bunny in a beret

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Urgh. Quite a nice day in college I suppose.. didn't involve much stress, crying, deaths, dodgy old men, or anything very eventfull really. Of which I am very glad. Yesterday me, Emi, Danny, Joe and Jas went to mpyt which was fun, seeing as we played games all night and I haven't seen the latter three for waaaay too long. But it just meant we got home at 11pm, and after me and Emi had made our lunch for today and had a bath it was going on 12.15 which -when I had to get up at 6.15am -isn't enough! I keep missing out on the early (9 till 10.30) hours which means I only get 6 or 7 hours sleep. Oh how I miss it.

After last week's excitement I'm happy to have a quiet week, and I think all I have planned (after mpyt on tues and karate on monday) is a choice or karate/ fat lace /face off (swansea) on friday. hmmm-diddly. Oh and I have to find somewhere (NON-RUGBY related) to go to on friday because Bryony wants picking up. But then again I might not. I dunno. I really just want to spend the whole time in my beautiful bed.

Hahahaah Ollie's broken his finger! And unsurprisingly it was in an anvil-related-accident! tee hee.

So, anyway. In college we're starting our 'major projects' which count towards 50% of our grade and last untill the end of the course. We have to make our own briefs too, which is actually more fun than I thought. Guess what I'm doing!?!?! A whole project on Match boxes!!! Hehehe. I'm so chuffed 'cos it's the most original idea in our group. Mwahahaha! Match boxes rule so much. If anyone has any ideas, or match boxes even, feel free to email me. You should know my address by now, seeing as I've had it since I started on the internet when I was about 9 or 10. charlbunny@hotmail.com, obviously.

I must go now, It's 8.23 pm. nearly bed-y-bies. And we have a new wireless keyboard which is driving me nuts because all the keys are different sizes and I can't touch type very well on it. grrr! *sobs*

love you all.... night night x xx x x


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