bunny in a beret

Thursday, November 11, 2004


I'm annoyed. I would like to continue spurting out words like GAAAAHRRRRGH! but they wouldn't have much effect and would probably all end up morphing into the same format of: asndkjlas nhdkjlanc fjlknhfqsjvkdhfasdmkdnclawn dcjfkleaw;cn bjkdfecnvjkdfeavbkas

Yeah. Well. Humph. Luckily though, I haven't reached for the kitchen utensils to massacre anyone in the vicinity with (..only Edward at the moment) because I have put Cake on. I'd forgotten how useful it is, amongst other things (brilliant is one of them).

No-one has listened to me since I got home, and like anyone else I need to talk! Emily knows quite well how nice it is to be surrounded by scrumptions peers, and I haven't been home (due to a birthday party last night) since tuesday.. I'd like to tell people what I've been up to on my adventures (with the aforementioned peers) and listen to what they've been doing in the past few days -seeing as I don't see them as much as they don't see me. I miss my college 'crew'.

A golden bird that flies away, a candle's fickle flame...

ohh hooo hoo ohhh hooooo sob.

London tomorrow. Which should be almost the most amazing thing this year. Which should make me well up with exitement. Uncontrollably. Which should quell any hint of annoyance. Which should make ever-eefing betta.

I suppose it doesn't seem at all real at the moment, I can't imagine acctually going to a Cake gig...it's completely imaginary, images in my head are only of previous gigs I've been to. Hmm. Also organising it smells like something I reeeeally hate and want to kick.

Also it's kind of personal... if you understand this, it's my favourite band that I first heard in France a few years ago on a very crap french-exchange. I've made everyone listen to them when I finally got an album here (except Danny who had already got an album). And I was so immensely exited when Beth saw they were touring in Britain (as opposed to america for once). So, as I was saying, it's kind of personal, it began with my three best friends* and me, all going together on a super-amazing-best-ever-brilliant-can't-explain-enough-how-good-it-is-adventure, and rejections are taken personally. I can't help it, and I understand people have their own commitments and problems with it, but it's sad )-;= and it makes me feel sad.

So now it's me Danny, Beth and Finn which is lovely, but just not right. *sniff* It's not atributing anything good to my mood at the moment either.

I'm going to stop writing now. sniff.

post script: Well done Bethy x x
*Kathy you count too, and Janie x


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