bunny in a beret

Sunday, June 19, 2005


You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

Yeah. well, I happen to be of 'that age' when I spend an awful lot of time with my peers. So that's bound to feature heavily. And of course the fact I'm so cool. (I know that's not a relevant comment).

Wow last friday / saturday was fun!! It was so nice to be with soooo many people who are so groovy. The exhibition has to be the fastest and most hectoc 3 hours in my whole life. As it happens. Bit hot as well.. Heheh.. and the prize giving was fun. I got a bottle of wiiiiiine!!! I don't think I've ever won a bottle of wine before. Pity I don't really like wine...maybe my tastes will change within the next week.

Yes. It was very very fun. And so was the after party, and so was the sitting-out-on-the-grass after the after party bit. It was a bit tooo hot though. Then swimming with 3 of my favouritest people was also really really really, really nice.

Oh! and we're going to greeeeeece! yaaaay diddly. And... the week after that..... *dum dum duuuuummmm* We have the house to ourseleves because parents are staying another week abroad!!!! And I assume you all know what that means.

anyway, I have ..things to do. Love you all (-:=


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