bunny in a beret

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Hello there fellow land beings.

I'm home again. Interesting. Hmm...

It is interesting anyway. Had a nice day because grandma's here and you have big meals and looks at photos and stuff when grandmas come.

Yesterday was a sheer feat of stamina I think. I know I'll probably tell most of you this- but it's not like much I've done before! And you are under no obligation to read it.
Thursday night: went out with my lovely peers (all..lots of them) got back at half 3 ish..)
slept till 11am ish
Friday: filmed all day and did stuff, lots of running, jumping and falling over in the street with robin and jonny. Fun and silly in one wholesome activity.
Friday evening: Went to edit film. Waited. Waited. Computers were full up. Listened to an odd insomniac who predicted he could predict everyone and anyone's birthdate through speech patterns and such. He did not succeed. He did though succeed in making the three 20-something guys who were there feel a bit insulted and uncomfortable. They were nice guys though.. plouging their way through some scrumpy jacks while editing their film about a guy who's a stoner. Waited some more.
Then left at 11pm. Walked home.
Popped over to see Emi at the crepe stall - got £137 and a free chocolate, marshmallow, chocolate, cinnamon, lemon and chocolate crepe to warm me up.
Packed. Went slighly mad due to lack of sleep.. slept at 2.30 or 3. I think maybe three am. I survived and kept my sanity only by swigging a few swigs of the ever wonderful 'twang'. (Irish Meadow to everyone else who aren't true followers of the heaven juice). Emily comes back and climbs in the end of my bad- seeing as it's he only space left to sleep.
Wake at 5am. (well.. 5.15) Then slowly got up and got dressed and stuff. Robin awoke from the seatee and I said goodbye; then slowly and with much effort and struggle I lugged my bag and I down to the station. Edinburgh certainly was very beautiful at the time. Very very lovely. After a pause to recouperate my energies, reflect on how much I hate the morning and stare at WHSmith, I found platform 20. It was miles away.
The train (at 6.32am) was sooo cool! a swift virgin one, and above each seat it had (electronically) the number and when it would be used until! So on my seat it said "29 window, Edinburgh to Crewe" How cool. Other than that it was, admittedly just a normal-ish train though. It went quite fast though. I stayed consious for as long as I could to see the side splitting views.. they were really gorgeous. And with the sun just rising.. very cliche photography moments. Calendar stuff. Lovely. Then I slept for a while. Listening to my beloved "I am X" (thanks Kath) and the other band I can't remember the name of from Serena. Half slept a bit.
Got to crewe. Bag heavy, tired arms. Cought train to Craven Arms. Half slept for a bit.
Arrived in Craven Arms. Lugged bag around a bit - affixed a reminder to Bradley's art project there. (twice). Waited and waited. Read. Train 20 minutes past an existing 1 hour 40 wait late. Met guy called Ollie and his mum - Tom Starnes' long lost twin brother. They should meet sometime.
Left Craven Arms 10 minutes before my mum arrived there to pick up my gran. But I already had the ticket so I thought I may as well use it.
Reached Llandod! affixed another few reminders of Bradley's art project. Sat in the centre behind crowds by the busy american-indian-pink-and-yellow-flourescent-dancing-indian filled bandstand. Ahh.. it was like a mini fringe festival. But NOT AS GOOD! and CRAP!
met my mum and gran, pottered, had some food, walked round the lake, came back, met my dad and watched "The Children". Very thoroughly scary and very well done. Quality stuff. Could well have been part of the Fringe.
Went to the After show Party with bod, surprisingly lovely acctually. Nice and friendly. they're a good bunch those mpyt-ers.
Left with Danny and Bod at midnight..trying to remember how to turn the lights on on the car. Nice talking to danny on the way home. Lovely.
Tasted a nibble of the majority of things in the fridge.. to experience a variety of taste which perhaps we haven't had in Edinburger. mmm.. evaporated milk..sponge..sliced ham..bolognese..yogurt.. We just had pasta, rice, pesto, OATS, bran flakes, and the ever brilliant and versatile: Mixed Herbs, Oregano, Pepper and ground Garlic!!! They make any meal taste fab. well, taste at least. Ok so I'm exaggerating slightly.. we did have a bit more food than that really, for example sometimes we had some juice or an onion. And sometimes we bought food for lunch! Heheh. ok I'm still exaggerating slightly. Well anyway.
Slept from 1.30am till 1.30 pm which was quite nice. Then got up and had today.

jolly good. Hope that wasn't too uninteresting. Because it was interesting for me. so there. That's what blogs are all about.

I should go to bed now. It's 23:23 according to my computer.

Wish I'd seen Lightning conductor, Poetry boyband, Stewart Lee, Monkey think Monkey do, and Tao drumming. Ahhh well. Not enough time for everything in the world. I did see Halo Boy and the Village of Death though- which was hailed as being worthy of 5 stars by many a reviewing publication. It was good. but not subconsiously good. And to be 5 stars it has to affect your subconsious mind and make you feel when you come out. And A Clockwork Orange was 5 stars.. and this was no-where near that production of godly proportions. Ho ho ho. I do talk silly sometimes.
Righty ho. Hahahaha... anyway. I will go now. Night night all, especially to me lovely flat mates and edinburgh co-explorers.

Bye bye! a bientot.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Yeah. I'm very unimpressed with Beth's comment. so much so that I didn't speak to her for a couple of days in protest. She didn't realise though. Beth- when you read this.. that was mean.

I am annoyed. Anyway. I'm slowly getting over it. Grrr.

Yay Kathy- it's good to see you commenting on stuff, you seem very lively. 'tis good. And Kwong too. Hope you're coping and finding time for some fun. -And poetry?

I'm off now- Emi's go on the internet now, the only thing left to say to the world is:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANNYI-OOOOooOoo !!!!!!! My favourite danny in the world who doesn't read blogs... ahem. I'm going to ring him in a sec. If anyone else doesn't know- ring him, unless you're going to his party of course! Yaaaaay for danny.

Bye bye!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hello there chums.

Edinburgh is good. I'm in a mood today due to a few different factors of influence. So perhaps this isn't the best time to post, seeing as I don't intend of doing it too regularly.

Seen some amazing shows, really amazing. And some total crap. My best one so far is definitely: A Clockwork Orange, this show left me stunned like a rabbit in very large head lights for nearly an hour afterwards. I really couldn't speak.. I couldn't drag myself out of that world back into this. Pretty peculiar. And it was really good how they used the ending in this version, unlike the film. Even though the new york production used many things that I generally tend to dislike in theatre they worked so well that it was as if they'd invented them in the first place. Fab.

Another favourite was a free show I saw at close to midnight, called... Apocalypse -the musical. heheh this was just funny. Not funnny because it was so bad.. but funny because they were acctually funny. They also sang and performed beautifully. A Pleasure to watch.

My third favourite is: Lumenescent Orchestrii, this is a folky/punky/jazzy/funky/tango-y beautiful band of three violins a tin guitar thing and a bass acoustic guitar. They are amazing! Kit's bough both their cds, we really could not keep still!! They were so good we went to see them again that same night in a different place (a cabaret if you wish to know). This was funny. But as much as I like dancing girls with no clothes on.. they were the best act by far.

Anyway, I'm going to do something else now,

Haha. See you all. missing home xxx