bunny in a beret

Thursday, December 30, 2004

sorry Em! I didn't mean to almost get a life there.. I'll restrain myself better from now on.
I liked your posts by the way, it is nice to read someone's stuff. (hint hint everyone else).

I've had a fun christmas. Clinging on to what is old and good, : being completely isolated through christmas day untill about the 27th or 28th, snow! hah!, and all the other stuff I can't be bothered to list. There are so many little things. I have had lots of nice days at home doing practically nothing, I went for two nice walks in the snow.. or three really although it was raining too. and I scared myself on that last walk. but we won't go into that.

I stayed over at Danny's the night before last too, which was fab seeing as I haven't seen danny for at least 3 centuries. And made lovely beaded bracelets and necalaces with Jessie and Jenny.

Today we're going on our annual post-christmas swansea visit.. which is all fairness is slightly hypocritical because we've been whining about people all going to shop in large cities when the smaller places like Brecon have just as good shopping. humph. It's so much better for everyone in the community. But we do it for the day out.. 'bonding'. and rollerblading sometimes too.

I have to leave now! have fun, love you all (-:=


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