bunny in a beret

Monday, October 02, 2006

Hey all.

Rwy just moin dweud mae popeth yn iawn fyn'hyn yn manky-chester. Rwyn eisiau'r wlad quel que fois, ond mae'd iawn spose.

Enough of that written welsh /french/english mix! I do love using my welsh now.. but I've always been able to speak it a bit better than write it correctly.. or understandably! heh.

I have written big big long emails to people, so I'm not going to repeat it. But basically all is cool. I'm doing waaaaaay too much.. but I want to do it all!!! I'm climbing lots and lots, spurred on by the fact dave keeps making me competitive by saying that other new girls in the club that have the same name as me will climb harder than me. Which is really quite annoying, and I really hate it sometimes.. it does get to me - as some of you will know when people group me and Bryony in the same category and I feel we're being judged as to who is the best - my achillies heel. - But, it is making me climb hard!!! heh. I just get scared people will compare us then like the other person more, and I'll be left and be rubbish. )-:= But this particular competition doesn't EVEN EXIST, I must remember. Silly Dave. (and me). damnit.

Anyway.. other stuff: People are nice. It's taken a while to find some really nice people, but I do like them.
The house is cool - I don't really feel I've had time to absorb the new feeling of living in a house, but it is nice. I think I keep annoying my housemates a bit though, because I'm rarely there I tend not to do the washing up much or put the rubbish out and stuff.. but I do when I am there.. but I think they are there a lot more than me, so they notice it not being done...
We also have a rota of 6 cleaning-related things to do each week. Which I always forget should be done by the end of the weekend, - when I'm usually climbing. Oh well! I do try and do my bit. I'll do some more today.

Wallet left on bus. Oh well. This'll be interesting!

Ice Hockey soon!!!!! I'm SO looking forward... I do hope the ice-rink isn't too late over scedule. Grrr! There's a social tomorrow night, so along with the 5 other things I'm meant to be doing I think I'll go.

Better go now actually.
Hello to everyone that reads this. I do like it when people blog - even if it's quite rarely like Janie and Ralph, it's nice. Emi especially. And hello Alisha, you mentioned you checked this occasionally. (-:=

Argh.. hunger time. Byes for now lovelies! Remember everyone is equal in goodness. xx x charlo


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