bunny in a beret

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Due to all the brilliant publicity on the nude site I shall shove down the exciting 'maual handling' post for this more important.. and possibly even more EXCITING news about friday.

MmmMmmmmMmMmmm... partyyyyy..... yum

This friday (the 17th of June 2005)

is the carmarthenshire college foundation in art and design course 's

end of year ART EXHIBITION.

This is on all week, but the opening / private view (you're all welcome to come-and bring your friends) is this particular friday starting at 7pm. There is free wine and nibbles, and of course you get to witness the pinacle of fresh new talent from south south/west wales. The most exciting part of this though - is that afterwards, at 9pm ish everyone hops up the steps by college to...

The Trinity college student Union!

This is where a faaaabulous fancy dress party begins.. with HIP HEAD QUARTERS the amazing, CLARITY from milford Haven (I star in their music video!), and DIRTY DOG spelt with one G not two.. as I was lead to believe..

Then we have awards for the best fancy dress and stuff, I think, and then after my favourite DJ will play! He's called little rich.. or "Tulpas T" and is brilliant and a half. Also Sonus is playing, but I haven't heard him play. He's a cool guy though. (-:=

Then, afterwards, when we get chucked out at the grand hour of 2am we can all go back to 'the' house (which belongs to Kit, Sullies, Tom and Roger who are all scrumptiously lovely guys) and Tulpas T will continue playing hopefully is a dedicated room -with UV and christmas lights - if there is a profit from the ticket sales...

And there we can all go to sleep, or stay up 'till the early morn when we can go and sit infront of the house under the cherry tree on the huge playing field! perfect.

So, bring some nibbles for the house if you want to stay over (a nice gesture.. y'know), pop into the exhibition first if you can sometime after 7, look over 18 if you're not, dress up if you can, have a jolly bucket load of fun, buy a ticket from me, emi or kit before hand if you can for 4 quid (a fiver on the door), but most of all:

please, please... No fighting .... (-:= Thankyou tons

Nighty night, I won't be home again 'till saturday, so I'll see you all at the exhibition in college at the St. David's end of carmarthen. (there are plenty of buses from llandovery too if you're in doubt - number 280 and 281)

I think that's all.. so Byeeee!


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