bunny in a beret

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Deary me. Once more.

See? Now by getting annoyed that my lovely friends sometimes don't consider their beautiful writings as brilliant as they are I've put people off and changed how they look at the blog. Damn. Well, to completely contradict my previous post - Sorry, you can apologise if you want. Just don't stop writing. please. um. thanks.

I don't know. I think I'll give up on this whole 'you lot are brilliant even if you say your last post hasn't been' topic. P.s. this isn't aimed at any one in particular- it's been building up for years.


Now then.

Perspectives and Reality.

Two very different things, but then again- not always. ever so interesting.
Just, I've been noticing lots of occurances recently. (With Emi too). How perceptions of the same reality change as we grow or do different things (like growing up through school and walking on a different side of a road you are very familiar with); and vary from person to person.

I'm sure millions of people have gone through the motions of noticing this and then have moved on to notice something else, but, just so I remember, this is my turn to notice it. hooray for reality.

Hey... speaking of reality, I don't know if it's just carmarthenshire, but does anyone else notice "The Reality Group" vans driving round the whole time? Like.. at least 3, maybe 4 a day? Because I do. With 'Reality' scrawled accross the side it creeps me out a bit. Very orwellian.

Another car crash this morning. Upside down car in a field/garden just outside llandeilo. I think it was doing the school run because I saw some children being comforted. Amazing really seeing as the windscreen pillar things (that hold the roof up) had given out. Creepy. And the bus driver was saying (to whom, I'm not sure..) that the council have just put up new chevron sign things just around the corner from there yesterday and a lorry went and smashed through one just last night! How inconsiderate! those signs cost money! and the field the lorry went down into is all mashed up now. tut tut.
And there was obviously the crash on monday too, just between llandovery and cynghordy straight. Something-or-other (lorry or transit van I think) on it's side and an axle and pair of wheels on the opposite verge.. urgh. And an air ambulance! And some stupid stupid land rovers that we had to follow around the narrow roads in way of a diversion. Argh! scary, man. Aren't firefighters nice though? Whenever you need saving or cutting out of some crumpled metal or buring room.. they're there. Nice people I think. Maybe I'll become one. Like John-at-the-printers. A part-time / volunteer one. That'd be cool. I could cut people out of stuff.

Tee Hee.

So, I don't know what the weather's like outside.. It was absolutely gorgeous about 1/2 an hour ago, but then 10 minutes ago it was clouding over.. so I don't know. Don't you just love april showers?! hooraaaay! "I wore a summery white shirt today and now it's going to hail so it goes all see-through! wooo!"

Heh.. I'm going to go now, and maybe do some workn'. Going out tonight! hooray for going out. 'twill be jolly fun. Haha.. except for what will probably be annoying. As I told some of you after last wednesday's going out. *sigh*. OoOo and I bought some new trousers yesterday! for 3 quid, 'hiaawge' enormous pink flares! hehehe they're fab. And they fit so well too, which is rare for trousers. Ok, enough detail about trousers.. more working to be done. Bye for now, and remember... don't crash your car. (-:=


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