bunny in a beret

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I've just had a quick look at a randomly selected past post (as it happened, the 1st of march 2004) and it's so cool... hehe the little things you forget in, what, only 2 years! (sarcasm). It was around the time of when we went to see My Red Cell in Builth, and when me and Bethy went on our adventure to Bristol to see Snow Patrol (who I don't even like that much, but it was a very fun adventure). Aww I like... stuff. My life, etc.

In the meantime:
My pirate name is:
Bloody Charity Flint
Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the charlotteiscool.fidus.org network

Ho ho ho... that's emi's pirate quiz thing. I'm going to try and fill it in how I guess emi would and see if I can get her name...

And now for the Current News Events, with our correspondent, me:

Listening to Postal Service. mmm.. yum. They remind me of 3 people, mainly because they're the only 3 people that I've heard talk about them. Pete from work at the climb centre, because he said I should listen to them, Ralph because I remember he was obsessed with them around christmas time, and who gave me the copies I have of them now, and Emi, just because I asked her what she thought of them once.
Exciting stuff, eh!?

Big Green Gathering tomorrroooow... woo. I hope it doesn't rain. I don't mind cloud or wind or pretend rain, or even some sun, but rain isn't very fun when you're camping for a week at a festival. Oh well, twill be fun anyway. Nice that there are a few of us going, I didn't realise before because me and Lauren organised to go separately, Janie is going (-:= Adam, Dan and Abbie, Ben, Ezra, Luke and...some others I may have forgotten or don't know about. Yays. I'm looking forward, I think. I suppose.

My head's feeling a bit uuuurrr at the moment. It get's very tired very quickly.. one or two days at work and I'm dying.. I think it's the lack of sleep (8 hours at very most, when I prefer to survive on 10++) and all the travelling. Damnit! I said, when I left foundation-course-of-4-hours-commuting-a-day and did my back in (still done-in now) that I wouldn't do stupid commuting again. And here I am... Although, this is only 2 hours a day, and I am either driving or getting a lift in the car, so that's not a back breaking bus at least. I'm having a rest now anyway. Well.. does going to a festival for a week count as a rest? heh heh heh..

And now for the Sport..

There isn't any sport. well.. I suppose I could stretch it.. In work yesterday they designed the 2-hour-activity-session race, ... which involves doing everything that we take kids on in the 2-hour-activty session in as fast-a-time as you can. We estimated 5 minutes, and Rhys did it in 5:08 which was impressive! and Will followed with 5:32 or something.. which is also impressive. I think I'd be one of the slowest.. and I'd rather not be. But it involves two fairly long runs down from the kit store and back which seemed to really kill the others. I'm missing it this week too when the others will give it a go. fun.

And the weather:
Hmm.. Lauren's been trying to get through to me, and so I should get off the interrrrnet.. The weather? 's bin the hottest few weeks since the grand old beginning of time or something, and now the rain has come a bit, which is much needed, admittedly. At the moment it's nice and blustery... I like blustery. It's romantic and dark and exciting. I can imagine wearing a cloak sitting on a dark steed on a moor when it's blustery.

Wooo/.. And that's all from this desk. (-:=


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