bunny in a beret

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Captains Log: Stardate (see above), Starplace: London, Blogumentary no: 3

I'm pretty chuffed today, not only have I been kissed on the cheek about 4 times, but I've spent the day with friends, and had lots of exercise, and I can now say I've been round all the places on the monopoly board!

My feet are ever so tired, very much so. All this week I've walked sooooo much. And this house has about 7 flights of stairs, and I happen to be in the attic room right at the top. hooray.

Yesterday I couldn't resist the urge to pop back down to Camden town again... ahem. I do love that place, and it changes everyday so it's nice. I found some super cool second hand super cheap shops, my favourite, and a nice Brazillian man with lots of jewelry made of coconut and seeds. I bought a velvet coat for a tenner, and it's so absolutely cool you wouldn't believe (ok, ok, I do have to remove the shoulder pads first). Also bought some other stuff, but it's cool.

Today-see-o, I went in with Sue to help her back up her files cos she's moving office. The joy you get, and give people when you teach them simple but useful stuff. She says I should get people to pay me to go and help them, which I kind of do anyway at the shop.. but it is a good idea, if I ever need any spare money-do.
Then I met Luke and Kwong in Elephant and Castle, (where do these names come from I wonder). And began our -completely on foot- tour of the monopoly streets, roads, avenues and stations of London, taking a photo at each one.

I had great fun making people happy today, one of my favourite hobbies (-:= We walked past this person sitting outside a "starbucks" coffe place thing, he obviously worked there and was having a quick break, and I decided to smile at him as I walked, so I did so, making eye contact and looking away, and looking back, and again, practically up to the top of the street. (Well, acctually you look once, then again, maybe again quickly, then not, then again quite far away -they will by then be looking at you) It was nice to make someone smile..and then we walked back down that street, so I did it again, but I said about it to the other two so they did it to (not quite the desired effect..one person works best, cos it's a one to one basis) And this time when I'd just past him (only having looked once) in a slight disbelief and confusement he exclaimed "what's so funny?!?" and we waved to him till out of site, but he was happier, a bit confused, but smiling. So that's good. (-:=
Another person was a homeless man, outside WhiteChapel, I asked him his name, but I've rather annoyingly forgotten it now, (it started with an M) I'd just bought some Hobnobs so I gave him some, and he mumbled a while, and I smiled, and then went, giving him some more biscuits. He said I was very nice and kissed me on both cheeks and my hand, which was charming. (But don't worry I'm sensible, I know people can have mental problems and so forth, I'm nice but not stupid).
AAaaaand, Another person! How nice I am! He was a cool regge-type guy outside the station where I get off at to come back home, (he had a guitar (-:= ) And he was asking people for any travel ticket things, like day ones that people might not want if they were going home. He acctually didn't ask me, but I heard him and so I ran over the possible disadvantages in my head for a second...... couldn't think of any, so I went up to him and gave him mine. He was very pleased and said he wouldn't forget it very sincerly, which was nice cos he was very happy. (-:=

So I'm happy now. My thoughts run back to Friends when Phoebe and Joey are arguing about whether there is such a thing as a self-less good deed. It's quite a hard one.. cos they always make me happy. Maybe if someone killed their self so someone could live...Would that person be just that bit happier...even though they were dead... hmmm.

I don't think I should write anymore.. but just a tad bit maybe...
Oedipus- Luke whined when I said I was going to watch it at 6.30, so I think I'll go tomorrow at 9, as long as I can stay awake that long..
Being paid £50 tomorrow for finishing what I was doing in Ilford (horrible place, sorry Ilfordians)
I quite want to play guitar, or flute, or something...
I have a fish.
He's bright orange,
and has a large tail, which I like to chew (-:=
He is made of plastic and is quite little.
But is nice and friendly.

ok nighty night, hope everyone (in the world) is happy. (-:= lots of love, charlotte X xx x XxxX XXxXxXxwieufgwjkebwmjkdpqqwdowuegkXXqnhjwkldnxxxxXx

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

London Blog number two! (-:=

Righty ho, what have I done since last blogged. I have been to the Globe theatre on a whim, got into the £25 "Gentelman's room b" for a tenner (hehe). We watched "Dido Queen of Carthage" which was very well preformed and interesting, the set was cool too, it was like an arch in a climbing frame style, with a swing hanging off it, and a slide down from the heavens! a real slide! it was really cool.
We went to Greenwich and Cutty Sark (which is just asking to be called Sutty Cark)Before that. And went round the market there, and a particually Great super shop, that I bought a poster (ok, ok, wrapping paper) It's a very Sixties /Seventies vintage and retro kind of shop, packed full, with all this odd stuff, inc. Posers for a whole wall! gigantic.

