bunny in a beret

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Tee Heee!!

I happened to come accross this silly test thing when bored in college, this is my result for the 'what were you in a past life' test. It's brilliant!!

Your Past Life
Don't go bananas; in your former life you were a tiny monkey named Oompa. Here's what we know about you: With an adorably sweet demeanour and sharp as a pointy knife, you found success working with a street performer named Juan, who worshipped you and treated you like his own child. He bought you a gold satin jumpsuit with royal blue ruffles, a matching top hat, and a sequined bag for donations. He would play your favourite disco tunes on his accordion, prompting you to dance around and flirt with the crowd while you collected spare change, picked pockets and got up to general monkey business. Everybody loved you. And you loved everybody. You and Juan took your gig around the country and spent the money on tapas and monkey nuts. You were one happy, not to mention cheeky, little monkey.

Hah! What more can I say?! (-:=

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I keep running out of positive words! Fantastic, brilliant, Fab, lovely, great, super super great, amazing, groovy, er.. absolutely fantastic, er... brilliant-o, um.. .. thesaurus? anyone?

Last weekend can be described using all of the above words and more that can be found in your local thesaurus. It was so good. I had such a nice time, with going to Hereford on Friday on a little adventure with bod and then meeting up with Ollie, coming back (fun), wandering around llandovery a bit, (fun) meeting kwong from the train then catching a ride with Beth (Emi and Sam) to Pumpsaint (bit of a squidge) Then having a SUPER SUPER SUPER Brilliant great party up at the pub, (SOOOoooo Fun) which was.. well, need I say more? I was smiling so hard my cheeks were acheing. But I was really very very happy. Then post-party, post-alcohol, post-dancing, we all ended up back at Kath and Janie-o's in a predictably rather wobbily and prone to endangering the working lives of drum kits and amps state.
This, I found very fun. But, alas, after a certain amount of time the alcohol and early hour took hold and forced me to slumber. Which i did, instantly as I put my head on the pillow.. (yes! hahaha I had a bed!!! mwhahaha). It was so fun.

Then Saturday I spent with Oliver and Bod, doing brilliant things like making welsh cake mix and walking up mountains where it snowed on top. This ruled. Such a good day. Kwong came later and we made yummy food and played a game superior-to-any-that-hath-come-before-or-after-it. And then later we hung around on my bed and chatted. This was nice. Nice end to the day.

Sunday was also cool!!! Emily came over -to live here, as it happens! Which was nice because I quite like Emi. We ate lots of breakfast, then went for some walks up more hills, and down some hills, and around some hills. And came back for a lunch of home made soup. (yum) Kwong then had to go and we pondered around a bit more, showing Ollie the sights (i.e. anything iron, steel, copper or welding-related) -which was very nice. - but chilly. Then after some more time had passed he had to catch his train too, so we gave him a lift down to the station and I walked back accross the fields to a beautiful sunset. -but chilly.

And then the weekend / week, ended )-:= And college began again. It was lovely having friends round. Such a happy week and weekend. College has been ok, I've spent both days so far doing my favvvvvvourite thing (photography). It's been cool, just not that cool. (mainly because the bus there and back is doing my head (and body) in. Argh I hate it!) Lovely lovely photography. I've developed the film from both Cardiff and Hereford, and the photos rule.

ahhh. Life is good. Except for the fact I'm stuck at home today and not on my way to the manchester open day to meet all the people I may be spending the next 3 years with. But It's not too bad, and it is snowing.

I have to go now.. and.. ... do stuff. Lots of love to you all because you're all pretty cool and just plain pretty too, as it happens. heh... byes x x x x x xxx (-:=

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Can everyone please join me in rallying a response to a certain EMILY's latest blog!! Everyone else agrees that she's being completely inacurate in everything she said except for the bit about how she can't see things properly from others' view...! MADNESS!!

Ask anyone, yes, Anyone with a capital 'A', and they couldn't be able to tell you a single bad thing Emi has ever done or said! If you were to write a book, an encycolpaedia, if you will, of people who have ever been -or are remotely, -or have ever hinted at being mean in any way shape or form (including me I have to say), then Emily margaret Freemando would simply not be in it. It's just not possible.

I'm pretty sure everyone else will aggree with me here. Emily.. You have to too. This is seriously how people see you. You are always nice.. even when you're trying to be mean, or if you think you're being mean because you're stressed or something.. well. You're not. It's not possible. Especially compared with everyone else's meaness. Dear me.

If people feel like emailing Emi to tell her this and support my Emily-is-the-loveliest-person-I-know-without-a-doubt-even-if-she-wrongly-doesn't-think-so campaign I encourage them!

Thanks! and this isn't meant to discourage blogging of thoughts, I'm just relaying a response. Keep blogging!

sorry if it's a bit aggressive.. but I'm like that sometimes when I believe something passionately, (it could be sometimes called 'stubborness' too, I know) as I'm sure you know. Thankyou again, and bye!

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Awwwww! You lot are so lovely! Truan's mexican/birthday party last night was so cool. It had a couple of not-so-good bits, but they all emounted to good so it's cool. (well.. there may be some aspects that I don't know of because that's just how I see it). All very exciting too. But then I wasn't one of the protagonists or their other halfs- so it may not have been quite so for them.

Tee Hee.

Beth! stop working and come out! I miss you!

