bunny in a beret

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Hello there.
I'm still distrought about Alcatraz Melon Project.

But other than that, things are fun I suppose. Joe's parents' party last night was really lovely, well worth going to. I glad the teepee valley party turned out to be a myth.
It was really nice seeing everyone again, the last time maybe being Small Nations before we went to greece. Everyone was really nice. And I'm only feeling a tad bit like I'm going to miss the usual crowd when we go on wednesday. Mmmmm... friends.. yum.

Dreamt lots and lots last night, I really do adore sleeping. If I had to do one solely one thing for the rest of eternity, it would be sleep. I'm sleeping on the floor of my bedroom at the moment, amidst many quilts and pillows and covers. It's ever so comfy and cosy. Unlike poor Kwong, I can sleep for days on end, my most natural night's sleep is about 11 or 12 hours, and I wake up feeling so relaxed and entertained - I have so much to think about when I wake up because I run through all the different stories that I've imagined, vivid and detailed, with clear story lines. So happy. Although sometimes my brain's fabricated stories are a bit more exciting that real life.

Anyway, not much else to say.. I have two more holes in my ears!!! And Emi has one up the top , If me and Em haven't mentioned it enough.. (-:=

Au Revoir for now! and sweet sweet dreams xxx

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Oh, Sad, Sad day of Sad days!

Terrible terrible! I am even on the verge of tears! So distrought... my second favourite band in the WHOLE world (second only to the masters, Cake, bien sur) are acctually braking up! no, no no nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

I'm going to phone Jack and threaten to break his legs if he doesn't accept his responsibility to entertain their devout fans.


..night xx

Sunday, July 10, 2005


I'm so happy-o, Small Nations festival is SoOOoOoOo groovy. I love it.. the people, the atmosphere, and even the music! ..everything

Off to greece tomorrow. Yays. will miss the festival atmosphere though.

Yaaaay - blogger has final noted the correct amount of posts listed as being posted on this blog.. heh. interesting isn't it.

Edinburgh is booked! Me, Emi, Bethy and Kit have a flat (right in the centre of town!) to live in from the 6th of August 'till the 30th. We just have to find jobs now! Yaaays - I love adventures.

See you all later (-:=
bye four know!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Off to a night of hardness.. on the living room floor. Sleep well everyone.

And I really can't answer any arguments because that would be 'arguing' really, and .. no. I really can't say anything further.

Happy days!
Visit your local grave yard now! they're dead interesting! (seriously.. and no pun intended)
Also: I have comments switched right on to the 'on' side of the on / off switch, hooray.
Does anyone know anyone, or does anyone live in Edinburgh? because we need some help finding decent accomodation there.. and er... could we live with you for a month?

Oh-and remember.. try never to a) twist your back and b) sleep in positions on buses that you know are very damaging to your back but you ignore for a whole year.

It hurts. )-:= night

Ow ow Owowowow ow ow Ouch.

I have done my back in.

And it's painfull. And Annoying. Grrrrr.


It's from my walk home from town yesterday I assume.. 7 1/2 miles on straight tarmac, with a twist round every now-and-then to check behind me on the nasty main road. Then at home 5 and a half hours later (I was dawdling quite a bit..) I twisted just once more, and there it goes. Ouch. 'hmm.. my back hurts' I think to myself. Ouch ouch. Right at the base of the spine aswell, the real important bit.

Well anyway, last night was offcially one of my worst nights ever. Oh how I did not at all enjoy waking up in pain not being able to find ANY kind of position that did not cause unhappiness. So from 4 or 5am I weakly made my way down to the living room floor and in discomfort I lay there till 1.30 pm. Watching my mum, brother, then dad all leave to do interesting things. Pfft. I hate the living room floor. If I'm on it it often is due to illness. And I don't like illness. It hurts. *sniff*

And this day has been similar to.. .. say, an absence of flour. Flour is bland and not very interesting. The lack of it being even less interesting and more bland.

Although me and E just made noodles a la sloppy slopp slop. Yum.

Right then. Life to be sorted, etc.

Bye from Violet Charlotte Champagne Vardell's biggest living fan.

Monday, July 04, 2005

wow-diddly- wow-o-greatness


Have you ever just watched the clouds.. I mean, lied there, and watched the beautiful dream-like delicate clouds not taking your eyes off them, following how they morph and move across the sky.. It really is wonderful

I think I also saw a low pressure system! If that is the right way to put it.. There were high clounds.. low clouds and they were moving in opposite directions.. cool

I really really reaaaallly recommed you make time to just go and sit. Trust me- it'll blow your cares away

Friday, July 01, 2005

Just an interesting thought,

Who tought you to plait?