bunny in a beret

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Hah hah hah, people are so funny. So now the nights are a-longer and the days are a-greyer (tee hee) people are coming crawling back to their little neglected blogs. I'm not quite sure what I'm trying to say. But.. er.. um. I'll leave it at that maybe.

Well I was really laughing because Emi, Janie and Kwong have recently blogged, and a) it's nice to see they're doing.. well (I suppose), and b) they say funny things. (-:=

Kwong.. that's not how you're going to die, that's just a dream about dying.

Janie.. aww I'm glad you're still in contact with drum-n-bass-man (-:=

Em.. you told me about those occurances before so I don't have anything particular new to comment ..er.. hah except how funny you wrote that. Very fancy wording for such an innocent story tee hee.

I've been at mpyt.

HAAA! guess who just came online!!!!!!! RUBEN!!!!!!! wooooow!!! speak later peoples!! x x


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