Stayed at my mum's cousins house for the night, which was I suppose quite cool, I've only (knowingly) met her once before. She's an artist and lives with her grown up son and daughter who go in and out and in again. I lost a sock. And she had a cat who had the meanest and grooviest expression I've ever seen on a cat.

On ..the day after that (ummm..sunday perhaps?..yes) Me and my mum went to Camden Lock and then she left for the national express in Victoria, so I was all on my own! (heheihhehersefbjsekbfc) which was pretty cool. Later on I went down to Upper Street, near Angel, and walked all the way home, all along holloway road! it was cool (but tireing).

I have Spasmodic Contractions of the diafragm. (said photetically)
i.e. Hicups!!!!!!! arrrrgh -hic- rhghgh [I learnt that little scientific name ages ago watching University Challenge and scared people at school with it.. heh silly people]

Monday!! -hic- I popped down to Camden town. And met Luke and Kwong there! hooray. From there I suggested we went to Covent Garden, so we did, by foot. And continued for about 5 or 6 hours randomly walking round London! (-:= We went miles, and taking personalised "post card-y" things for -hic- people on the way, i.e. Katherine Street, Davy's Bung Hole, "Climbing on the Scaffold will result in beheading"! heheehehe. I'll send them soon. -hic- Oh and then we went to Luke's mum's, in Hackney (by bus) and stayed there for a couple of hours, I was keeping his little sister occupied, which I think his mum was grateful for. As she's 2 years old (well thats what she told me...but then she also said her mum was 18, and I was also 2.. not 17..) So she's probably about that age. Anyway, we played frisbee, and "football" (throwing the ball up in the air) and eating sawdust, and putting saw dust in coka cola bottles, and spitting, and a tiny bit of hiding the frisbee (she didn't quite get the hang of that one..) And not letting Luke have the ball when he came to play, hehe, she always ran away and gave it to me (heh heh heh cooool)

Tuesday, I went on an actual work experience day [what I came here for] And it was fair. Office work really, not that amazing. But I will go back on Friday to finish what I was doing... for a charge! !! i.e. I'll get paid £50!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hehee!
In the night, we went to a Drumming thing, in a theatre thing (one of the big ones) which was brilliant! Three drummers, One from India, One from America and One from Afganistan, but now lives in Germany. They all played different drums in their own native rhythms, it was great. Except the American bloke did go on quite a bit....and on...and on.. although he was good. And at the end they all played together and were calling and answering and stuff, it was super duper great. They're SOOO fast!! I definetly recommend it.
Hah, and when we arrived home, there was the distinctive smell of marajuana wafting about...heh."boys next door" I think were the culprits,Rose, (Sue and grahams daughter, aged 10) was horrified when Sue said she liked the smell. hehe.

And Today: Sue and Graham (who I'm staying with- my mum's friends) asked me to stay in from 8 - 11am to make sure there's someone here to wait for the person to come and fix their phone. Hehe. but silly me, I woke up about 5.30am and thought it must be really late, and no-one was around so I assumed they had gone, and I must have missed the phone fixer, and I was all like " oh -poo hed" even though the sun rising and other obvious factors escaped my logic in porgress. ( I think I was still a bit asleep..) Anyway, I then went back to bed when I realised, and got up at the proper time, and am waiting for the doorbell to ring. while using the computer. (-:=

Tomorrow: I went over to Tower Bridge, Watched a play at 6.30, one we've been doing in drama, Oedipus.

(heh. that is acctually tomorrow, but I haven't done it yet..)

Anyway, thats me at the moment, The phone bloke has just come (hooray!) I lied and said I was 18 (rather sarcasticly..) cos apparently he says they're not allowed to work in a house with someone under 18 on their own (hah) so.. for once I have acctually lied about my age and someone's believed me... how strange. And I wasn't saying I was younger either. hhmmm.

Anyway again. I shall post this now, and send people emails and pictures, see you all soon (-:=

charlbunny@hotmail.com / charlbunny@rock.com

Friday, July 18, 2003


I'm in England's capital city. How fun it is.

