bunny in a beret

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

So. Hello. I have mumps.

So I'm being quarantined till it goes, because I'm apparently highly infectious. Ghhar. Oh well, I suppose it's another tick in a student-cliche box. And I haven't really ever had to stay away from people properly before. Should be interesting. I feel a bit like I'm preparing for some kind of nuclear war, stocking up on the old tinned soups and honey...

But not really.
I'm glad because I got to eat some stuff today. That's always good. And I've spent most of today awake too. Lauren was lovely and did my shopping for me, so that I could go straight home after the doctor visit, and not infect the rest of the population who didn't go for their second mmr jab... *sigh..* you always think it won't happen to you, don't you.

Well anyway - I got some honey, yummy 25p natural yogurt, a banana!! soups, chocolate! and she bought me some strawberries too!! woo. they were a bit hard to get my painful jaw around, but I've found that pain is eased by just putting more honey on anything. And chocolate - despite causing pain by inducing saliva production - cancels itself out because it kind of numbs pain too. mmm... (or am I just making that up?). (Do I care?).

It's better than just living off semolina anyway. I had some for dinner last night, and for breakfast this morning.. and it hurt SO SO much.. I was gasping for the paracetemol. Ouchy ouchy. Not doing that again. (eating without the protection of drugs).

Hmm. This should be a little adventure in itself I think. Although I am missing lots of fun things )-:=
Oh well. Hopefully I'll survive.

xxx x charloinflatedface xx


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