary from person to person.

I'm sure millions of people have gone through the motions of noticing this and then have moved on to notice something else, but, just so I remember, this is my turn to notice it. hooray for reality.

Hey... speaking of reality, I don't know if it's just carmarthenshire, but does anyone else notice "The Reality Group" vans driving round the whole time? Like.. at least 3, maybe 4 a day? Because I do. With 'Reality' scrawled accross the side it creeps me out a bit. Very orwellian.

Another car crash this morning. Upside down car in a field/garden just outside llandeilo. I think it was doing the school run because I saw some children being comforted. Amazing really seeing as the windscreen pillar things (that hold the roof up) had given out. Creepy. And the bus driver was saying (to whom, I'm not sure..) that the council have just put up new chevron sign things just around the corner from there yesterday and a lorry went and smashed through one just last night! How inconsiderate! those signs cost money! and the field the lorry went down into is all mashed up now. tut tut.
And there was obviously the crash on monday too, just between llandovery and cynghordy straight. Something-or-other (lorry or transit van I think) on it's side and an axle and pair of wheels on the opposite verge.. urgh. And an air ambulance! And some stupid stupid land rovers that we had to follow around the narrow roads in way of a diversion. Argh! scary, man. Aren't firefighters nice though? Whenever you need saving or cutting out of some crumpled metal or buring room.. they're there. Nice people I think. Maybe I'll become one. Like John-at-the-printers. A part-time / volunteer one. That'd be cool. I could cut people out of stuff.

Tee Hee.

So, I don't know what the weather's like outside.. It was absolutely gorgeous about 1/2 an hour ago, but then 10 minutes ago it was clouding over.. so I don't know. Don't you just love april showers?! hooraaaay! "I wore a summery white shirt today and now it's going to hail so it goes all see-through! wooo!"

Heh.. I'm going to go now, and maybe do some workn'. Going out tonight! hooray for going out. 'twill be jolly fun. Haha.. except for what will probably be annoying. As I told some of you after last wednesday's going out. *sigh*. OoOo and I bought some new trousers yesterday! for 3 quid, 'hiaawge' enormous pink flares! hehehe they're fab. And they fit so well too, which is rare for trousers. Ok, enough detail about trousers.. more working to be done. Bye for now, and remember... don't crash your car. (-:=

testing post - to see if I can post in college (-:=

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Deary me!!! God I wish people would shut up sometimes. Everyone seems to think they're silly, or not as good as everyone else, when they are. They're just as friendly or un-friendly just as nice or un-nice. Everyone is simply human. We're designed to have bad days, or weeks, and designed to be unhappy sometimes. But it doesn't make us less of a friend. Or less of a person worth knowing and worth wanting to be with.

I could go on forever about ..well, most things really. People, how people think and how it is in reality. State of minds is a big favourite. Strange thing really, because we acctually have so little power over our state of mind, (I say it like it's a surprise..(?)) and that is just about the biggest influence of how we live and think. Everything!

Anyway. Kwong has just left, which means I'm in rather a bossy and stubborn mood, because I'm always bossy to kwong because I believe he should try home-made jam, cheese with apples, tea, apricot bread, vegetables, fish, Hull, bananas, vitamin Cs, buses, sleeping, travelling, adventuring and all the other things. Sorry if I sound aggressive anyway.

And there is an example of me demonstrating what I began this post with. But I'm still being aggressive, I just don't want to sound like it's personal. But does that mean I'm just doing what I didn't like...

The other thing that annoys me is when people apologise for posting either a 'boring' post or apologise for a post solely about themselves.


There is no such thing as a boring post if you are friends with that person. If you make the effort to read their blog because you like them and want to know them, then anything they have to say is interesting. I think anyway.

And the whole point of bloggers is to act as a PERSONAL outlet in a literary form, a journal. Based simply around themselves. For themselves.
You didn't start a blog because Wilbur Jones wants you to write about him every week, did you? If he had asked you to start a blog it would be because he's interested in what you've been doing or thinking. There is absolutely zilch wrong it writing every single post about your lovely selves. (Of course there is nothing wrong with writing about something you are interested in, or feel passionate about, or just felt like writing about, but we like to read it still because it is about you and the way you work.) But, there's nothing wrong with writing about you in every post. We love it, because we want to know you.

