bunny in a beret

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Captains Log: Stardate (see above), Starplace: London, Blogumentary no: 3

I'm pretty chuffed today, not only have I been kissed on the cheek about 4 times, but I've spent the day with friends, and had lots of exercise, and I can now say I've been round all the places on the monopoly board!

My feet are ever so tired, very much so. All this week I've walked sooooo much. And this house has about 7 flights of stairs, and I happen to be in the attic room right at the top. hooray.

Yesterday I couldn't resist the urge to pop back down to Camden town again... ahem. I do love that place, and it changes everyday so it's nice. I found some super cool second hand super cheap shops, my favourite, and a nice Brazillian man with lots of jewelry made of coconut and seeds. I bought a velvet coat for a tenner, and it's so absolutely cool you wouldn't believe (ok, ok, I do have to remove the shoulder pads first). Also bought some other stuff, but it's cool.

Today-see-o, I went in with Sue to help her back up her files cos she's moving office. The joy you get, and give people when you teach them simple but useful stuff. She says I should get people to pay me to go and help them, which I kind of do anyway at the shop.. but it is a good idea, if I ever need any spare money-do.
Then I met Luke and Kwong in Elephant and Castle, (where do these names come from I wonder). And began our -completely on foot- tour of the monopoly streets, roads, avenues and stations of London, taking a photo at each one.

I had great fun making people happy today, one of my favourite hobbies (-:= We walked past this person sitting outside a "starbucks" coffe place thing, he obviously worked there and was having a quick break, and I decided to smile at him as I walked, so I did so, making eye contact and looking away, and looking back, and again, practically up to the top of the street. (Well, acctually you look once, then again, maybe again quickly, then not, then again quite far away -they will by then be looking at you) It was nice to make someone smile..and then we walked back down that street, so I did it again, but I said about it to the other two so they did it to (not quite the desired effect..one person works best, cos it's a one to one basis) And this time when I'd just past him (only having looked once) in a slight disbelief and confusement he exclaimed "what's so funny?!?" and we waved to him till out of site, but he was happier, a bit confused, but smiling. So that's good. (-:=
Another person was a homeless man, outside WhiteChapel, I asked him his name, but I've rather annoyingly forgotten it now, (it started with an M) I'd just bought some Hobnobs so I gave him some, and he mumbled a while, and I smiled, and then went, giving him some more biscuits. He said I was very nice and kissed me on both cheeks and my hand, which was charming. (But don't worry I'm sensible, I know people can have mental problems and so forth, I'm nice but not stupid).
AAaaaand, Another person! How nice I am! He was a cool regge-type guy outside the station where I get off at to come back home, (he had a guitar (-:= ) And he was asking people for any travel ticket things, like day ones that people might not want if they were going home. He acctually didn't ask me, but I heard him and so I ran over the possible disadvantages in my head for a second...... couldn't think of any, so I went up to him and gave him mine. He was very pleased and said he wouldn't forget it very sincerly, which was nice cos he was very happy. (-:=

So I'm happy now. My thoughts run back to Friends when Phoebe and Joey are arguing about whether there is such a thing as a self-less good deed. It's quite a hard one.. cos they always make me happy. Maybe if someone killed their self so someone could live...Would that person be just that bit happier...even though they were dead... hmmm.

I don't think I should write anymore.. but just a tad bit maybe...
Oedipus- Luke whined when I said I was going to watch it at 6.30, so I think I'll go tomorrow at 9, as long as I can stay awake that long..
Being paid £50 tomorrow for finishing what I was doing in Ilford (horrible place, sorry Ilfordians)
I quite want to play guitar, or flute, or something...
I have a fish.
He's bright orange,
and has a large tail, which I like to chew (-:=
He is made of plastic and is quite little.
But is nice and friendly.

ok nighty night, hope everyone (in the world) is happy. (-:= lots of love, charlotte X xx x XxxX XXxXxXxwieufgwjkebwmjkdpqqwdowuegkXXqnhjwkldnxxxxXx


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