bunny in a beret

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Hah hah hah, people are so funny. So now the nights are a-longer and the days are a-greyer (tee hee) people are coming crawling back to their little neglected blogs. I'm not quite sure what I'm trying to say. But.. er.. um. I'll leave it at that maybe.

Well I was really laughing because Emi, Janie and Kwong have recently blogged, and a) it's nice to see they're doing.. well (I suppose), and b) they say funny things. (-:=

Kwong.. that's not how you're going to die, that's just a dream about dying.

Janie.. aww I'm glad you're still in contact with drum-n-bass-man (-:=

Em.. you told me about those occurances before so I don't have anything particular new to comment ..er.. hah except how funny you wrote that. Very fancy wording for such an innocent story tee hee.

I've been at mpyt.

HAAA! guess who just came online!!!!!!! RUBEN!!!!!!! wooooow!!! speak later peoples!! x x

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Greetings. I'm acctually not going anywhere tonight and I have about 2 hours to use before making my way to the land of Nod at a rediculously early time.

I wonder if I have anything to say today? Yes, I think I do. I always have something to write about, whether it's the state of the world, or the state of my room I'll still write it. Today... I'll write about whatever I think of, which usually starts with what I've done or what I'll be doing. Ok then.

Tomorrow I'm staying in carmarthen! yay, there's a Ska night on in the Student Union. I'm not a huge fan of Ska type stuff myself.. I like it, certain ska-makers more than others, but there's a couple of people in college who are mad about it and just can't wait to get skanking. So there's quite a few of us going I think. Should be cool.

Up 'till now I've been driving up to youth theatre (mypt) every night which -at around 70 miles altogether- gets quite a mission. Especially with having to get up at 6am because I only get back at around a quater to 11pm. It all gets a bit heavy after a while. But today I'm not going!! yay!!

Don't you just hate it when the times when you most feel like being alone and sulking -are the times that being with friends is the most valuable? When they can really pick up your mood. Silly. Although I sometimes find that I slightly enjoy being unhappy or tearful every now-and-then.. It's quite dramatic really. And besides crying is physically good for you in many ways. Especially if it involves Hedgehogs. *sigh*

I'm off now to do the things I do. Au revoir mes amis x (-:=

Friday, October 15, 2004

Hello there! Yes this is a new post if you happen to be blog-scanning. How frustrating it is when no-one has updated anything. Well I will. Things are cool.. Emi's birthday was last night and it was just super, magical even. I loved having a supreme selection of my best friends here all dressed up in silly/posh clothes. It was only a little 'do, so there was only a few of us, but it was nice. (i.e. I'm not saying if you weren't there you're not one of my/Emi's best friends) We had champange, and games, and lots of fun little friendly type things. (-:= Happy birthday Emidoo!
Today I was chuffed twice!!! (yeah, how cool is that!) Someone said I looked like Milla Jokovich (can't spell her name) which I think is a bit iffy but nice anyway, and also I did a bit of modeling for someone doing a photographic competition for Tetley!! Hah!!

It was really nice to see people yesterday (-:=


except.. Those around me know I have this stupid brace and I 'apparently' "have" to have 4 teeth out to make room for the others.. pfft.. Which scares me because (a) I like my teeth (b) I hated my old dentist because I don't trust him and he gave me fillings (well..one) for no reason and almost gave me FOUR more when -after having an X-ray somewhere else they were FINE. EVIL. You can't go around not trusting dentists, it's just scary. So I've changed to these lovely people in Llanelli, who are ever so friendly and do O-Zone treatment which is fantastic and brilliant. But.. I still don't like the idea of having teeth out..I just have very bad memories about when I had the filling and the injection hurting soooo much. EEEEEK. I'm not scared of much but this makes me want to curl up and hide from anyone who's ever been in the vicinity of a dentistry course in their life. Anyway.. My point was that I've got one appointment a couple of days before going to London for CAKE.. which may not be a good idea. Hmm. May change that. After all, when we meet cake backstage and they all want us to go on tour with them so much they'll pay us, I'd prefer to have my teeth how they are for all the photoshoots we'd have to sit through. ah well..(-:=

EEEEKKKKK!!!! SCARY!!!!!! *sniff*

Where was I..? um.. oh.. p.s. I hate orthadontists too.. especially ones called Emyr something-or-other. Hasn't a clue what he's talking about. And he's so single minded. Idiot. If I wasn't blogging I'd go into why he's such a poo, but I'll stop now. sorry. grr.

We have our new preject for college.. this one is practically 2 weeks long (v. short) and one week of that is half term.. which is full of youth theatre tech-week. *sigh* I sound like Emily with all the stuff I'm trying to fit in. I won't have any time to choose which hallowe'en party I go to!

Hmm.. Have to go now I have rehersals tomorrow and stuff on sunday, I also went to bed late and have had a fairly sleepy day doing contextual studies (lights off watching dreary film clips..Z Z Z z z z ) Nighty night all (-:= x x x kiss kiss hug etc

Friday, October 08, 2004

Good morrow fair citizens of Beautiful people (yes you, silly). Hope you are all well, I thought since the summer hols are well and truly over I may start blogging again.. which may be a tad bit (argh! I havent blogged for so long I'm forgetting words...) um... over.. over enthusiastic maybe? I dunno. What I mean is I don't have much time so this may be a rare phon..(ohh.. and how to spell) ..phenomenon.. phenomenon. (how brilliant being an art student is for your writing skills! hah!) (hahaha! I love being able to say I'm an art student.. conjours up all sorts of super images doesn't it?! (-:= mwhahahah all true of course)

Oh I'm having fun. Anyway short as this is I'm getting bored of looking at this cathode ray tube type thing so I'm off to see a bit more real life in my living room. In the form of my first proper assignment. (groan) The title is: Narrative in a Box, linked to Industry. And it's in on wednesday. you don't want to know how little I've done because having friends that done do work isn't as fun as having those who are great at doing college stuff.

hold on... what am I saying?!? Yes it is!! hahahah I'm a coool friend. I go out to the STUDENT UNION !!! and drink toxic substances, and run about carmarthen in the wee hours disturbing neighbours with my fun-lovin' not-work-doin' friends. How life if fun. But then of course there's the opposite sex, which always complicates things. ah well. things are as they are.

Have fun all, I'm off to chester tomorrow because it's the weeeeeeekend! bye bye lovelies!