bunny in a beret

Monday, June 30, 2003

I have at last got a new rabbit! ! ! ! ! = : - D hoorayy!!! I'm happy, he's a lovely french lop, (i.e. lopped ears) and is a rescue one, and is very very cute and very friendly except occasionally when being picked up from somewhere he doesn't want to leave...heehee, [I was wearing a vest top today.. and he didn't want to be picked up.. so now I have lovely red scratches all over me!]

The main issue though- - is a name... "frodo" is the name the past looker-afterers had...but I don't like it. I was thinking about cool groovy funny names! like Benjamin or Cornelius!! but I've gone off Benjamin because it'd just be shortened to ben or something boring like that.
Latest suggestions have been:
Pebbles = bit soppy
Thumper = like my favourite teddy when I was little...aww...
Buster = nope.
Buddy = nope.
Bob = funny, but not that much.
Pascale = obvious who thought of this one..
Benny Hill = erm... no,
Fluffy + other assorted stupid names = Please parents,.. I know he's flopsy and cute and fluffy.. but not good names... (actually we've owned a stick insect called Fluffy.. a few years back..heheeeheh that was a good name)

Any good ideas?? email me s'il vous plait at charlbunny@hotmail.com. Now.

Anyway, he's very nice, and didn't cost me anything, and is very cuddly, and very photogenic a nice reason to get home from school (groan) fast!!


Thursday, June 26, 2003

My lunch and break times are bare and unco-opritive. Im not talking in them and so it's sucking out my energy, my happyiness and "buzzing"-ness apparently. It's all because of Emily not being in school. I don't mind not seeing Emily that much, but it's the fact sh'e not in school thats making me mope, and not have energy or drive to do stuff. I think I might visit Kathy & co. soon, that'll be cool, another super-duper nice friend with energy-returning properties. = : - D

Sunday, June 22, 2003

How utterly cool...

Last night I babysat for a family I haven't babysat for before (I haven't babysat for many different families in the uk..) And It was rather fun. As I always think it is.

It suprised me how differently the kiddies relate to television. And how differently I relate to television now.. Its strange seeing how you've changed. We were watching Scooby-Doo for a while, a particular dislike and avoided program in our house. But seeing it now, it just seems funny is a "groovy" way! it's so obvious, and badly thought out, and basically stupid, the way they have a whole shot of Freddy going: "look it's a mummy shapped hole in the glass, the mummy must have escaped through here!" but Thelma craftily pointing out the glass was on the inside so it must have come in through that way..
Bethan, (of "buffy") Ben, and Ollie, aged about...9 - 10, 7 - 8, and 4 - 5, commented on how that might not be possible because glass might fall both ways. And how the 'monster' couldn't make stone casts of people becuase of various reasons, and Scooby-doo wasn't a person, even Ollie was asking how it was possible that someone could be made into stone, he's a clever little one that one.
Also the Scooby-doo language was very enlightening! "Yikes!" and similar retro phrases added to the educational multi-national and historic experience. (The monster turned out to be a Mr. Najib I think).

Afterwards we watched their dose of blood and bad plot lines in Casualty. They are obviously regular viewers of this, (and we're only watching Scooby-doo, The Pink Panther, and DangerMouse while waiting for Casualty.) And were trying to explain to me about who's wedding it is today, who stole £30, (acctually £300,000), who tipped who out of the Mercedes, who's the evil Pakistani, and who's going out with who.

Also on last night was "The Shortest night" which was on.. all night. It was very Cool. It showed a selection of short films or animations, some weird, no, all weird, some wonderful, some a complete load of arty farty crap, and some quite interesting. Although I didn't see many, my favourite was "Tongues and Taxies" Which was an animation and it was brilliant. I'm attempting to find it now. Look it up here:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/cinema/shortestnight/clips4.shtml but to acctually see it you need a real one player. Which I am hastily getting.

I've been on a while and feeling that I should go and do something. So, I hope this is all edible and not to badly written. au revoir mes amis. (-:=

Wednesday, June 18, 2003


I have discovered today, that I do this alot. I decided to make gunpowder( yes really)...but then when I went outside to the shed, I forgot and decided to make some swords, (wood, well, sticks really..) So I went up to a tree, but decided to walk to the top of the hill instead.
-But on the way there, I decided I needed my boots / wellies on. so I went back down. On my way back up... I had a quick look in our big shed. It has lots of computer stuff, and wood, and old machine stuff, and random cash tills and stuff in it. I found a nice hand saw that looks particually .. useful.. for something anyway. (mmm...sharp sharp serrated edges...mmm..must...touch...)
So I went to find a nice branch to saw into a sword. (heh heh, how cool are swords / sticks..!) But decided a rotten bit would be better seeing as the trees all seemed to be very much attatched to their ..um.... themselves. And they were all too covered in leaves, and I felt sorry for them. So I went and got a couple of rotten sticks. And put the very sharp...serrated...shiny... big...knife thing back.
On my way back up to where I was before, I decided to climb a tree. It's a nice tree, and has markings on it from when I was very little; or quite little anyway. I got down from the tree, and went to find another tree.. in what we call the "Boggy Field". I got bored of the tree inhabitants of the boggy field, and went to chop some thistles! (with my mighty swords of course!) There's a particular way to doing this properly... its quite an art. Anyway. Then I ran out of Thistles. (I don't know why "Thistles" needs a capital T...) So I went into the house.
That is the story of what happened today, in probably bad english, and grammar, to show how i realised I get sidetracked alot. Also T-shirts. I always get sidetracked when doing t-shirts. . .

