bunny in a beret

Thursday, July 17, 2003

London tomorrow!!! I'll be off nice (urgh) and early...coach (national express thingy) is leaving good old Brecon at five to nine I think, and Brecon's about 3/4 hour away.

I have to pack,
I have to get my art research letters ready to be sent (long overdue)
I have to play some more guitar, (ok, that one maybe isn't completely necessary)
Have a bath,
Do stuff that will not help at all, like going on msn,
Make a label, for a bottle of home made sloe gin,
Put some clothes in the wash.

I'm having trouble thinking of trousers... If I'm going to a psychologist's to do work experience, maybe I shouldn't wear jeans... But the only non-denim trousers I have are my school ones, which have a great big hole/rip in the knee...

You know... I'm sure I can hear high pitched squeaking... we must have a bat or something in here... how strange...

I've been having fun driving to Carmarthen and back, and going on the bus (which takes about 2 hours..) I designed a logo for a loans company, but I think my designs might be a bit cool for them.. so they might choose the one Laurence did which is enourmously simple and ..boring. But that is the world of logos. (He also tought me to copy everything, logos, web sites, etc, just do your research and copy what has worked..which I think is a bit..boring really, but there we go).

Went Hay..bringin in the other night, was jolly fun, I was driving the ATV (quad bike) just like old times, before we sold ours... nothing like a good old hay-bale-hugging session (moving bales from field to barn, on trailers, but you have to somehow grab them to move them about) to relive sitting-down-in-office-all-day-feeling and for an excuse for a good beer afterwards, and not to drive home and see people I haven't see for a while, as it was their hay.

Have to be off, Im not sure whether I'll take my crumb-y laptop to London with me, probably not. See you people at one stage in the future soon (-:=


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