bunny in a beret

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


just wanted to post to fudge the 'revision' post from the top. It's like, sooooo last month.
So, what's up? I'm procrastinating. Should be writing essays..ah well.

Meeting with our landlord-to-be today if we can eventually get a time sorted between all seven of us involved. (this organisation business costs such a fortune in phone usage). We will meet him - TO SIGN the deeeeds. woah. big stuff. And give cheques too. For large amounts of dosh. *sigh*. Oh well. *cough*Ineedajob*cough*. I'll go and print my CV today, perhaps. Woo-pee-do. Oh, and it's my birthday this weekend. mmm. It's a bit weird not being at home and having the usual crowd around you as a soft and fluffy bundle of safe-ness, which you are always secured some kind of a celebration. Here, you have to make sure it happens and patch together a circle of niceness. Which isn't too bad really, it's just different.

So, it's cocktail making lessons, jabez clegg, 'Dub Areana' on thursday, one of two house parties on friday maybe, and a few super-nice people round on saturday for pancake making! hooray.

Ok, that's me done for now. time for sophisticated writings! (That's what I need.. I need some glass-less glasses !! They'd make me work reeal well, and I'd look the part too..)
bye bye xx


  • Woo! landlord

    woo! cocktails

    have fun on saturday tooo

    By Blogger Emilie, at 7:10 pm  

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