bunny in a beret

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

HaahahahahHaha haHa hahah hahah hah hah hah hahahah

I looooove it when people blog with a bit of grizzle and punch!! YEEEAH man! "We feel strongly about SOMETHING, DDDDUUUDE!!!"

Yeah. 'tis good for us to shout a bit. And stop being so polite.

Goooo Kathy-oooooo
(Kwong.. you're a tad silly, dear.)

Feel free to insult me back. Maaan.

Yeah, I'm impressed kath, it's really cool that you're spilling out real feelings, (seriously- I'm not being sarcstic) even though quite a few of them I am 'guilty' of standing for of course.

I have come to my own conclusions in response to kathy's points, (that I am agreeing exist) : The first is: People are silly.

Yup, we all know that. We all say things we don't exactly mean, we are fickle and are impressionable, and most of all, we are naieve and we generalise. And we like to be mean, moan and dislike things. We don't know much about anything, and what we do know is mostly provided in a nice little ribboned parcel from the media. But to be fair this isn't surprising - how are we supposed to know about somewhere on the other side of the world without the media deciding to tell us about it, of course, in their own words.

The second point would be: Everything in moderation.

This is just a good idea.

The third would be: Variety is the spice of life.

This also a super-good idea.

And if you think about the above two points (two of my favourite things) then you see why some people could get annoyed with others when you use less brain cells watching the box than you do when you sleep, and if all you do all day is watch tv...

Anyway, I'm not against the points made, (except for some of kwongs), As long as people try to keep an open mind, and think of the above three magic points everything will be balanced.

heh.. naff-ness is being to seep round the corners...eek

I need to find a better word for 'points' don't I...?

Just before I go- George Bush IS an idot. He's drilling for oil in the previously untouched antarctic, interfeering in all sorts of other countries' elections, oil business, nuclear weapon business -All incredibly hypocritically. And has the brain cells of a sea welk that has just been sat on by a huge rock. (sorry to all the sea welks out there).
'Poverty' Wristbands. They are all cool, fine and dandy untill they start selling them on market stalls for profit, and in shops with nothing to do with any charity except for the fact they've scribbled one on the front. I think it's good for the general public to have a little outlet for their assumed guilty consciences too. Good for them, hey.

Ok, now I've probably ruined any chance of not having 'argued against' the 'rubbish things' and have lost possible neutrality. But there we go. I don't want to stand up for these things either as being seriously rubbish or sarcastically rubbish, because of the above three points.

So, er, bye for now (-:=

Yay for kathy, too.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

STONE HENGE!!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
!!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!




wow wow wow! It was AMAZZZZZZZIIIIINNNNNGGGGGGG!!!! I think it really has changed my life. Yeah. I think it has. It was so immensly fun and a whole bucket.

I swoon uncontrollably at the mere thought of that brilliant 12 hours or so. *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*...
I don't think I'll go into details of why it was so fun. I think I'll just go and lie on the floor for a while spazm-ing with glee for the next two hours.

I'm so happy. Except for my only unhappiness is that it ended. And Serena went to glastonbury and I couldn't. And Glastonbury isn't on next year. And my henna tattoo stuff is a load of crap. And me and Kit lost a whole £8.99 keg of beer -Not having touched a single drop of the stuff. Oh, and we lost the twang too. And I'm reeally reeally itching to cut my hair. But I mustn't!! I must grow it! I must get the need for long hair out of my system!! arrgh! And my teeth hurt because the orthadontist mended my brace today. ouuuuuuchhhhy.
But other than that, I'm happy.

yeah man.

Oh heehe.. and some townies drove past me and glastonbury-clad serena today and shouted "wierdos!"

yeah man.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

You're a Boudoir Babe!
Loving luxury, you are confident and assertive. You have a magnetism that makes you stand out from the crowd and love to indulge yourself in extravagant treats. In your opinion every day is a special occasion and nights even more so.

Personalities most like you
Edie from Desperate Housewives
Gwen Stefani

Hah. aren't I the cool one? figleaves.com http://www.revealtherealyou.com/questionnaire/page01.asp?uid=6951679#


You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

Yeah. well, I happen to be of 'that age' when I spend an awful lot of time with my peers. So that's bound to feature heavily. And of course the fact I'm so cool. (I know that's not a relevant comment).

Wow last friday / saturday was fun!! It was so nice to be with soooo many people who are so groovy. The exhibition has to be the fastest and most hectoc 3 hours in my whole life. As it happens. Bit hot as well.. Heheh.. and the prize giving was fun. I got a bottle of wiiiiiine!!! I don't think I've ever won a bottle of wine before. Pity I don't really like wine...maybe my tastes will change within the next week.

