bunny in a beret

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


I have one less tooth.


I quite liked having all my teeth.


Oh well.

1 down, 3 to go.



Worth it in the long run.

My cheek feels like I've been punched by some really strong super-hero type with frozen fists. weird. Oh well. In a positive way it was marginally exiting due to the adrenaline, and singing "When I am fish-ing for the word, I am wish-ing you will s-ay to me..na hnahan ha betray the way you feel a-bout me.. etc" in my mind and thinking of last night coming back from mpyt (windows open bit) made me smile (again only in my mind because the nice man was pulling my tooth out). I do like the Llanelli dentists, they're very comforting and friendly. I have to wait now until 6.08 for my train home, and I left the dentist at 3pm, so I get to amuse myself for like 3 hours. sigh. They said I could stay over there with them which is nice. (-:= But I'm in the library slouched in a computer chair tasting a bit of chocolate and a bit of iron. (blood). tee hee. Anyway. bored of writing.

Je suis mange un pomme de terre avec une souris.



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