Right. [Oh.. post script: Wilbur Jones is purely fictional.. sorry if anyone knows anyone by that name..]

But then again, apologising all the time for not being a nice human being all the time is one thing, but apologising on a small scale about possibly offending... is that ok,? I suppose so. As long as it is relevant. And has nothing to do with how you think you're a bad human being.


Am I now just being a complete arse?

And if I was.. and if I was to realise it (or be told it-if anyone had the guts) would I apologise? Because that is what I've been moaning about.. and by airing my annoyance at how everyone lowers themselves and humbles themselves for no reason I'm merely not doing that..
oh this gets too confusing. I think now I'd rather go and vent this kwong-induced-mood on some other poor piece of molecular structure.

Hello kwong - when you get home and read this, it was nice having you over! hope you found something to entertain you in swansea. And get a fish! And apply to Hull! And learn to love health-giving-veggies.

Oh, on a not-so-violent topic, Last Night!!! The party at Matt's old house was so lovely! It was just scrumptious and beautiful and very very happy. I'll remember it, I think, as one of my happiest times. Everyone there was so nice, all my best friends (although of course with a few important ones absent) of whom I have seen so little lately. I discovered that I can speak with a Irish (rather crude) accent with Joe! Which I didn't know I could do. I don't really know where to begin.. everything about it was so nice. Except for the fact we should have go there a bit earlier because we had to leave at 2.30 / 3am ish. It was nice to come home and sleep though- I slept from 3.30am till 11.30 or 12 noon ish. Hah! fab.

And when I say it was beautiful, it was. Really pretty. Every minute was like a gorgeous photo in my mind. People round the fire, their faces, and when they stood up against the starred night, with the bright moon.. river running past, fire jousting, dancing in the strobe, glow balls, paraffin, the half-chair that was thrown on the fire by Joe and rescued by Janie, the lighter I rescued but lost, the beers I ..kind..of. pinched.. .. thankyou, who ever they belonged to. (-:= Ezra borrowing the coat Danny bought me for my birthday when me, him and Emi-doo went to Cake, The coat that I bought with Emi at the beginning of the easter holidays in llandovery charity shop number two, the armwarmers required because the sleeves are too short, the armwarmers I lent Danny when he came over at easter, when Kath Janie and Ralph also did, when we watched Salad fingers, when I spoke to Fiona because I noticed her msn username, photos of brothers, gay-ness and straight-ness, intelligent conversation, clever people, friends who you can talk to, talk to properly,

and there we go. end of train of thought I think.

I will go and do stuff now, for fear that I'll say something I won't want to post. What naughtiness. OooOo bye!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Yo there, this is really Emilie's..(Monsieur Izzard is her thing..) He rules though. Here is the joke of which I am:

[ ohh..college tomorrow..argh.. don't want to get up that early!... karate was brilliant on friday!! yaaaaaah man. And thursday ruled 'cos of te lovely sniggles we had round 'ere in our little abode.. oOoO..I had my blood pressure checked on saturday! (the rotary were doing it in brecon town centre) it ruled. Bet none of you know what your blood pressure is! naaah haah nah! mine is very low, which is jolly good, but I shouldn't get out of bed too speedy. Back to what's important now: ]

THE SQUIRREL JOKE!Just because youre profane doesnt mean youre not
hilarious. Youre the unique kind of joke
people remember for a long time.

Which Eddie Izzard Joke Are You?
jiggly wiggly-o char charl charlott-o

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Two full days in bed!

A Dream come true, perhaps?


Yuck Yuck yuckckckckckc Not when you can't move 'cos your stomach is being ever so peculiar and you've been throwing up and have a fever whenever you try and stand up; -with what seems to have turned out to be the north-carmarthenshire-clan's sick bug.