Monday, June 16, 2003

Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! I've just added the link to the real ultimate power ninja website, which is totally cool, and oh so funny... (make sure your speakers are turned up), Im pretty glad I got the banner there aswell. heheh.
Why oh Why do I have to continue attending stupid school in this gorgeous weather!?!?!?!?! Please god why!?!?!?!?!?
I need to find a rabbit.
Im also hungry. So I need to go on in search of fodder for my tummy.
I feel like laughing. HEHEHAHAhahaHaHaHEHAHHEhaHeHAHAHaHeHahaHAHAHEHAahAHahehA, *sigh* oh its so funny... heh heh heh... (I don't know what is funny, but I just like laughing) heehee
Have Fun looking at the ninja Website!!!!!! bye byee!!

Friday, June 13, 2003

[ I don't really have anything of a specific subject to put forward to the world so 'today' will have to do.]
0- ~ today commenced by being woken up by a phone call, at about 11am, from some father of 'ben' who my sister talkes to who likes horses and goes to a public school. . .who I acctually know about, despite Bryony being secretive - because, I'm a master of ease-dropping.
0- No-one else was at home, which is always a good thing, so I went and put some clothes on...( I looove having the house to myself.. and living in the middle of no-where, I can walk around minus clothes if i feel like it. Yet, I still don't quite - - Something to do with the fact people occasionally do visit us, or pass through, or are still in the house (thats the worst scenario).
0- I put CAKE on Very loud, And hopped about for a while. I miss having a rabbit to go and bring out into the sunshine or feed or take for walks etc. (ok..some rabbits arn't very suited to the latter activity). *sigh* But we do still have our chicks. Cheep cheep cheep, cheep cheep - cheep cheep, cheep cheeep - - -cheep cheep cheep cheep etc etc... *sigh* And- - *sigh* one of our two horses has been summoned back to her legal owner, who never rides her, lives in town, and has loads of horses anyway. So we're a bit sad.. even though Soli (the horse in quiestion) has her good moments and her. . . . very not good moments... [ as our farrier will tell you from tuesday.. .*ahem*] we still like her and would rather she didn't leave. I think I'll have to concieve a fendish plot, to make the owner even more scared of Soli, occasionally mention her constant bucking and bitting and kicking and ..murder and terrorist atacks.. (even though she only really bucks occasionally..) Ah well *sigh*.
0- I drew a picture later on, took quite a while, but I always like drawing. (-:=
0- Fought my brother, who always likes a good fight. Regardless of him being the smallest when fighting either me or my sister (he's only 12- against me-17 and Bryony-14).
0- I'm also feeling a bit morbid tonight, one of my deep sighing, un-bouncy, thoughts of death times. Please Note that I am not suicidal or anything stupid like that- - thats rather silly. I think I must just like the quietness and sleeping state.. maybe my brain is trying to tell me something. . . .
0- I might just go to bed. . . . oh and by the way, incase you didn't know.. I think the actor who played Atticus in "to kill a mockingbird" (good book) died today. But maybe it was on the news or something.. .. I never seem to see the news...
0- Last point for today: Night Night and Have Fun = : - )

Sunday, June 08, 2003

I am happy. again. I have also decided that I want to meet everyone in the world. Except I have a pre-conception everyone in the world is nice, or at least has a nice side, even if it is hidden, this I'm sure is not the case; but I still assume.

Horses. . . . Hug them. Hug them Now.. go and find one, They are reeeeally good for the soul, your chi, the immune system, and medula oblongata, and everything. Honestly they are nice, and life-enlightening. (-:=

Cake (the band) are the best ever man. Just how groovy can you get before exploding I wonder?!?

See you all soon hopefully... (as part of my meet-world-plan..) = : - D miss you all

Thursday, June 05, 2003

ORANGE BELT!!!!!! wooooohoo! in a senior judo grading!!! against grown ups that is!!! [ the Kyu belts go: white, yellow, orange, orange, green, green, blue, blue, brown, brown and then you go on to the Dan's..] (haha if you dont know what i'm talking about) anyway, I skipped a belt and orange is good for my 1st grading, and as ive only been going a while.
Me = happy. (as always.)

I have also come accross a theory. Called "nice-guys never win" which isn't very good news for a happy person like myself. It seems people who are always happy etc are seen to be hiding / supressing feelings of annoyance or aggression, and people don't like that, they prefer to see a range of emotions. Even though.. when I'm angry, I'll show it.. but now-a-days it's not that common, and I don't get in moods with friends..so they don't see it. Consequently, I have resolved to occasionally give the impression of frustration etc.. forfill my emotional range as it were. And so everyone is happy. (um..is that the idea..? er... perhaps...)

So.. todays lesson, : is to be happy.. but be sad sometimes as well... but overall happy.. Yay!