bunny in a beret

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Hey there lovelies. (And you are.)

I'm feeling drained. And weak. I need a hug, and I want to see some of you nice friends. But I'm here and you're there. Ah well. (I keep finding myself talking in soppy cliches...argh! help!)

My throat is hurting lots still.. since last saturday! this can't be right. And it's not sore either.. it just hurts. I'm even contemplating seeing the doctor about it maybe... which means it's prety extreme. It hurts!! I tried getting a bit of extra sleep last night, instead of the usual 6 or 7 hours, but Bryony begged me to come and pick her up from town, so I obliged and stayed up till 11 (after working a long day at the shop and feeling very very worn out might I add), Then with a losing-my-voice-style-throat and constantly sipping warm water drinks I phoned her to check and ask where from. Then after I'd gone upstairs, got a jumper on, after agreeing to leave 1/4 hour later than planned because of the 'please pleeeasssse' es she phones 10 minutes later and says she doesn't need a lift now. Argghghgh!! that was just quite a horrible thing to do! I got quite upset and just went and collapsed on my bed for a bit. I was just so tired. And annoyed that Bryony could be so inconsiderate. Earlier in the day she'd been screaming and shouting at my mum to go and pick her up (she does say some pretty nasty things when she's cross) when I'd already said I would (she didn't seem to notice that.. haven't a clue why.)
Anyway. That's enough of that. It's her problem really. Oh this morning is such a beautiful day! I'm itching to go outside and.. well, erm.. do the kind of sun-worshiping grass-rolling flower-smelling hill-running bare-footing things you do on the first day of sun in a very long while.
Although I would like to share it with someone. Emi! come home from your dads! And anyone who wants to come here in easter (anyone is welcome at all! even if you live just down the road) tell me so I can sort out when I'm working and such, I hope it's lovely weather!! then we can have gathering-style sunny friendly beautiful days that include jumping in rivers and shooting bow and arrows and having vegetarian barbecues and hugging people. Oh lovely of loveliness.

I have to get offline now because Edward's pestering me. Ah well. I'm going to go and do some bunny-hugging and grass lying and prancing like it spring now. byes (-:=


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