bunny in a beret

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I keep running out of positive words! Fantastic, brilliant, Fab, lovely, great, super super great, amazing, groovy, er.. absolutely fantastic, er... brilliant-o, um.. .. thesaurus? anyone?

Last weekend can be described using all of the above words and more that can be found in your local thesaurus. It was so good. I had such a nice time, with going to Hereford on Friday on a little adventure with bod and then meeting up with Ollie, coming back (fun), wandering around llandovery a bit, (fun) meeting kwong from the train then catching a ride with Beth (Emi and Sam) to Pumpsaint (bit of a squidge) Then having a SUPER SUPER SUPER Brilliant great party up at the pub, (SOOOoooo Fun) which was.. well, need I say more? I was smiling so hard my cheeks were acheing. But I was really very very happy. Then post-party, post-alcohol, post-dancing, we all ended up back at Kath and Janie-o's in a predictably rather wobbily and prone to endangering the working lives of drum kits and amps state.
This, I found very fun. But, alas, after a certain amount of time the alcohol and early hour took hold and forced me to slumber. Which i did, instantly as I put my head on the pillow.. (yes! hahaha I had a bed!!! mwhahaha). It was so fun.

Then Saturday I spent with Oliver and Bod, doing brilliant things like making welsh cake mix and walking up mountains where it snowed on top. This ruled. Such a good day. Kwong came later and we made yummy food and played a game superior-to-any-that-hath-come-before-or-after-it. And then later we hung around on my bed and chatted. This was nice. Nice end to the day.

Sunday was also cool!!! Emily came over -to live here, as it happens! Which was nice because I quite like Emi. We ate lots of breakfast, then went for some walks up more hills, and down some hills, and around some hills. And came back for a lunch of home made soup. (yum) Kwong then had to go and we pondered around a bit more, showing Ollie the sights (i.e. anything iron, steel, copper or welding-related) -which was very nice. - but chilly. Then after some more time had passed he had to catch his train too, so we gave him a lift down to the station and I walked back accross the fields to a beautiful sunset. -but chilly.

And then the weekend / week, ended )-:= And college began again. It was lovely having friends round. Such a happy week and weekend. College has been ok, I've spent both days so far doing my favvvvvvourite thing (photography). It's been cool, just not that cool. (mainly because the bus there and back is doing my head (and body) in. Argh I hate it!) Lovely lovely photography. I've developed the film from both Cardiff and Hereford, and the photos rule.

ahhh. Life is good. Except for the fact I'm stuck at home today and not on my way to the manchester open day to meet all the people I may be spending the next 3 years with. But It's not too bad, and it is snowing.

I have to go now.. and.. ... do stuff. Lots of love to you all because you're all pretty cool and just plain pretty too, as it happens. heh... byes x x x x x xxx (-:=


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