bunny in a beret

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Two full days in bed!

A Dream come true, perhaps?


Yuck Yuck yuckckckckckc Not when you can't move 'cos your stomach is being ever so peculiar and you've been throwing up and have a fever whenever you try and stand up; -with what seems to have turned out to be the north-carmarthenshire-clan's sick bug.

Yucky yuck. I'm so bored of this.. woke up on ......monday ( I think) morning instantly feeling my tummy as being weird.. made my way to the toilet and back, only to lie on my bed curled up for a while..and say to Emi (being just round the corner on her bed) that I'm not feeling to good.. and her to reply that she isn't either! weirdness. She beat me to being sick first though. And you feel better after being sick.. I suppose.

So that was monday. Bed. I lay there, except for when I got up-all day. A whole 24 hours I stayed in that bed. Argh! And my brother had all his friends round for his birthday party and I could hear them all running about and being outdoors and such fun things. *sigh*

My bed is also very soft -which is normally a good thing, but because I'd been laying in it for so long my back was abolutely killing me. And despite having slept quite a bit and having been sick a few times I was dead bored. Amazingly enough. Also at 10 pm 'A Fish Called Wanda' was due to be on television, and so I decided to try and get out of bed and aim to be downstairs in half an hour for that. But that ended up in my lying on the stairs in a hot sweat unable to go any further. I managed it though, good thing I set off early.

I tried eating something while watching John Cleese and Michael Palin and I managed a whole two small slices of apple and a sip of banana milk shake! *sigh*
Anyway, so there I stayed, in front of the television. I couldn't face going back to bed because my back hurt too much, (not that I could make it that far vertically anyway) so I rolled onto the floor and half slept there. Hehe.. I had the television on all night which was really weird - emi stayed up till 1 or half 1am then made her way to bed, still feeling a bit headachey and tummy-poorly. But it was fun watching late-night rubbish with her on tv for a bit.

Also there was an earthquake wasn't there..? I don't know if I dreamt it or not, because I'd left it on BBC 1 all night and I remember trying to tell my mum in the morning but I couldn't think of the word for earth quake.. Poor Indonesia and malaysia.. scary stuff

So, I stayed on the floor 'till the next 12 hour mark (about 10am) when my back began to hurt the opposite way from being on such a hard surface for so long.
I tried to get some food I think, after a while, a bit of home-made bread and marmite, and some tomatoes, then felt stable enough to HAVE a BATH!! yaaaay! that was sooo good. But then I felt really tired and wobbily again so I went back to bed till half twoish. Mmmm sleep. Then I woke up and felt like I should be well enough to do something by now, but my hand/eye coordination wasn't working all that well and I was knackered.. so I gave up and lay in front of the television again with my quilt. *sigh*

Oh! And then me and Emi ended up watching the Little Mermaid video!!!! It was fantastic!!! Hehehe. I love the little mermaid. It really is such a jolly good film. I highly reccomend it.

And here I am now after a bit more television and recouperation. Emi says that Janie and Ezie have also been sicking and before Jessie's awesome party Danny'd been up all night decorating the toilet with his innards, poor Danny. I'd like to know what it is that's made everyone ill all of a sudden, before whe knew about Janra and Ezra we blamed it on the poor quiche, which was maybe a little unfair on the quiche. and I've just heard that Jas, Tom and Ray have had the illness too...awww

It really was a brilliant party! I had so much fun. It was so lovely to see everyone -especially the people I haven't seen in ages. And especially the people I have seen recently too actually.
Little Johnny played so well.. fantabulousness.

Hah.. Dylan from Boston is also ill! What is the world coming to.

Oh and Beth's 18th was pretty cool! I did have a nice time, pity me and Em couldn't get there any earlier, but it was good anyway. Happy eighteenth beffy (-:=

Ohh.. I keep getting dizzy and I feel strangely hot.. (sorry if this blog has been a bit too much detail for you..but that's what blogs are for me 'dears ) I have to go to carmarthen tomorrow to a) have an adventure with bethy and b) have a brace (full). Which'll be fun.. interesting.. hmm

anyway I'm off now, see you all later lovelies. p.s. wednesday/thursday of next week round here, anyone? assuming we haven't all died of the black death by then..