Points of interest:
o Went to Tate modern. What Crap. I think some of the "blue square" type 'art' is just a waste of time, ok, maybe if it looks pretty, or has some kind of meaning...
o Popped in to good ol' st. paul's pad, had a brief look around, love what he's done with the checked floor, but wasn't much more interesting.
o Wow, just saw people walking at about my head hight out the window, that is a bit strange when you're not used to it. heh. fun.
o Got an A-Z. Which is pretty cool, it's a bit like a birth rite thing, like your 18th, passing a driving test, going to high school / university, it's something that happens. Well, I think so anyway, I'm sure some people don't acctually go to London, and feel the need for an A-Z. But being the well-traveled thing I am, I use it quite reguarly.
o Got 'Time Out' The what's on guide thing. It has a Coral interview in it which is cooool, "they hate the music business..don't kiss asses.. hate publicity..etc" how utterly cool.
o Argh! more people at my head hight!
o Staying with Friends of my mum, they're very nice, one daughter, Rose, who's just finished year 5. And has gone on a communal sleep over in a church, with pizza.
o They have a guinea pig! yay, squeak squeak it's cute and called ..Smokey. I have introduced myself, and she's a bit shy, but I think we get on ok.

Tomorrow, Erm... I might ..do some wandering around, sort out a week tube-pass thing, and.. do some other stuff. Have fun everyone in your own homes. And think where you'd be if you got on a random bus/train and just went somewhere.

(-:= nighty-ho

Thursday, July 17, 2003

London tomorrow!!! I'll be off nice (urgh) and early...coach (national express thingy) is leaving good old Brecon at five to nine I think, and Brecon's about 3/4 hour away.

I have to pack,
I have to get my art research letters ready to be sent (long overdue)
I have to play some more guitar, (ok, that one maybe isn't completely necessary)
Have a bath,
Do stuff that will not help at all, like going on msn,
Make a label, for a bottle of home made sloe gin,
Put some clothes in the wash.

I'm having trouble thinking of trousers... If I'm going to a psychologist's to do work experience, maybe I shouldn't wear jeans... But the only non-denim trousers I have are my school ones, which have a great big hole/rip in the knee...

You know... I'm sure I can hear high pitched squeaking... we must have a bat or something in here... how strange...

I've been having fun driving to Carmarthen and back, and going on the bus (which takes about 2 hours..) I designed a logo for a loans company, but I think my designs might be a bit cool for them.. so they might choose the one Laurence did which is enourmously simple and ..boring. But that is the world of logos. (He also tought me to copy everything, logos, web sites, etc, just do your research and copy what has worked..which I think is a bit..boring really, but there we go).

Went Hay..bringin in the other night, was jolly fun, I was driving the ATV (quad bike) just like old times, before we sold ours... nothing like a good old hay-bale-hugging session (moving bales from field to barn, on trailers, but you have to somehow grab them to move them about) to relive sitting-down-in-office-all-day-feeling and for an excuse for a good beer afterwards, and not to drive home and see people I haven't see for a while, as it was their hay.

Have to be off, Im not sure whether I'll take my crumb-y laptop to London with me, probably not. See you people at one stage in the future soon (-:=

Sunday, July 13, 2003

I have finished School, Year 12, and uniform wearing, and things associated with school for the summer. wahey. Next week (commencing in 9 hours) I have work experience. Which sounds interesting, at Angel Multimedia, a graphic design place, but it's in Carmarthen, which is...perhaps an hour away from here, which means I have to get out of bed AM. AND then drive there. Well I'm glad I'm not going in the car with me as early as 8am.

Sun Sun Sun. How hot and sunny it has been. And what's this craze of Barbeques all of a sudden? They're not that brilliant, just because it's sunny everyone acts like boy-scouts lighting fires and burning stuff. Not that I'm against them- I just have an inbuilt anti-mob gland in my brain. I.e. Anything over-popular goes straight off my list of good.

Music. Music is good. I'm going to attempt to get the whole Queens of the Stone Age Album [latest] without buying it. I.e. *whisper*-downloading it.. At the moment I've got about half a cd's worth. I also am renewing my Love for OK GO, the Coral, Cake, NIRVANA totally- Today's favourite song is Something in the way, or whatever the exact words are. Soooo Good. And Old stuff...My mum's guitar music book, I can play Blowing in the wind! On my new guitar! Which is good! and cost me only £5! hooray!! (-:= I'm reeeally enjoying having 6 whole strings! (-:= (-:= (-:= (-:=

Friday was fun, went up to Llandod, to a 'rock thing'. And drank a teeny weeny bit of alcohol. And didn't do any of the things I am being accused of. And I don't forget either. you silly people you. It was cool though, nice to be around people.


I re-built our computer on saturday night, It's now got lots of memory (twice than before, I.e. 512Mb) and a groovy mainboard, and a new super duper Cd-Rw. The case isn't much of an improvement, although it's smaller, it's grey and has less colour on it. hmm. The bits of our old home computer that havent been transfered are being sold as a second hand system to a Kitchen sales room in Brecon I think. I'll miss it I'm sure.

I'm really rather tired, yet I'm still sat infront of the computer. tut tut.

