bunny in a beret

Sunday, September 28, 2003

oops.. I just lost a post. silly me.
damn I hate it when that happens... write it again?? or forget about it?? ohhh poo. I was writing really interesting, life-fulfilling, ..interesting stuff too.

What to do, what to do?? ok, I'll write a bit of it.

Well, let me see. On saturday, I almost went to two events, parties, call them what you will, but didn't due to transport. huurah.

I went to school, on monday, tuesday. Also Wednesday and thursday, friday also. Thursday was cool, cos I made my second announcment on the tanoy ever!! (you know the big loud speak system around school type places or ships...) It was great because the first time I used it I messed up through giggling and missed a bit of information out, like a silly person, but it was quite funny... hehe... but this time was coool and triumphant....I ran away a better person for it (me and Em ran to the physics lab in a super-hero style, shirt flapping..etc) it was super, I have redeemed myself.
The point of that was for the groovy school council, (in...the physics lab! yes!) of which, being in year 13, I am secretary/chairperson of... I'm officially secretary, but I like talking to the little kiddies in a proper-non-adult-and-boring-silly-way, so I keep telling Iwan (the offical -but slightly boring- chairman) to shut up.. which he occasionally objects to... but I carry on anyway and conduct a happy and cheery suggestions taking.
Heheh this week's including covering benches so they don't get wet ... hmm.. and putting nets on the football goals.. to which I answered "don't you think they'll get a bit chewed up and mashed and ripped?" to which everyone laughed at my use of "chewed", when I think it's quite a good description...
One of the members, one of my brothers' year (8) has taken to continuously calling me or my brother either CT or ET repetitively whenever he sees me (I assume he still does it to Ed) and after he has said 'CT' enough, he will poke me. This gets a tiny-weeny-bit annoying, much as I love the little kiddies, the poking hurts my arm! and I can't always be bothered to fight back with "DM,DM,DM,DM,DM,DM,DM,DM,DM,DM,-poke!" being a busy sixth former, I just don't have the time darling.

I would write more... but I'm tired so I can't be bothered. See you brilliances later (-:= x x

Sunday, September 21, 2003

I've just realised I said to feel appreciated in my last blog aswell... if I was a psychologist, maybe I would expand into that... "insecurities with socks," or " has a deep suspision of cows that are actually horses" or "frequently spells acctually with two C's" (or is that right??) or "could try harder.."

hmm... you should feel ...er... needed... if not appreciated... (-:=

hi. I've just been blogger-surfing. (kindof..) i.e. I looked at two random other people's blog from the recently updated list, because my msn chums were being a bit lacking in the interesting conversation department. (hehe)
One was nice, about how when blogs weren't that popular, he just wrote anything and everything, but now, when writing he's aware of all the eyes watching and reading. This I thought was cool, it's true.. you do write to your audiences. Maybe the secret is to keep it completely secret? un-mentioned? un-publisised? perhaps.
The other was about who (I assume) is a girl who sings, and has a younger sister who likes neopets, and father isn't an alcoholic, and fancies someone secretly, and has likes japanese music. It was quite nice to see. (and hear.. it had funny jolly music to it.) (-:=

So I thought I'd blog. and about nothing in particular and to no particular audience.

I want someone.. an outsider... someone with no ties to anyone I know, that would be so cool. In that you could let out any inner conflict, or conquests or bouncy-ness, or what sandwiches you like, or who's getting on your nerves. Because they wouldn't know, they wouldn't care (all that much), and it wouldn't matter. But all this complicated stuff keeps occuring, and I don't always understand everything. That is life I suppose, and that is what you call therapy also. hmm.

School tomorrow. Yay. I like school at the moment, because I have lots of friendly nice people around, I like my subjects, I like the routine, (except the bus) and I haven't been there for a week. This also means I have a week's catching up to do un assisted. hooray (especially biology). ah well.

I'm going to bed now. You should all feel appreciated. yes, you, in colarado who wears a bobble hat, and you, who sits all night in the computer chair white faced, and everyone else in between. (orr....on the outside... um..)

See you sometime x charlotte.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Ohhh Dear... One of my most best activities is being temporarily postponed )-:= One out of two of our Judo clubs' instructors is leaving, and the other one is going on a course or something to get a full instructors license. Six-Eight weeks is a rough estimate of the time we have to survive without Towy Judo club. *moan*. ( www.towyjudo.org.uk -I'm mentioned at the bottom! after getting my first grading..hehe)
Not that this is of any interest to any one else but the other four people above year 8 in our little club.. but I'll go on anyway: There's a club in Pontardylais, which people are suggesting attending in place of our dear little one, but a) That is miles away! and b) they have a reeeeally gruesome fitness thing at the start, for like an hour or something which does not sound great, my lungs cannot handle cardio-vascular overload, or even underload, I can do stretching fine, but not running about for six years. So I might go down with Joe from our club to have a look.

Other Stuff: School, quite entertaining. Nice and friendly now there are lots of friend-type-people in sixth form (-:= and I get to wear my lovely black £40 DKNY charity shop jumper that is just lovely (hehehe... ok ok, £4 acctually!!-yay). And also being a deputy head pupil is preee-tty groovy. hehehhe. in a slightly hypocritical way. I never used to get voted for things. hah.

MPYT!!! I'm re-attending youth theatre! which is pretty cool and happy. Pancakes! (wink wink)
Also while going to mpyt we popped round to see good old buddie ezra-link, who's presence on arrival made me comment: 'Ezra is so incredibly sexy! I can't get over the extent to which his sexiness goes!'

Um... what else is happening? I missed a party (or three) last saturday which I was not best pleased at. Especially as it was just over the hill from our house.

Squibber is now in the dictionary apparently.. means some strange thing like unease.

Moquette is now my bunny's name.. incase I haven't mentioned him before.. hehe..
He's so cute..

I repeatedly keep getting up too late, but not late enough to miss the bus and go in in the car (hmm...) so I just end up rushing. This is not a very jolly predicament. So I should go to bed relitively early tonight ...seeing as it's 11.25pm I'm not doing very well.

I have my driving test on the 29th of October!!! arghghg!!! yay!!!! eeeekkk!!! hooray!!! arrrr!! I SOOOO want to pass! I'm going to be killed by so many people if I don't... (inc. myself). I reeeally hope....! = : - S [god- driving costs a Fortune!]

Eddie Izzard RULES completely. he's SOOOOOO utterly cool you would not believe, unless you also have heard his standing upright comedian-ing. Ou est la plume de ma tante???!!!?!

hehehe. I laugh. heheehhe... The Coral are friendly nice sound makers. Cake rule as ever. See you all. cos I need you nice people. You should feel appreciated. (-:=