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Hey there lovelies. (And you are.)

I'm feeling drained. And weak. I need a hug, and I want to see some of you nice friends. But I'm here and you're there. Ah well. (I keep finding myself talking in soppy cliches...argh! help!)

My throat is hurting lots still.. since last saturday! this can't be right. And it's not sore either.. it just hurts. I'm even contemplating seeing the doctor about it maybe... which means it's prety extreme. It hurts!! I tried getting a bit of extra sleep last night, instead of the usual 6 or 7 hours, but Bryony begged me to come and pick her up from town, so I obliged and stayed up till 11 (after working a long day at the shop and feeling very very worn out might I add), Then with a losing-my-voice-style-throat and constantly sipping warm water drinks I phoned her to check and ask where from. Then after I'd gone upstairs, got a jumper on, after agreeing to leave 1/4 hour later than planned because of the 'please pleeeasssse' es she phones 10 minutes later and says she doesn't need a lift now. Argghghgh!! that was just quite a horrible thing to do! I got quite upset and just went and collapsed on my bed for a bit. I was just so tired. And annoyed that Bryony could be so inconsiderate. Earlier in the day she'd been screaming and shouting at my mum to go and pick her up (she does say some pretty nasty things when she's cross) when I'd already said I would (she didn't seem to notice that.. haven't a clue why.)
Anyway. That's enough of that. It's her problem really. Oh this morning is such a beautiful day! I'm itching to go outside and.. well, erm.. do the kind of sun-worshiping grass-rolling flower-smelling hill-running bare-footing things you do on the first day of sun in a very long while.
Although I would like to share it with someone. Emi! come home from your dads! And anyone who wants to come here in easter (anyone is welcome at all! even if you live just down the road) tell me so I can sort out when I'm working and such, I hope it's lovely weather!! then we can have gathering-style sunny friendly beautiful days that include jumping in rivers and shooting bow and arrows and having vegetarian barbecues and hugging people. Oh lovely of loveliness.

I have to get offline now because Edward's pestering me. Ah well. I'm going to go and do some bunny-hugging and grass lying and prancing like it spring now. byes (-:=

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Urgh. Quite a nice day in college I suppose.. didn't involve much stress, crying, deaths, dodgy old men, or anything very eventfull really. Of which I am very glad. Yesterday me, Emi, Danny, Joe and Jas went to mpyt which was fun, seeing as we played games all night and I haven't seen the latter three for waaaay too long. But it just meant we got home at 11pm, and after me and Emi had made our lunch for today and had a bath it was going on 12.15 which -when I had to get up at 6.15am -isn't enough! I keep missing out on the early (9 till 10.30) hours which means I only get 6 or 7 hours sleep. Oh how I miss it.

After last week's excitement I'm happy to have a quiet week, and I think all I have planned (after mpyt on tues and karate on monday) is a choice or karate/ fat lace /face off (swansea) on friday. hmmm-diddly. Oh and I have to find somewhere (NON-RUGBY related) to go to on friday because Bryony wants picking up. But then again I might not. I dunno. I really just want to spend the whole time in my beautiful bed.

Hahahaah Ollie's broken his finger! And unsurprisingly it was in an anvil-related-accident! tee hee.

So, anyway. In college we're starting our 'major projects' which count towards 50% of our grade and last untill the end of the course. We have to make our own briefs too, which is actually more fun than I thought. Guess what I'm doing!?!?! A whole project on Match boxes!!! Hehehe. I'm so chuffed 'cos it's the most original idea in our group. Mwahahaha! Match boxes rule so much. If anyone has any ideas, or match boxes even, feel free to email me. You should know my address by now, seeing as I've had it since I started on the internet when I was about 9 or 10. charlbunny@hotmail.com, obviously.