Yes. It was very very fun. And so was the after party, and so was the sitting-out-on-the-grass after the after party bit. It was a bit tooo hot though. Then swimming with 3 of my favouritest people was also really really really, really nice.

Oh! and we're going to greeeeeece! yaaaay diddly. And... the week after that..... *dum dum duuuuummmm* We have the house to ourseleves because parents are staying another week abroad!!!! And I assume you all know what that means.

anyway, I have ..things to do. Love you all (-:=

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Due to all the brilliant publicity on the nude site I shall shove down the exciting 'maual handling' post for this more important.. and possibly even more EXCITING news about friday.

MmmMmmmmMmMmmm... partyyyyy..... yum

This friday (the 17th of June 2005)

is the carmarthenshire college foundation in art and design course 's

end of year ART EXHIBITION.

This is on all week, but the opening / private view (you're all welcome to come-and bring your friends) is this particular friday starting at 7pm. There is free wine and nibbles, and of course you get to witness the pinacle of fresh new talent from south south/west wales. The most exciting part of this though - is that afterwards, at 9pm ish everyone hops up the steps by college to...

The Trinity college student Union!

This is where a faaaabulous fancy dress party begins.. with HIP HEAD QUARTERS the amazing, CLARITY from milford Haven (I star in their music video!), and DIRTY DOG spelt with one G not two.. as I was lead to believe..

Then we have awards for the best fancy dress and stuff, I think, and then after my favourite DJ will play! He's called little rich.. or "Tulpas T" and is brilliant and a half. Also Sonus is playing, but I haven't heard him play. He's a cool guy though. (-:=

Then, afterwards, when we get chucked out at the grand hour of 2am we can all go back to 'the' house (which belongs to Kit, Sullies, Tom and Roger who are all scrumptiously lovely guys) and Tulpas T will continue playing hopefully is a dedicated room -with UV and christmas lights - if there is a profit from the ticket sales...

And there we can all go to sleep, or stay up 'till the early morn when we can go and sit infront of the house under the cherry tree on the huge playing field! perfect.

So, bring some nibbles for the house if you want to stay over (a nice gesture.. y'know), pop into the exhibition first if you can sometime after 7, look over 18 if you're not, dress up if you can, have a jolly bucket load of fun, buy a ticket from me, emi or kit before hand if you can for 4 quid (a fiver on the door), but most of all:

please, please... No fighting .... (-:= Thankyou tons

Nighty night, I won't be home again 'till saturday, so I'll see you all at the exhibition in college at the St. David's end of carmarthen. (there are plenty of buses from llandovery too if you're in doubt - number 280 and 281)

I think that's all.. so Byeeee!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

HAHAHahahahah today, we had a MANUAL HANDLING course today!!!!!

Think of the office..

that is how funny it was. They showed us a video- hehehesplutter heh=- which was probably one of the things that my beloved Brass Eye saw to make them (or him) think of doing brass eye. It had those funny dramatic-music titles ..if you know what I mean, the ones brass eye over do x a billion. Heh. makes me giggle. And in this rather badly done video, they showed us how to lift even the humble screwdriver!!! Which- lifted at a certain angle could have a pivoted weight of 500kg!!!! Hah! We were in stiches. Well, quiet ones. The ladies infront of us didn't seems to have seen 'the office' and 'brass eye' and seemed to occasionally nod . Yes.. nod. they seemed to be taking it seriously. Hah. fools. It's obviously so much better to take advantage of the hilariousness and have a jolly good time rather than worry about your 'disks'. (Although I will try and keep my posture better now after seeing those diagrams). Anyway, I don't know if I'm making much sense. I'm really looking forward to the end of the course so I can start reading and writing again. And maybe my short term memory will come back into existance.

post script: Biiiiiiig party on the 17th after the exhibition!! yaaaaay, it's going to be so fun. 3 live bands and 2 DJs, Hip Head quarters, Clarity and Dirty Dogg. OooOooo yeah. Then back to the house for more DJing and partying and lots of people... we've already sold quite a lot of tickets, which'll be fun fitting into the house. yay
must go now, have fun all

xx charlotte

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


(knee gashin')

Sun lovin'
(skin hatin')

adventure havin'
(currency losin')

fun doin'
(no workin')

car sleepin'
(late nightn')

twang gulpin'
(more twang gulpin')

(and more..)

student meetin'
(60s singin')

hippy lovin'
(knackered dancin')

Juice downin'
(tropical overdosin')

car drivin'
(181 mile travelin')

and then..

a whole whack in-da-face with a bon-funkin' load a extra GggGgGgGgGgggggGggg s.