I got home at a grand time of 7am after not really sleeping at all, but that wasn't too bad considering. I then left poor emily to her own devices and collapsed into bed for a couple of hours. Got up a couple of times and realised I couldn't make a whole day like that, so gave in and slept till I really felt like getting up. At about 3.30pm. Yeeeeeeeah being 19 is gooooood.

I'm happy. Jolly Jolly happy-o. My birthday ruled. Yesterday ruled. My friends rule. OoOo and it's the 14th of february tomorrow. Hmm.. interesting.

Bye for now! lots of love and hugs and pokes and dances and handstands and ear-pulls and kisses and everything soppy like that. Dear me. urgh, soppyness. (-:=

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Hey! Heh, I had a good birthday!! yays! In the eventuality of the end of the day I was happy.

I did eventually get to cardiff to take my roll of film, and had a really cool time seeing davy again and meeting Matt, then stupidly missed my bus back (by going to the bus station rather than grayfriars road. Of course.). This made me all annoyed and cross and a feeling a bit lost. *sniff* I tried catching the train but it was very complecated, cost me £7.65 and then I realised the train going to Milford Haven (via llanelli) would have got to llanelli at some stupid time like 7.30, when the train I was going to hop on to to go home was at 5.30. ARGH! (I got a refund for the ticket then) And went to call Davy. Hustler is a good film incase any of you ever have the opportunity to watch it. We drove up later, and I hung about in the 'dogs' with Adam with a pint till my lifthome came past at half 11. That was actually fun too! OooOo! And then! when I got home at 12 I ate lots of my birthday cake which was absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS!!! yayyyy! (-:=

Except for the fact I missed my bus, and therefore missed Karate (the first session!) and paid £3 that I didn't use for the ticket, and the fact it made me very annoyed and cold and wet, and that I owe davy a fiver, and that I lost my phone about 3 times and my new mp3 player once..it was all in all a decent day. Yay.

So that's what 19 year olds do. Cool. And for the second day of my 19-hood, you ask? I am managing the shop in Brecon and then going to Truan's mexican party tonight! Yay! All of you at Kath and Janie's house have to come too! It'll be very cool if you do. Oh and THANKYOUUUUUU SOOOO much for the Card Janie!!!! I got home last night and it was so fab!!! heheh brilliant!! (-:= And thanks for the text kwong and serena, presents Emi (although while I'm writing this you're sitting about 2 metres away, but I couldn't leave you out), card Sam, I loved the email ez; and everything everyone they mean lots to me! (-:=

I'm happppppyyyyyy!!! hooraaay (-:= (-:=

Friday, February 11, 2005

Hey there fellow 19 year olds (and everyone else) yays. I feel very wise all of a sudden. And that I can do pretty much anything because 19 year olds are pretty and go and lots of travels with friends to distant places. Although, taking today as the first day of my 19-year-hood, it's not a very good example. I came to brecon so as to catch a bus to cardiff and take a roll of film using Davy (because he's the only one free, and he happens to be in cardiff) but as I was arriving I saw the cardiff bus passing the other way. So now I have to wait till 12.40 until the next bus. Which'll give me 2 hours there. I do want to do something today. Cardiff seems attractive, Brecon, does not. Hope it works anyway. Fie on you all who are otherwise engadged and can't come and do something adventurous with me!! )-:= Family traditions, or school work especially.


So.. here I am. Karate tonight which'll be dead fun I think.

Bye then! I'm sure I'll update at some point about my friday-fun. p.s. Tomorrow: Truan's mexican party, next saturday: the towy bridge multi-birthday party that was going to happen this weekend.


Monday, February 07, 2005

Yo dudes. Thought I'd mention the weekend.. seeing as it was such a blast! heh. Me, Emi and Danny went on an adventure to London to see CAKE the fabulous, met many-a-fine-friend and bought many-a-fine-garment real cheap. Also I fainted/collapsed a teeny bit inbetween the support act and Cake themselves.. it wasn't very fun at the time, but it's cool to be able to say I've done. Staying at Kwong's ruled. Seeing Kwong ruled, seeing Luke ruled, seeing Chris ruled, meeting all the new people we met ruled too. Will and Matt from bournmouth in particular. It was really very fun. I'm not going to go into all the details though. If you're in need of an adventure.. reading about one won't help. I'm free for adventure-buddy-rent-outs for a respectable rate per hour too.

anyway, yum yum yum life is fun. College is kind of dull though, seeing as most people are in the smelly land of Rome. And most of those who aren't, aren't in college. I went in today to develop the black and white film that I took in Mornington Crescent underground station with Emi Kwong and Danny. They've come out ok.. quite underexposed. I'll learn though. The Next film will be better. Photography (the proper kind) is dead hard by the way!

So for this next brief I have to go to an urban area I haven't been to before, take a roll of film and fill an A4 sketch book with drawings and such like. Hmmmm... where haven't I been. I have the day off tomorrow and friday (My Birthday incase anyone's forgotten) to go 'there' wherever that is. Any suggestions welcome. And anyone who'd like to join me is welcome too, because I do like taking pictures of people more than 'urban areas'.

So, I'll leave it at that for now. Birthday on Friday. cool. dunno what I'll do in the day. I'm going to Karate and then maybe Brecon in the evening, and on saturday I'm managing the shop and going to the multi-birthday-party in Towy Bridge. Which I highly recommend. Any invitations for a lift home, or to a bed at least, whould be greatly appreciated. (*cough*all of last year I spent giving lifts*cough*)

bye 'till then then! Yum yum Yum. Life is fun. Even when you smash into telegraph poles.