bunny in a beret

Sunday, July 13, 2003

I have finished School, Year 12, and uniform wearing, and things associated with school for the summer. wahey. Next week (commencing in 9 hours) I have work experience. Which sounds interesting, at Angel Multimedia, a graphic design place, but it's in Carmarthen, which is...perhaps an hour away from here, which means I have to get out of bed AM. AND then drive there. Well I'm glad I'm not going in the car with me as early as 8am.

Sun Sun Sun. How hot and sunny it has been. And what's this craze of Barbeques all of a sudden? They're not that brilliant, just because it's sunny everyone acts like boy-scouts lighting fires and burning stuff. Not that I'm against them- I just have an inbuilt anti-mob gland in my brain. I.e. Anything over-popular goes straight off my list of good.

Music. Music is good. I'm going to attempt to get the whole Queens of the Stone Age Album [latest] without buying it. I.e. *whisper*-downloading it.. At the moment I've got about half a cd's worth. I also am renewing my Love for OK GO, the Coral, Cake, NIRVANA totally- Today's favourite song is Something in the way, or whatever the exact words are. Soooo Good. And Old stuff...My mum's guitar music book, I can play Blowing in the wind! On my new guitar! Which is good! and cost me only £5! hooray!! (-:= I'm reeeally enjoying having 6 whole strings! (-:= (-:= (-:= (-:=

Friday was fun, went up to Llandod, to a 'rock thing'. And drank a teeny weeny bit of alcohol. And didn't do any of the things I am being accused of. And I don't forget either. you silly people you. It was cool though, nice to be around people.


I re-built our computer on saturday night, It's now got lots of memory (twice than before, I.e. 512Mb) and a groovy mainboard, and a new super duper Cd-Rw. The case isn't much of an improvement, although it's smaller, it's grey and has less colour on it. hmm. The bits of our old home computer that havent been transfered are being sold as a second hand system to a Kitchen sales room in Brecon I think. I'll miss it I'm sure.

I'm really rather tired, yet I'm still sat infront of the computer. tut tut.

Friends of parents also came round on saturday night (the re-building of computer was a handy and coincedental excuse to absent myself from..as my grandma would call it...receiving guests.) They are really quite dotty. Comes with the age I suppose. Paddy who must be about a hundred by now said we should all go to Egypt with them, and he and Helen were both explaining about this posh person they scared in a pyramid by accedent:

Paddy's youngest daugher (grown up) sings in the chorus of the Royal Opera house covent Garden (which I happen to be visiting week after next as part of my art project as it happens). And they (the three) were in a Pyramid, Helen went out, or away somewhere, Paddy was sitting at the top of very steep and narrow steps/slope, and his daughter in the..room-y thing, or chamber looking round.
A rather over-dressed couple approach, high-heels kind of thing. The girl doesn't even attempt the steps, but the man lives up to the masculine stereotype and even in his squeaky leather office shoes has to try to slide up the slope thing. Slightly worried by Paddy's presence at the top, (Paddy..looks quite..obscure.. and rather exaggerated features) the man continued anyway (or tried to). Except then, Paddy's daughter decided to test the acoustics of the chamber, and with an opera voice, scared the life out of the bloke who slid all the way back down the bottom never to be seen again.

MMmMMMMMmmMmMMmMMmmmm home made Ice cream- - -Ohhh YUM. I totally love it to bits. It's completely the best EVER. All that sweetened condensed milk....*homer style "mmmmm"*

Anyway. Sleep must. oh yeah-Msn 6 -that new sleepy emoticon...oh yes, that's going to be used quite a lot I think (-:= And the little red car one of course.

night ~~~~


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