bunny in a beret

Saturday, July 01, 2006


mmm... isn't life interesting? It really very is. Especially when you're this age.. boys, girls, girls, boys, home, away, (neighbours..), appearance, learning, finding, blah blah. y'know. I like it. It's kind of like a blank canvas. Kindof. but maybe it isn't.. oh who cares.

It's good anyway. and so is reading books. I'm reading 'Veronika decides to die' at the mo, by the author-du-jour Pauelo Cuhelo (plus or minus some H's and U's). I read a bit of The Alchemist, and it was ok, but a bit 'what's the meaning of life' and philosophical.. but seeing as Lauren loves his books so much, I noticed this one when buying some others on a book stall back in manchester, and thought I'd get it.
And it's about suicide and madness too, which is always interesting. I like it, and it's very readable. Impressed.

I think.. I think I just want to be now. I could say about the climbing centre, the people, their differences, their variations; the party last night at danny's house; certain manchester people I miss; my girls who are in lichfield and warrington (-:= ; plans for croatia and the amazing potential for climbing there if I can find someone to climb with..; my friends' triangles..and how they are all lovely, but all love each other too much in an innocent and just plain loving way; drawing and artistic things; the artistic potential of all the stuff in my room; how my room NEEDS a darn good JCB to clear it out; and the lovely sun and summer.
And so I did.
Now, I shall just be for a bit. Absorb nice things.

mmmmmmm. absorbtion.


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