Yucky yuck. I'm so bored of this.. woke up on ......monday ( I think) morning instantly feeling my tummy as being weird.. made my way to the toilet and back, only to lie on my bed curled up for a while..and say to Emi (being just round the corner on her bed) that I'm not feeling to good.. and her to reply that she isn't either! weirdness. She beat me to being sick first though. And you feel better after being sick.. I suppose.

So that was monday. Bed. I lay there, except for when I got up-all day. A whole 24 hours I stayed in that bed. Argh! And my brother had all his friends round for his birthday party and I could hear them all running about and being outdoors and such fun things. *sigh*

My bed is also very soft -which is normally a good thing, but because I'd been laying in it for so long my back was abolutely killing me. And despite having slept quite a bit and having been sick a few times I was dead bored. Amazingly enough. Also at 10 pm 'A Fish Called Wanda' was due to be on television, and so I decided to try and get out of bed and aim to be downstairs in half an hour for that. But that ended up in my lying on the stairs in a hot sweat unable to go any further. I managed it though, good thing I set off early.

I tried eating something while watching John Cleese and Michael Palin and I managed a whole two small slices of apple and a sip of banana milk shake! *sigh*
Anyway, so there I stayed, in front of the television. I couldn't face going back to bed because my back hurt too much, (not that I could make it that far vertically anyway) so I rolled onto the floor and half slept there. Hehe.. I had the television on all night which was really weird - emi stayed up till 1 or half 1am then made her way to bed, still feeling a bit headachey and tummy-poorly. But it was fun watching late-night rubbish with her on tv for a bit.

Also there was an earthquake wasn't there..? I don't know if I dreamt it or not, because I'd left it on BBC 1 all night and I remember trying to tell my mum in the morning but I couldn't think of the word for earth quake.. Poor Indonesia and malaysia.. scary stuff

So, I stayed on the floor 'till the next 12 hour mark (about 10am) when my back began to hurt the opposite way from being on such a hard surface for so long.
I tried to get some food I think, after a while, a bit of home-made bread and marmite, and some tomatoes, then felt stable enough to HAVE a BATH!! yaaaay! that was sooo good. But then I felt really tired and wobbily again so I went back to bed till half twoish. Mmmm sleep. Then I woke up and felt like I should be well enough to do something by now, but my hand/eye coordination wasn't working all that well and I was knackered.. so I gave up and lay in front of the television again with my quilt. *sigh*

Oh! And then me and Emi ended up watching the Little Mermaid video!!!! It was fantastic!!! Hehehe. I love the little mermaid. It really is such a jolly good film. I highly reccomend it.

And here I am now after a bit more television and recouperation. Emi says that Janie and Ezie have also been sicking and before Jessie's awesome party Danny'd been up all night decorating the toilet with his innards, poor Danny. I'd like to know what it is that's made everyone ill all of a sudden, before whe knew about Janra and Ezra we blamed it on the poor quiche, which was maybe a little unfair on the quiche. and I've just heard that Jas, Tom and Ray have had the illness too...awww

It really was a brilliant party! I had so much fun. It was so lovely to see everyone -especially the people I haven't seen in ages. And especially the people I have seen recently too actually.
Little Johnny played so well.. fantabulousness.

Hah.. Dylan from Boston is also ill! What is the world coming to.

Oh and Beth's 18th was pretty cool! I did have a nice time, pity me and Em couldn't get there any earlier, but it was good anyway. Happy eighteenth beffy (-:=

Ohh.. I keep getting dizzy and I feel strangely hot.. (sorry if this blog has been a bit too much detail for you..but that's what blogs are for me 'dears ) I have to go to carmarthen tomorrow to a) have an adventure with bethy and b) have a brace (full). Which'll be fun.. interesting.. hmm

anyway I'm off now, see you all later lovelies. p.s. wednesday/thursday of next week round here, anyone? assuming we haven't all died of the black death by then..

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Hey there lovelies. (And you are.)

I'm feeling drained. And weak. I need a hug, and I want to see some of you nice friends. But I'm here and you're there. Ah well. (I keep finding myself talking in soppy cliches...argh! help!)

