bunny in a beret

Friday, January 21, 2005


Hehehe. I'm in SUCH a good mood. You would NOT BELIEVE. (well.. maybe)

HEHEHEehehe giggly giggly (-:=

Heehehhe such a good day. can't stop smiling! heheheehh. sorry no more details! heheeeh bye!

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Hey there folks

Thankyou again kathy for putting up all the photos on to Web-a-photo (-:=

Everyone go to Kath's blog and use the links to see all six thousand billion of them! (Kath's blog link is right there ----> use it!)

They're very fun.
Mmm. I haven't much more I want to say really. Today I went on an exploration/adventure/mission with edward, which turned out a little bit rubbish because we were seen (from a distance) by a farmer, which defeats the point, especially since we were seen more than once. If this was a proper mission we'd be dead!! or at least fired. (I was playing the part of an actor, and Bod was playing the part of a soldier -american, I might point out. Which I use as the excuse for us losing.) Ah well. we got very muddy and it was good exercise.

God it took me ages to spell exercise. Hmm.

anyway, see you all soon hopefully, it was lovely to see everyone (-:=
kisses xx xx x x x x x x xm xxx x x x x xxx x x x x etc


Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I'm in a muddle of moods now. Excited, excited even more, happy, fed up, not-so-happy, annoyed.

And in a fluctuating order, not necessarily going down down down like they did above.

I'm really excited about this friday because there's a gig on with one of my favourite bands playing (Alcatraz Melon Project, please note!!!) and jointly I'll get to catch up with friends then too. That's where the not-so-happy comes in, I miss people! miss you Bethy, Kathy, Janie, Davy, Ezra, Luke -who I haven't spoken to in yonks, and Kwong who I just spoke to actually. *sigh*. I did enjoy mpyt last night though, it was especially fun to be with Danny and Emi-o. (-:=

I'm also excited even more because we three kings are going to see THE BEST band, in no less than the whole WORLD (or universe too) in like.. less than a month!!!! I do love CAKE. And going with Emi and Danny too! yays.

Urg. Why do we live so far away from anyone?!? I want to nip round and see friends.. but no. It would take me an hour to walk down the tretuous path to either Emi or Dan's houses which are the closest.

4 hours travelling on a bus is too much in one day. Even 2 hours a time (which is more accurate) is draining. My back's starting to complain too because they're not all that easy to sit on for so long, not to mention sleep on (which is what I do mostly, to pass the time.) I don't mind all that much because it is completely free.. but for every single day gets a bit tedious.

I'm going to go and do some artey work now, it should pick my mood up a bit. Then I'll be off to bed for 10ish at the latest.

Lots of love and hugs and love and cuddles (-:= x x x

Sunday, January 09, 2005


Kath.. I've never seen whatever show that show-quiz is based on, but apparently I'm Lucas.

Which Empire Records character would YOU be? Hmmm?
This quiz made while Angel was procrastinating her ass off.

"You are the "Chinese dude from the Karate Kid". You may seemingly talk in circles but deep down, you are very aware of everything that is going on. Your life used to suck, but you're now quite happy with your friends you have now, and would do anything for them. Even if it means risking an ass-kicking from your adopted father. Oh yeah, and you pissed the bed until you were 7. You know all, see all, and are a shoplifter's worst nightmare. Damn the man!"

See.. I always knew it. (except for the highly untrue bed thing..oh and the adopted father bit..and my life didn't really used to suck..and I'm not sure about the shoplifting thing..?!?!)

So there we have it. I don't know who 'corey' is, but I'm sure she's a nice character to be similar to. (based on this quiz anyway.)

So how is everyone? I'm normal. I have 60 units of college work to do, and 40 units of time. As always. Yesterday I worked in the shop. Then in the evening babysat--- which was Super Fun!!!! It was really cool. I had great fun. We watched lord of the rings (two towers) and Recess (as always) and ate tons of food that had more sugar and miscellaneous fat and crap in it than macdonalds. --Wait..Maybe that's being a bit too extreme. It didn't have the terrible background that the M-company does either. Ok.. I take that back. It was just highly sugary and additivey. Nothing on the scale of the M-company really.. what was I thinking..

argh.. I'm babbling and using too many dot-dot-dots...

Hmm. And Today I've spent all day taking photographs on my REAL camera. Which is Dead hard because I don't know how to use it!!!!! aperature, F numbers, Exposure, ASA, lighting, put 'em all together! and --> You get some very bad results. Well.. we'll see tomorrow when they're developed.

I'm waiting now for the 3rd text from college revealing the third lot of 4 titles. It's a 'photomarathon' and therefore we have 12 hours to take 12 pictures with 12 individual random titles. It's cool.. so far the titles have been= unavoidable, january, euphoric, taste, distance, blue, celebrity, and one more.....*thinks*......oh I'm going to have to go and check now.

I have my other project to do now too, the one I didn't do over the holidays and that is in on friday. So I'd better go. I can't be bothered to check that last word, sorry!

Bye for now (-:=

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Hello there, thankyou Bethy-dear. It was nice to hear (or see?).

I'm at home today, it being the fifth of january in this new year. Everyone else is at school. hah and I'm back in college tomorrow. Only thing is about that....... is that I think we have a project to do -well I know we do, I just don't know when it's in. And.. me being the stupid person I am, have lost my brief (AGAIN).

So: a) I haven't done one smidgen of a mark on a page in the way of work. And b) I still can't find my brief.

Oh deary me. Ah well.

I came back from Hull yesterday, it was fun (Hull was, not coming back from it) we went to the beach and saw family and ice skated (twice) and went shopping just from Sunday afternoon untill tuesday afternoon. It was cool. But alas, no work was done. I did buy a brilliant new prodigy CD though with a £10 token I aquired from christmas!!! Oh it rules. Lots. but it does admittedly wear you out.

Argh 10 o'clock, I haven't much time to save the world from impending disaster due to Dr. Evil counteracting the sun's powerful energy blah blah. I mean I haven't much time to get myself sorted and find this damn brief!!!! ARGH. stupid pieces of paper.

Beth- I know about asia.. it's pretty grim. And we were so close to phukit (we know how to pronounce it properly). Weird. I can't imagine it really.

Have to go now and ..well, you know what. Love you all (I have pics from Danny's new year's party if people want them!) <- Beth we missed you at that! (and Poppy and Sam!)

Bye for now dears.... mwah x x x