bunny in a beret

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Our shop window was smashed last night. Death by Beer Bottle at 2am.

This is so horrible. Stupid fucking drunks. I'm never going to either be drunk again or ever throw anything when I am drunk. Or.. I'm going to find the bloody fat idiot that did it and poke him in the eye balls. And make him pay the 3 or 400 quid it'll cost to replace. Including all the sign work that needs to be re-done now.

So horrible! My dad had to wake up and drive over to Brecon (3/4 hour drive) to go and see his shop window wrecked by idiots. And he says there's even CCTV watching our street, so if the police 'can be bothered' they could probably see who it was. I hope they do bother.

It's scary sometimes how you can wake up and your little delicate world may have changed, for good or for bad. You could wake up and one of your family could have just died.. just like that. You'd be waiting for them to get ready.. and they just lie there. You could wake up with your house completely upside down because it's been burgled - while you were sleeping. You could come down stairs in your pajamas in the morning and find London doesn't exist anymore. Or simply that one of your favourite trees has lost a branch.

I don't like it. But I like sleeping enough luckily. I had lots of dreams last night. One was a very clear story about a few of us (the edinburgh lot perhaps) lived in this town, and there was this little black lady who was a bit nuts, and a lesbian and she kept scaring me. (yes, her), and there were even the crags in a slightly different formation, which we had to walk up in ski boots. And I did Graffitti, one I did of hands, and one of a face. It was a nice feeling but I woke up slightly annoyed that I hadn't finished one of them. Ah well.


  • people suck elephant testicles. especially drunken hooligans. why not do something creative like paint a pretty picture or build a house out of bubble gum when youre drunk? nooo...lets all smash people's shops up, hooray! not. if i had lots of money i'd get you a new window. but alas. no money do i have. if you find out who broke your window, can i roast their nipples on a....reallly hot thing?

    By Blogger David, at 6:51 pm  

  • aww thanks ralph

    I know, people should be encouraged to be more creative when in such an easily swayed condition.
    Well our lot are pretty cool though I think, we're not too bad on the creative front, but maybe we should paint more pictures at parties. Heh Heh.. that would be fun

    By Blogger Charlotta, at 2:22 pm  

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