Friends of parents also came round on saturday night (the re-building of computer was a handy and coincedental excuse to absent myself from..as my grandma would call it...receiving guests.) They are really quite dotty. Comes with the age I suppose. Paddy who must be about a hundred by now said we should all go to Egypt with them, and he and Helen were both explaining about this posh person they scared in a pyramid by accedent:

Paddy's youngest daugher (grown up) sings in the chorus of the Royal Opera house covent Garden (which I happen to be visiting week after next as part of my art project as it happens). And they (the three) were in a Pyramid, Helen went out, or away somewhere, Paddy was sitting at the top of very steep and narrow steps/slope, and his daughter in the..room-y thing, or chamber looking round.
A rather over-dressed couple approach, high-heels kind of thing. The girl doesn't even attempt the steps, but the man lives up to the masculine stereotype and even in his squeaky leather office shoes has to try to slide up the slope thing. Slightly worried by Paddy's presence at the top, (Paddy..looks quite..obscure.. and rather exaggerated features) the man continued anyway (or tried to). Except then, Paddy's daughter decided to test the acoustics of the chamber, and with an opera voice, scared the life out of the bloke who slid all the way back down the bottom never to be seen again.

MMmMMMMMmmMmMMmMMmmmm home made Ice cream- - -Ohhh YUM. I totally love it to bits. It's completely the best EVER. All that sweetened condensed milk....*homer style "mmmmm"*

Anyway. Sleep must. oh yeah-Msn 6 -that new sleepy emoticon...oh yes, that's going to be used quite a lot I think (-:= And the little red car one of course.

night ~~~~

Thursday, July 10, 2003

Hello, and Welcome to the latest instalment of funny health-improving me-ness. Today children, we will discuss the social implications of lower Yemmen on the lesser spotted blue-tit. Oooor... perhaps ..me! (That might prove to be the more interesting option. (er...) Anyway, today I acctually only had one measly lesson. Geography, discussing what we might do in our forthcoming project.

Biology, second lesson, was cancelled due to little year 6s on their test day having their first experience of --Bunsen burners!!!!!!!!! Jones-biol, (teacher) was adament they should have this life-changing experience. So we were forced to leave our study of human gonads untill after the summer. What shame.
so I went down to the shop, didn't do much, had lunch, (veggie pastie and cream scone -yummmy-but why, lord, do they make veggie pasties smaller than regular ones? do they somehow think vegetarians eat less? or have smaller appetites? I can't understand their strange distorted bakery logic.)

I relented to the open doors of the "Gwynfe Cat Welfare" charity shop, which is a good source of beatiful evening velvet dresses (well, one anyway) and books, and rings, and all sorts really. I found some Starfish trousers, lilac/grey cord ones that are rather big for me...but only cost 50p (and they're Starfish ones!!!!!) And some groovy green ones that I will chop off below the knees to make long shorts, again, only 50p = : - D I just can't resist stuff I can make something into.

Like Keyboards, there was one being thrown out at the shop, and I had my usual "now that could be used for something..." thought, (which I get whenever I glance in skips, or bins, or charity shops..) So I retrieved it, and decided the keys would be the best bits, and if I were to take them all off, I could spell things out with them...and it would be fun...and I could use them for something. So I did, and it fulfilled its potential for fun. heheh.
I also got round to dying my hair today. Nothing amazingly extravagant this time. Only a lighter shade of brown, like a sunny light shade, which would be nice. I'm not sure how much affect it's had...my brother said it has changed.. but I don't see all that much difference myself.

What else did I do today???? erm...I accedentaly caused a slight car pile-up by dashing out infront of a large bus because there was someone approaching me who I prefered to avoid. Two cars smashed into the rear of the bus and only 6 people had their heads chopped off, while I remained unscathed becuase of my brilliant dodging ability. (ok, none of that bit happened really. Incase you were unsure...)

Last night I went to Judo. As I do on wednesdays. It was Cool. We played the classic game of bull-dog. Which was great cos I beat everyone totally and a half. There was only me left-with one person trying to catch me, they couldn't managed my forementioned dodging skills, and so another person was brought on ...and then anouther...and another.. and I think there were about 5 people trying to prevent me getting to the other side, when Chris came on, and I got a lot too tired to try and get past him and all the others, so I gave in, and was defeated in the same style as being eaten by a pride of lions. (being grasped and pulled down slowly with no chance of escape, or a tomorrow). It was fun anyway. I also left my watch there..clever me.

Last day of school tomorrow (yeeeeah) and Llandod (wooohoo) and.. not much else. But its going to be a cool day I think. ( (-:= )


Sunday, July 06, 2003

Happy. good good.