bunny in a beret

Thursday, September 22, 2005


I've just looked over the photos from Joe's leaving party, Beth's do and me and Emi round at Kath and Janie's...

I SO so so wish I could have gone to Joe's thingy.. it looked so beautiful. I was actually brought to tears (!) looking over the faces that I haven't seen in so long, especially the people I haven't seen in ages (some people I haven seen more recently so it's less ..acidic).
John and Mel, matt, Jack, Kit (Mikey C's doesn't count), Ricky!! god! I acctually did not recognise him in the photo of him and ben! hehe funny. It's good to see he's changing; Holly, Ray, and the list goes on.

My nose is running more than normal now. *sniff*.

Aww... I really really do miss parties at home. Thanks Kathy for doing the photos (-:=

Charlotte the seventh xx x x

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I've been on this computer for too long, I can feel the edges of my eyes slowly aligning to create a square. Arrrugh.

Yay. Uni. I've written tons about it to send home so I'm not about to repeat myself. Just thought I'd say hi now I've registered and can make use of the computers. yay.

Have survived without my phone since sunday, Haven't found out where Beth or Joeseph are, have made lots of friends. But I really do need a top up of the old Drum n Bass Nights soon. And a top-up of people I click with. Nice people really are a breath of fresh air.

I've joined the climbing society! very exciting stuff. very expensive stuff. very worth it. stuff. going to the peak district on sunday, the morning after the notorious 'freshers' ball'. Hooray for that. Ah well. I'm looking forward to it in a slightly slightly apprehensive way.

Anyway, I'm going to go and buy some fruit. e-mail me, anyone. I like emails and I like talking and keeping in contact.

See ya later my friends. Who are (as I pointed out first miss freemando - very good looking!) and very nice. (but you pointed out the rest first).

x xxx Charlotte (from Manchester University. woooo) yeaah

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I feel like mentioning something about how I'm beginning to post frequently, and how it somehow reflects my life style habits or how 'cool' I am, or how my blog's haven't (hahaha just fooled you there with that apostrophe!) been all that interesting of late.....

I write this blog for my own amusement (73%) (and for the record the other percentage is by way of contact with nice friends that if I don't manage to speak to them directly all the time about everything.)

And. So. I don't care.

(Yeah. I sooo don't. Which is why I just wrote the above.)


Moquee is sooooo cute! He's so lovely and frieldly and cuddly and sweet! awww He really is very lovely, everyone should meet him and cuddle him.

Argh! I'm going on friday and A.M.P still haven't played their final gig! and I don't want the last one I heard of them be the last - because I don't remember which one it was!!!! Arrrrghhh! the horror of it all..

I want to make a list of all the lovely (and not so?) parties I've ever been to and remember. That'd be cool. I don't like the idea that I will forget that I ever went to certain parties. I like remembering them. (teehee.. and I do like lists....mmMm...satisfying..)

Mikey C's was groovy-o. It was reeally nice. I was 'well' impressed because I knew almost everyone there -and the people I didn't know, I knew of; even though it was a party which drew people in from an area bordering hereford-aberystwyth-llandovery-north powys. So that was lovely. I felt very comfortable and happy and feverish, but you can't have everything.
It was very interesting also comparing last year's annual mikey C do, this one was so much better - but I suppose that's just because I knew less people then. I wonder what next years' will be like.... OoOoo only time can tell... OooOo.. hah. crap.

hmm. I'm now feeling ... hungry, in true tamagotchi style I must now go replenish my fodder-lacking bowels.

Oh it really was nice last night!

off I go then, see you lovelies

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Our shop window was smashed last night. Death by Beer Bottle at 2am.

This is so horrible. Stupid fucking drunks. I'm never going to either be drunk again or ever throw anything when I am drunk. Or.. I'm going to find the bloody fat idiot that did it and poke him in the eye balls. And make him pay the 3 or 400 quid it'll cost to replace. Including all the sign work that needs to be re-done now.

So horrible! My dad had to wake up and drive over to Brecon (3/4 hour drive) to go and see his shop window wrecked by idiots. And he says there's even CCTV watching our street, so if the police 'can be bothered' they could probably see who it was. I hope they do bother.

It's scary sometimes how you can wake up and your little delicate world may have changed, for good or for bad. You could wake up and one of your family could have just died.. just like that. You'd be waiting for them to get ready.. and they just lie there. You could wake up with your house completely upside down because it's been burgled - while you were sleeping. You could come down stairs in your pajamas in the morning and find London doesn't exist anymore. Or simply that one of your favourite trees has lost a branch.

I don't like it. But I like sleeping enough luckily. I had lots of dreams last night. One was a very clear story about a few of us (the edinburgh lot perhaps) lived in this town, and there was this little black lady who was a bit nuts, and a lesbian and she kept scaring me. (yes, her), and there were even the crags in a slightly different formation, which we had to walk up in ski boots. And I did Graffitti, one I did of hands, and one of a face. It was a nice feeling but I woke up slightly annoyed that I hadn't finished one of them. Ah well.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I seemed to have missed Drum'n'Bass long enough to have forgotten how to dance to the beautiful stuff... ... to this I think... ... ARRRHGHGHGHG!!! I must quickly remember and get back into practice.

Dis party be goodo I like seeing peeps of me home land,

There's a few people not here though- Emi, Danny, and nothing feels quite right without Kit either. I'm used to going out within a clan of four or five. I mean, a certain four or five. I'll go and practice my dancing

see you!