My throat is hurting lots still.. since last saturday! this can't be right. And it's not sore either.. it just hurts. I'm even contemplating seeing the doctor about it maybe... which means it's prety extreme. It hurts!! I tried getting a bit of extra sleep last night, instead of the usual 6 or 7 hours, but Bryony begged me to come and pick her up from town, so I obliged and stayed up till 11 (after working a long day at the shop and feeling very very worn out might I add), Then with a losing-my-voice-style-throat and constantly sipping warm water drinks I phoned her to check and ask where from. Then after I'd gone upstairs, got a jumper on, after agreeing to leave 1/4 hour later than planned because of the 'please pleeeasssse' es she phones 10 minutes later and says she doesn't need a lift now. Argghghgh!! that was just quite a horrible thing to do! I got quite upset and just went and collapsed on my bed for a bit. I was just so tired. And annoyed that Bryony could be so inconsiderate. Earlier in the day she'd been screaming and shouting at my mum to go and pick her up (she does say some pretty nasty things when she's cross) when I'd already said I would (she didn't seem to notice that.. haven't a clue why.)
Anyway. That's enough of that. It's her problem really. Oh this morning is such a beautiful day! I'm itching to go outside and.. well, erm.. do the kind of sun-worshiping grass-rolling flower-smelling hill-running bare-footing things you do on the first day of sun in a very long while.
Although I would like to share it with someone. Emi! come home from your dads! And anyone who wants to come here in easter (anyone is welcome at all! even if you live just down the road) tell me so I can sort out when I'm working and such, I hope it's lovely weather!! then we can have gathering-style sunny friendly beautiful days that include jumping in rivers and shooting bow and arrows and having vegetarian barbecues and hugging people. Oh lovely of loveliness.

I have to get offline now because Edward's pestering me. Ah well. I'm going to go and do some bunny-hugging and grass lying and prancing like it spring now. byes (-:=

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Urgh. Quite a nice day in college I suppose.. didn't involve much stress, crying, deaths, dodgy old men, or anything very eventfull really. Of which I am very glad. Yesterday me, Emi, Danny, Joe and Jas went to mpyt which was fun, seeing as we played games all night and I haven't seen the latter three for waaaay too long. But it just meant we got home at 11pm, and after me and Emi had made our lunch for today and had a bath it was going on 12.15 which -when I had to get up at 6.15am -isn't enough! I keep missing out on the early (9 till 10.30) hours which means I only get 6 or 7 hours sleep. Oh how I miss it.

After last week's excitement I'm happy to have a quiet week, and I think all I have planned (after mpyt on tues and karate on monday) is a choice or karate/ fat lace /face off (swansea) on friday. hmmm-diddly. Oh and I have to find somewhere (NON-RUGBY related) to go to on friday because Bryony wants picking up. But then again I might not. I dunno. I really just want to spend the whole time in my beautiful bed.

Hahahaah Ollie's broken his finger! And unsurprisingly it was in an anvil-related-accident! tee hee.

So, anyway. In college we're starting our 'major projects' which count towards 50% of our grade and last untill the end of the course. We have to make our own briefs too, which is actually more fun than I thought. Guess what I'm doing!?!?! A whole project on Match boxes!!! Hehehe. I'm so chuffed 'cos it's the most original idea in our group. Mwahahaha! Match boxes rule so much. If anyone has any ideas, or match boxes even, feel free to email me. You should know my address by now, seeing as I've had it since I started on the internet when I was about 9 or 10. charlbunny@hotmail.com, obviously.

