bunny in a beret

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Hello there, thankyou Bethy-dear. It was nice to hear (or see?).

I'm at home today, it being the fifth of january in this new year. Everyone else is at school. hah and I'm back in college tomorrow. Only thing is about that....... is that I think we have a project to do -well I know we do, I just don't know when it's in. And.. me being the stupid person I am, have lost my brief (AGAIN).

So: a) I haven't done one smidgen of a mark on a page in the way of work. And b) I still can't find my brief.

Oh deary me. Ah well.

I came back from Hull yesterday, it was fun (Hull was, not coming back from it) we went to the beach and saw family and ice skated (twice) and went shopping just from Sunday afternoon untill tuesday afternoon. It was cool. But alas, no work was done. I did buy a brilliant new prodigy CD though with a £10 token I aquired from christmas!!! Oh it rules. Lots. but it does admittedly wear you out.

Argh 10 o'clock, I haven't much time to save the world from impending disaster due to Dr. Evil counteracting the sun's powerful energy blah blah. I mean I haven't much time to get myself sorted and find this damn brief!!!! ARGH. stupid pieces of paper.

Beth- I know about asia.. it's pretty grim. And we were so close to phukit (we know how to pronounce it properly). Weird. I can't imagine it really.

Have to go now and ..well, you know what. Love you all (I have pics from Danny's new year's party if people want them!) <- Beth we missed you at that! (and Poppy and Sam!)

Bye for now dears.... mwah x x x


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