bunny in a beret

Monday, March 27, 2006

I am practically better. But I'm still indoors. I was going to go to my tutorial today, but decided I couldn't be bothered. Now I should go out, because I have things to do, but I feel quite uncomfortable, warm, and like I'd rather not. My face is still a bit swollen, but that's not too bad. My hair feels bad and the same as always. I feel uncomfortable. I think the main factor is what I'm wearing, and how it makes me feel. I too hot anyway, and this stupid stupid green shirt just makes me feel like a horrible green colour. - I have nothing against green, but I have very much against this combination of pale green and yellow and white when it's a badly shaped shirt on me. Argh crap.

I don't know how everyone else isn't as affected by what they wear as I am..

Anyway. I've been musing over the idea of old blog posts. Because I've been in my room a whole week, some things that have been waiting to be done for ages have been done (Not very many, mind you), but this morning I decided to eventually back up and save the old malaysian travel blog. It is quite valuable, after all.
I haven't read through it properly yet, but just glancing at bits have reminded me of things I had forgotten! I don't want to forget bits of it!

Also, in may, this blog will be three years old. That, I am proud of I think. In this modern technological age blah blah... It's done well to survive and remain in usage regularly. I'll have to go through this one and save it all too ..soon. One day.

It is also raining and ..erm.. wet, outside.

Oh ok. I'm going to have to do it. I'm going to get changed.

Yes. I will.

Just.. when this Radio 4 program finishes..

Or am I listening to radio 4 a bit toooo much now...

But it's raining !! and I feel rubbish!! Isn't that good enough excuse not to go out??

The very fact I'm saying that proves I need to do it.

it's big and scary outside. There are lots of people.. and .. oxford road..

I went outside on saturday night. When I was beginning to feel a bit better. I wanted to test my wobbily legs. It was really cool!! Everything seemed so crisp and clear, and delicious and full of opportunity.. I walked out of whitworth park to the shop, and because I was looking very shifty (hiding behind my jumper, and just wondering around the shop) I wanted to a) treat myself and b) proved the bouncer wrong that I wasn't going to nick anything, so I bought a muffin.

It hurt my jaw, and didn't taste all that amazing. But still. Someone told me to " smile, beautiful!" on the way back into the gates, so that made me feel a bit better, considering my face was still all deformed.

Now it doesn't seem quite so clear and beautiful and real outside.

But then I'm not actually outside, am I?

Oh shut up brain. I'm going. Wish me luck!



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