bunny in a beret

Wednesday, June 18, 2003


I have discovered today, that I do this alot. I decided to make gunpowder( yes really)...but then when I went outside to the shed, I forgot and decided to make some swords, (wood, well, sticks really..) So I went up to a tree, but decided to walk to the top of the hill instead.
-But on the way there, I decided I needed my boots / wellies on. so I went back down. On my way back up... I had a quick look in our big shed. It has lots of computer stuff, and wood, and old machine stuff, and random cash tills and stuff in it. I found a nice hand saw that looks particually .. useful.. for something anyway. (mmm...sharp sharp serrated edges...mmm..must...touch...)
So I went to find a nice branch to saw into a sword. (heh heh, how cool are swords / sticks..!) But decided a rotten bit would be better seeing as the trees all seemed to be very much attatched to their ..um.... themselves. And they were all too covered in leaves, and I felt sorry for them. So I went and got a couple of rotten sticks. And put the very sharp...serrated...shiny... big...knife thing back.
On my way back up to where I was before, I decided to climb a tree. It's a nice tree, and has markings on it from when I was very little; or quite little anyway. I got down from the tree, and went to find another tree.. in what we call the "Boggy Field". I got bored of the tree inhabitants of the boggy field, and went to chop some thistles! (with my mighty swords of course!) There's a particular way to doing this properly... its quite an art. Anyway. Then I ran out of Thistles. (I don't know why "Thistles" needs a capital T...) So I went into the house.
That is the story of what happened today, in probably bad english, and grammar, to show how i realised I get sidetracked alot. Also T-shirts. I always get sidetracked when doing t-shirts. . .


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