bunny in a beret

Friday, October 08, 2004

Good morrow fair citizens of Beautiful people (yes you, silly). Hope you are all well, I thought since the summer hols are well and truly over I may start blogging again.. which may be a tad bit (argh! I havent blogged for so long I'm forgetting words...) um... over.. over enthusiastic maybe? I dunno. What I mean is I don't have much time so this may be a rare phon..(ohh.. and how to spell) ..phenomenon.. phenomenon. (how brilliant being an art student is for your writing skills! hah!) (hahaha! I love being able to say I'm an art student.. conjours up all sorts of super images doesn't it?! (-:= mwhahahah all true of course)

Oh I'm having fun. Anyway short as this is I'm getting bored of looking at this cathode ray tube type thing so I'm off to see a bit more real life in my living room. In the form of my first proper assignment. (groan) The title is: Narrative in a Box, linked to Industry. And it's in on wednesday. you don't want to know how little I've done because having friends that done do work isn't as fun as having those who are great at doing college stuff.

hold on... what am I saying?!? Yes it is!! hahahah I'm a coool friend. I go out to the STUDENT UNION !!! and drink toxic substances, and run about carmarthen in the wee hours disturbing neighbours with my fun-lovin' not-work-doin' friends. How life if fun. But then of course there's the opposite sex, which always complicates things. ah well. things are as they are.

Have fun all, I'm off to chester tomorrow because it's the weeeeeeekend! bye bye lovelies!


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