bunny in a beret

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Can everyone please join me in rallying a response to a certain EMILY's latest blog!! Everyone else agrees that she's being completely inacurate in everything she said except for the bit about how she can't see things properly from others' view...! MADNESS!!

Ask anyone, yes, Anyone with a capital 'A', and they couldn't be able to tell you a single bad thing Emi has ever done or said! If you were to write a book, an encycolpaedia, if you will, of people who have ever been -or are remotely, -or have ever hinted at being mean in any way shape or form (including me I have to say), then Emily margaret Freemando would simply not be in it. It's just not possible.

I'm pretty sure everyone else will aggree with me here. Emily.. You have to too. This is seriously how people see you. You are always nice.. even when you're trying to be mean, or if you think you're being mean because you're stressed or something.. well. You're not. It's not possible. Especially compared with everyone else's meaness. Dear me.

If people feel like emailing Emi to tell her this and support my Emily-is-the-loveliest-person-I-know-without-a-doubt-even-if-she-wrongly-doesn't-think-so campaign I encourage them!

Thanks! and this isn't meant to discourage blogging of thoughts, I'm just relaying a response. Keep blogging!

sorry if it's a bit aggressive.. but I'm like that sometimes when I believe something passionately, (it could be sometimes called 'stubborness' too, I know) as I'm sure you know. Thankyou again, and bye!


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