I must go now, It's 8.23 pm. nearly bed-y-bies. And we have a new wireless keyboard which is driving me nuts because all the keys are different sizes and I can't touch type very well on it. grrr! *sobs*

love you all.... night night x xx x x

Friday, March 11, 2005

Wow. What a week.
Quite a bit has happened. But maybe it's one of those 'quite a lot has happened' that you can't really describe to anyone while succeding to convey the feelings and atmosphere surrounding them. But I'll give you an outline because it's been dead fun!!
Oh- but before I start, these are the times I spent travelling last week: monday:8 hours, Tuesday:3 hours, Wednesday:8 hours, Thursday:3 hours, Friday 4 hours. And they correspond fairly well to the hours I had of sleep too. On sunday I had 2 hours sleep, then went off to college and had a horrible assesment. Which did encourage the release of any inhibitions about partying all week to make myself feel a bit more alive again. So, that was monday.
Tuesday! Oh lovely tuesday.. I actually had a LIE IN!! Sooooo chuffed. A full scrumptious 12 hours. Haven't done that in way too long. Woke up, went on net, had bath, walked to the train station at 2, (hitching half way there with a cool guy in an old mini), saw Emi going the opposite way to me on the train before mine while I was waiting at the station. Heh. cought train to swansea. Met up with serena for her birthday meal at her friends' house-really scrummy and very much of it. Went out to the Monkey (fun), came home to serena's other friends' house at 2ish, slept at I-don't-know-what-time,
~wednesday ~ woke at 11am and watched all of the Brass Eye episodes I hadn't seen [ -mmmmm brass eye....] Then actually began watching what seems to be the underground classic of our generation - The Labyrinth! Which I have fond-ish memories of from when I was very little (David Bowie scared me a lot) But then we went somewhere instead. can't remember where. So I didn't finish that. Oh yes, then me and Serena drove to Bristol, to see Lemon Jelly! Woooo! How cool. In the same place me and Beth saw Snow Patrol 11 months ago too. AND with the same drum'n'bass people playing in the famous 'Arc Bar'. Strangeness. Lemon Jelly were very good. Yes. Very good. After it finished we faffed around for a bit then decided not to go to the Arc Bar seeing as it would have cost 4 quid each for like an hour and a half.
I don't know if anyone reading this knows of a fantastic graffiti artist called 'Banksy'.. ? If you do, you rule. His work is so amazing, we walked up to see one of his pieces and met a guy walking past who gave us a graffiti tour of the art in that area of Bristol. It was cool.. there was some pretty beautiful pieces. Then let us skip to Thursday.
Here be thursday. Back in swansea at 6am. Now at 11am and serena hasn't slept and I've just had a couple of hours, we go out for a walk with all the guys (who we stayed with the other night-and who played in the monkey on tuesday)we go to the Uni to hand in an essay, visit some peoples and then go and play frisbee in the park! Yays! It was really fun. there were swings too which was even funner! (hehehe.. "funner") We had fun hiding in trees and climbing fences till about 4 when we walked home and watched 'Team America' (which was quite funny) when the guys promtly fell asleep because they hadn't slept since the night before.
We then had to leave to come back to carmarthen for Spunge. Which was quite difficult. Spunge were brilliant though!! It was SOOOOoooooo much fun!!! I loved it! the crowd atmosphere was really good and just plain old great. After the set the dj played some pretty cool system of a down, green day, placebo, prodigy and such brilliance. It's rare that you can dance to music that the dj is playing you actually like rather than silly pop stuff. (Except for when at drum'n'bass or live gigs obviously. I then chatted to the lead singer, and 'Jarvis' the bassist, the drummer, the other bands and the tour manager - oh and went on the tour bus. (HAH!!!!! and they gave me two free beers as well! Hah hah hah hah!)

Went back to the house and lasted perhaps 1/2 hour to an hour before giving in and going to bed, mainly because I couldn't keep my eyes open so I thought it was the best idea. Mmmmm bed.

Slept till nearly 10ish am and made my dased (dazed?) way to college. And that is where I am now. Tonight I have two hours of Karate! hooray. I'm looking forward to sleep though. Although this is quite fun.

Of course the above is an edited, shortened, PG certified version. I can't explain all the lovely people I met either. It has been so fun. I don't think it's been internally healthy, but mentally it's been a great learning experience as much as just having fun. good times. I could do with this party on saturday too.. seeing as I can drive again now!! woooo! yays! parties!!

Bye! (-:=