bunny in a beret

Sunday, November 23, 2003

I've just realised most of what I write is completely boring to people who arn't me. Normally I wouldn't say this, because I often read people who refer to their only reader and that no-one else reads their stuff, but obviously out of the whole world, someone will at some point, like me. And it is interesting, it's always interesting (mostly..) reading about others' lives. But my thoughts are quite irrelevant to other people. urgh. Conclusion : Ah well. who cares. It's more theraputic to write than it is to know people enjoy reading. So thats good.

Drum n Bass rules. I never realised it's such good dancing music, and such a good crowd. I also realised out-of-their-head-drunk people are not fun if you are not in the same state. well....saying that, they are for a little while.. but then when they start dancing in a grease-lightning or 1950's style to drum n bass... it gets a bit..um..y'know.

I got up about 1/2 hour ago, (1pm ish) which is quite novel for me. I drove loads yesterday, all over the place, and went climbing again (hooray! it was fun) and worked in the shop, and then drove my dad to somewhere. I was tired. -and from only having 5 hours sleep the night before and driven miles and miles.

(dunno if that makes any sense) My dad had a day off, and my mum and sister went riding (horse) with the hunt. (thankfully they never catch any foxes) But Penny, our horse that my mum was riding slipped on a bridge or something, and my mum fell off and hit her head! and for about the 3rd or 4th time in her life got concust. This wasn't very nice, she is fine now but I don't like the idea of my mum banging her head, or anyone in my family..or not in my family...anyone really... Heads are precious and delicate. /-:=

Anyway. I'm going to go and do something now. I'm just talking to my friend Azzura from Malaysia, she's coming to britain!!! coool! anyway, byee

Wednesday, November 19, 2003


I'm not sure who exactly reads this... so I'm not sure exactly what I am at liberty to say... would I want certain people to see some things ? hmm. Probably not, so I'll not write those things. After all then, if I did write everything (like Samuel Peyps) it'd become a diary! and then It would be a dangerous thing to have published on the internet wouldn't it?...not that the billions of people I don't know might see it but for the few I do. So, I'll continue as normal.

I'm listening to: um.."Jean Michel Jarre" "equinox and the fourth rendez-vous. for the want of something better but I was looking through our extra stuff and it came up. Magnetic Fields (part 2) is on now.. which is one I like because we listen to it in the car. I love the old electronic noise.

I'm just researching some 1950's fashions for my art. As my two linked projects are on "Theatre and set design etc" I'm going to design a set and costumes etc for a fictional play, and yesterday I decided I'll do it on the 1950's, because I like big skirts and colours and drawing people.

Now I've changed it to Garbage, the world is not ennnnnouuugh.. (because it was next up the list..) (yes, I am going from top to bottom of the list..)

I keep thinking, how the most interesting and important part of life is other people. What would we do without them????? pfft. Amazing how our life (not that it would exist) would be. Or even our days..

OoOOoooo---we have our sixth form ball sooon!!!! I'm so exited, I adore big dresses and fancy stuff. And with everyone in year 12 and 13! how fun! Someone now has just linked me to a dress being sold £47, but originally cost just under £200, it is lovely.... hmm...I have a feeling my dress is going to become a bore soon. On the night it won't, but the more it becomes familiar it will seem more boring to me.

I'll explain it. It's black, and long (just long enough when I wear high shoes! hehe) and it has a straight neckline which is high and laced, all along the top and down the sleeves is netting, black lace. hmm. nice but I can't wear a fancy necalace. I'm also going to find a black ...thingy ..band, to go round my forehead, really feminine and damsel style. quite Pre-raphelite. oh how fun. (-:=

I'm now listening to Ok Go because they are brilliant.


I feel like something's on my mind.. but I'm not sure what it is. )-:=

I've just been reminded of ISketch. Coooool.

"love that perfect frown..."

Anyway. I'm going to stop now. bye bye

charlotte who likes things. (at charlbunny@hotmail.com)

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Hello my loved ones! Our computer is back where it should be in our front room! It has been a bit poorly, and had to go to our shop to be mended, but, not being a customer's computer, it got left and forgotten and put back. But now it is home, not quite as it used to be, but it's here.

I'm listening to Fairport Convention, the song that tells the sad story of young Matty Rose, and how he slept with the ...important blokes wife, and some stupid servant went and told on them, so the ...duke or whatever came all the way back from where he was and they had a duel... of hitting, of which poor Matty hit no more. (i.e. he was killed), his waife wasn't very happy and said she'd rather kiss dead Matty's lips than have you and your ....something...damn what was it....?? flamboyent, no.. [rewind..listening again:] oh no it was swords they used...and he was a lord..."and Matty struck no more" .. here it is: finery! yeah. oh and then he killed her too..Ah well.

I found another good blog, what's a gurg? (http://gurg.blogspot.com).

OooOooOoO:I watched Lock stock and two smoking barrels on friday night!!! it's so bril!!! especially the very cute 'soap' person. *swoon* he's lovely. sigh. I also passed my driving test of friday in the rain in a town i've only been to a few times and with a cold. but he was impressed and said I had a very high standard of driving (hehe) and I was the best person he'd seen all day, and it was a pleasure. (yay! hehe! take that smelly examiner no. 1!!) I also watched the Graduate! another classic, which was nice, I liked it, not in a flashy-shiny-kapow!-whoosh! way of some films but because I just liked it, I liked....hmm...what'sisname...the main character.. dustin Hoffman was it? anyway, him, I liked his acting. and seeing Eastenders before hand, you notice the similarity in endings..heh.

damn! oops! I've done it again, pressing the shift key 5 times puts "sticky keys" on... ?!? yes, what!? I ask you!? and I like the sound the shift key makes, and as it normally doesn't have much of an effect, I find myself pressing it when thinking. It's a bit like that James Bond with the explosive pen, that when clicked down, will explode. (I'm not sure of which James bond it is..a russian one..?) Some Russian bloke sits there clicking it furiously, up down down up up up down up up down down up down and flicking it round his fingers, while the observant audience is holding it's breath in anticipation.. but ...what was the outcome...erm..? I can't remember.

Twice as cold? does it exist?.... 1/2 as cold as 0 degrees C, ...? Apparently not.

How have I not noticed Smelly bush has a wife up till now?? poor thing.

About 40% of DNA of the British is far eastern. I.e. Iraq and the place starting with S I have just forgotten how to spell. And... as most americans are decendants of britain, then poo-hed bush should be happy he is taking over and killing his own blood!!! (or DNA anyway)!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA silly man.

Erm... Fnib. I've been realising especially how fab simpsons is recently. How much genius can it be?! amazing.

Bye bye for now. Have fun and drink lots of water. (-:=