bunny in a beret

Friday, June 13, 2003

[ I don't really have anything of a specific subject to put forward to the world so 'today' will have to do.]
0- ~ today commenced by being woken up by a phone call, at about 11am, from some father of 'ben' who my sister talkes to who likes horses and goes to a public school. . .who I acctually know about, despite Bryony being secretive - because, I'm a master of ease-dropping.
0- No-one else was at home, which is always a good thing, so I went and put some clothes on...( I looove having the house to myself.. and living in the middle of no-where, I can walk around minus clothes if i feel like it. Yet, I still don't quite - - Something to do with the fact people occasionally do visit us, or pass through, or are still in the house (thats the worst scenario).
0- I put CAKE on Very loud, And hopped about for a while. I miss having a rabbit to go and bring out into the sunshine or feed or take for walks etc. (ok..some rabbits arn't very suited to the latter activity). *sigh* But we do still have our chicks. Cheep cheep cheep, cheep cheep - cheep cheep, cheep cheeep - - -cheep cheep cheep cheep etc etc... *sigh* And- - *sigh* one of our two horses has been summoned back to her legal owner, who never rides her, lives in town, and has loads of horses anyway. So we're a bit sad.. even though Soli (the horse in quiestion) has her good moments and her. . . . very not good moments... [ as our farrier will tell you from tuesday.. .*ahem*] we still like her and would rather she didn't leave. I think I'll have to concieve a fendish plot, to make the owner even more scared of Soli, occasionally mention her constant bucking and bitting and kicking and ..murder and terrorist atacks.. (even though she only really bucks occasionally..) Ah well *sigh*.
0- I drew a picture later on, took quite a while, but I always like drawing. (-:=
0- Fought my brother, who always likes a good fight. Regardless of him being the smallest when fighting either me or my sister (he's only 12- against me-17 and Bryony-14).
0- I'm also feeling a bit morbid tonight, one of my deep sighing, un-bouncy, thoughts of death times. Please Note that I am not suicidal or anything stupid like that- - thats rather silly. I think I must just like the quietness and sleeping state.. maybe my brain is trying to tell me something. . . .
0- I might just go to bed. . . . oh and by the way, incase you didn't know.. I think the actor who played Atticus in "to kill a mockingbird" (good book) died today. But maybe it was on the news or something.. .. I never seem to see the news...
0- Last point for today: Night Night and Have Fun = : - )


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