bunny in a beret

Sunday, June 22, 2003

How utterly cool...

Last night I babysat for a family I haven't babysat for before (I haven't babysat for many different families in the uk..) And It was rather fun. As I always think it is.

It suprised me how differently the kiddies relate to television. And how differently I relate to television now.. Its strange seeing how you've changed. We were watching Scooby-Doo for a while, a particular dislike and avoided program in our house. But seeing it now, it just seems funny is a "groovy" way! it's so obvious, and badly thought out, and basically stupid, the way they have a whole shot of Freddy going: "look it's a mummy shapped hole in the glass, the mummy must have escaped through here!" but Thelma craftily pointing out the glass was on the inside so it must have come in through that way..
Bethan, (of "buffy") Ben, and Ollie, aged about...9 - 10, 7 - 8, and 4 - 5, commented on how that might not be possible because glass might fall both ways. And how the 'monster' couldn't make stone casts of people becuase of various reasons, and Scooby-doo wasn't a person, even Ollie was asking how it was possible that someone could be made into stone, he's a clever little one that one.
Also the Scooby-doo language was very enlightening! "Yikes!" and similar retro phrases added to the educational multi-national and historic experience. (The monster turned out to be a Mr. Najib I think).

Afterwards we watched their dose of blood and bad plot lines in Casualty. They are obviously regular viewers of this, (and we're only watching Scooby-doo, The Pink Panther, and DangerMouse while waiting for Casualty.) And were trying to explain to me about who's wedding it is today, who stole £30, (acctually £300,000), who tipped who out of the Mercedes, who's the evil Pakistani, and who's going out with who.

Also on last night was "The Shortest night" which was on.. all night. It was very Cool. It showed a selection of short films or animations, some weird, no, all weird, some wonderful, some a complete load of arty farty crap, and some quite interesting. Although I didn't see many, my favourite was "Tongues and Taxies" Which was an animation and it was brilliant. I'm attempting to find it now. Look it up here:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/cinema/shortestnight/clips4.shtml but to acctually see it you need a real one player. Which I am hastily getting.

I've been on a while and feeling that I should go and do something. So, I hope this is all edible and not to badly written. au revoir mes amis. (-:=


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