bunny in a beret

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Hmm. I'm in the shop at the mo, trying, again, to use up some time until I can get a lift home when M has finished the delivery of another computer. At least tonight it's my own doing that I'm waiting and will get home late and not have any time to do anything; by choosing not to drive home, even though I have the car, and to get a lift this way and that tomorrow.

I apologise for any wobbily bits in this passage, I'm listening to radio 4 listen again: loose ends, and the poetry and comedians are distracting my train of thought. tis good though.

Hmm.. yes. Work is good. I do enjoy it. Most..no, pretty much all of the other climbing staff are un-enthusiastic and pesimistic about the job, and I am resolute to retain my optimism and good feelings about it (was that the proper use of 'resolute'? (-:=) Today I took a group of 13 devonshire school children of 11-14 years, doing the indoor activities, and in the afternoon I had a 5 year old and a 7 year old, all to my self, which was quite entertaining. slightly demanding though.. gotta keep an eye or two on those 5 year olds... oh, and how do you explain what friction is? Yesterday was really nice too, it being "the hottest day" I shared a group with 2 other instructors in the morn indoors, and didn't have a group in the afternoon! So I chose to sit outside in the sun / shade and watch the group on the rope course! Dubbed the 'water girl' because I supplied about 12 litres of water to keep the kids (and staff) from dehydrating and ..well, dying to be honest. Someone has to do these important jobs, you see. What would they do without me I wonder?! hehee. mmm things are fun.

I'm beginning to get thoughts of low (image) self esteem though I think.. I keep noticing thoughts of being overweight and such.. and I think it's down to having to wear climbing clothes day in day out. What I wear really has an affect on me, and although my climbing stuff isn't too bad, I don't have that many options and they tend to be top and trousers, and not particularly great ones sometimes, so when it all adds up, I forget what it's like to wear nice, flowy, colourful, layered, flattering, comfortable, nice clothes. Dangerous stuff, man. I do feel like I'm eating too much though, despite not actually gaining weight as such, apparently. Eating tends to be a social thing when I get home, because that's where people tend to be, in the kitchen -who aren't watching television or a computer screen; and I want to talk.. but being in there, I tend to eat while talking. Hmm. I do like people. Also, I have no will power, and I don't connect food with extra mass. buggero. Oh well, I'll try and get some will power.. and Look forward to Becky's barbecue on saturday when I can wear some proper clothes!! and dance!! mmm..d'n'b...

This is going to be a right 'I've got time to waste so I'm going to write everything I can think of' type of post.

Sleeping. = Grrr. Usually, Sleeping = wooooooo yum yum yum!!!
I'm sleeping on the floor in my proper room now.. and I can't seem to sleep without waking up at least at 2 hourly intervals, or switching sides/ends, or waking up not amazingly happy...
A bad Karma / feng shui thing maybe?
heh. I know it sounds a bit.. y'know...., but if I really think about it I don't feel all that relaxed in that position in the middle of the floor. Hmm.. might try and sort that, or move back into the spare room. Not to mention the need to clear both rooms... sigh..

And, another thing on my mind,

My back and wrists. (not literally..)
Like, I did my back in about a year ago, after a year of inflicted strain on it (serves me right) (-all in the name of education though..), and it's still playing up every now and then, or whenever I do something mildly annoying to it. It shouldn't do this. How do I make it properly better? I now try and avoid back stuff (like lifting stupidly, or the blue subaru's front seat) but it doesn't seem to ever mend properly. Chiropracter? Osteopath? I don't know.. I don't want to pay a load of dosh to someone to tell me, "yes, it is damaged, avoid lifting stupidly and the blue subaru car front seat, I'll poke you a bit, come back every two weeks, ok?" Maybe I should just go and get some advice. yeah. Yellow pages perhaps..
And, Wrists.
I am only 20.. I shouldn't have dodgy clicky wrists. Hmm... I now take cod liver oil, and eat lots of different nuts and seeds, for the essential oil and omegas, but still occasionally my wrists just kindof go.. like, have a day off being useful. Damnit, I have a perfectly balanced diet, I don't eat much meat, but I do replace it.. I think.. (?). Hmm.

Hmm Hmm. I'm 20!! Ghhhhaaar. I should be writing stuff like this when I've led a full and active life at like 75 or 80+.

Oh well. Otherwise, everything's cool. Most things are cool. I wasn't particularly looking forward to going back to uni, once I'd started getting used to (and enjoying) the climbing centre, but since Hannah's party last weekend, I do feel it will be fun fun fun, when I think about all the nice people again... mmm... yay.. . and emi'll be in uni too which'll be really cool, and freshers week will be so cool now I have yummy friends and I am confident and happy and not stuck with my ex-flat mates, and freshers' 'flu like last year.. And I Love pub crawls because they're such a good way to meet people!! Drinking, no drinking, or just a bit of drinking, you can always move around the group really easily because no-one gets stuck in groups in a corner like usually. I met Danny and Agnes on the physics pub crawl last year! I think they were like the first people (correct me if I'm wrong..) that I really clicked with.. woo I was excited! And our house will be cool... I get a new room! wooo.. a new blank canvas!! (even if I haven't seen it yet...).

Yeah, Cool.

Right.. going to go for a walk to to use up some more time. Variation..

oo no... M's back
better go/.

xx Home time!!


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