I must go now, It's 8.23 pm. nearly bed-y-bies. And we have a new wireless keyboard which is driving me nuts because all the keys are different sizes and I can't touch type very well on it. grrr! *sobs*

love you all.... night night x xx x x

Friday, March 11, 2005

Wow. What a week.
Quite a bit has happened. But maybe it's one of those 'quite a lot has happened' that you can't really describe to anyone while succeding to convey the feelings and atmosphere surrounding them. But I'll give you an outline because it's been dead fun!!
Oh- but before I start, these are the times I spent travelling last week: monday:8 hours, Tuesday:3 hours, Wednesday:8 hours, Thursday:3 hours, Friday 4 hours. And they correspond fairly well to the hours I had of sleep too. On sunday I had 2 hours sleep, then went off to college and had a horrible assesment. Which did encourage the release of any inhibitions about partying all week to make myself feel a bit more alive again. So, that was monday.
Tuesday! Oh lovely tuesday.. I actually had a LIE IN!! Sooooo chuffed. A full scrumptious 12 hours. Haven't done that in way too long. Woke up, went on net, had bath, walked to the train station at 2, (hitching half way there with a cool guy in an old mini), saw Emi going the opposite way to me on the train before mine while I was waiting at the station. Heh. cought train to swansea. Met up with serena for her birthday meal at her friends' house-really scrummy and very much of it. Went out to the Monkey (fun), came home to serena's other friends' house at 2ish, slept at I-don't-know-what-time,
~wednesday ~ woke at 11am and watched all of the Brass Eye episodes I hadn't seen [ -mmmmm brass eye....] Then actually began watching what seems to be the underground classic of our generation - The Labyrinth! Which I have fond-ish memories of from when I was very little (David Bowie scared me a lot) But then we went somewhere instead. can't remember where. So I didn't finish that. Oh yes, then me and Serena drove to Bristol, to see Lemon Jelly! Woooo! How cool. In the same place me and Beth saw Snow Patrol 11 months ago too. AND with the same drum'n'bass people playing in the famous 'Arc Bar'. Strangeness. Lemon Jelly were very good. Yes. Very good. After it finished we faffed around for a bit then decided not to go to the Arc Bar seeing as it would have cost 4 quid each for like an hour and a half.
I don't know if anyone reading this knows of a fantastic graffiti artist called 'Banksy'.. ? If you do, you rule. His work is so amazing, we walked up to see one of his pieces and met a guy walking past who gave us a graffiti tour of the art in that area of Bristol. It was cool.. there was some pretty beautiful pieces. Then let us skip to Thursday.
Here be thursday. Back in swansea at 6am. Now at 11am and serena hasn't slept and I've just had a couple of hours, we go out for a walk with all the guys (who we stayed with the other night-and who played in the monkey on tuesday)we go to the Uni to hand in an essay, visit some peoples and then go and play frisbee in the park! Yays! It was really fun. there were swings too which was even funner! (hehehe.. "funner") We had fun hiding in trees and climbing fences till about 4 when we walked home and watched 'Team America' (which was quite funny) when the guys promtly fell asleep because they hadn't slept since the night before.
We then had to leave to come back to carmarthen for Spunge. Which was quite difficult. Spunge were brilliant though!! It was SOOOOoooooo much fun!!! I loved it! the crowd atmosphere was really good and just plain old great. After the set the dj played some pretty cool system of a down, green day, placebo, prodigy and such brilliance. It's rare that you can dance to music that the dj is playing you actually like rather than silly pop stuff. (Except for when at drum'n'bass or live gigs obviously. I then chatted to the lead singer, and 'Jarvis' the bassist, the drummer, the other bands and the tour manager - oh and went on the tour bus. (HAH!!!!! and they gave me two free beers as well! Hah hah hah hah!)

Went back to the house and lasted perhaps 1/2 hour to an hour before giving in and going to bed, mainly because I couldn't keep my eyes open so I thought it was the best idea. Mmmmm bed.

Slept till nearly 10ish am and made my dased (dazed?) way to college. And that is where I am now. Tonight I have two hours of Karate! hooray. I'm looking forward to sleep though. Although this is quite fun.

Of course the above is an edited, shortened, PG certified version. I can't explain all the lovely people I met either. It has been so fun. I don't think it's been internally healthy, but mentally it's been a great learning experience as much as just having fun. good times. I could do with this party on saturday too.. seeing as I can drive again now!! woooo! yays! parties!!

Bye! (-:=