bunny in a beret

Friday, December 03, 2004

Good greetings and so forth. Fellow ..well, whatever you are.

One of 'them' days when you can't quite tell whether it was a) a good or bad day and b) can't tell whether youre inglish is geting a lot wors from being in ART collage or not. Ah wel. We have an essaie to do soon so that should give my sentence-building skills a bit of a jump startt.

Erm.. thinking.. Joe's party was Fabness. It was real rad how loads of peeps came from all over, man. Kindof. It was reeeeally lovely to have Serena and my brilliant home friends and mpyt lot, but I think it separated the groups a bit maybe. 'twas nice though. cosy. Can't imagine not seeing Joe around for ssoooooooo long. Weirdness.

Come to think of it, Joe you'd better start a blog!!! and notify all relevant of the impending updates to be posted. or email.

Hmm. I hate early christmas so much. It's smells of poo-poo. Why can't people leave christmas until.. hmm... let's say.. about.. Christmas maybe?!

Oh and 3 teeth out one to go. Next wednesday. Hmm. I still can't quite decide if this is the right thing to do. Ah well. 60 % it is.

I'm going to Bristol this weekend! after the shop I'm driving up with Serena and we're going to a party, maybe ice skating and then sleeping on a boat! hooray. details later. (-:=

Hello Bethy! I haven't spoken to you properly for ages except quickly on msn, so i thought I'd say g'day. I don't know if you check the blogs, but you should update yours! (-:= And do you still have my Marcaseet (sp?) ring? hope so. as long as it's safe. Oh and d'you fancy coming to the mayor's ball with me and K? She want's someone to go with and I was thinking about it. It's a meal and a dance type thing.. posh dressing etc. the only not-so-good-bits is that it's the same night as nikolai, supernauts etc in Llandeilo.... and also it's £18 (part of which goes to charity). But seeing as I owe you twenty I could pay. What d'you think? Phone me if you feel like it, or not. or whatever. The only thing is I want to go to the bands in llandeilo but K hasn't anyone to go with then. Hmm..

Ok I'm bored of computing now. see you folks.


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