bunny in a beret

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Ok, Hello! I'm in a really happy state at the moment, brought about by the lovely people around me, college friends who are fab and I'm getting to know way better, Old friends who I love to bits, and people that I've known for years and years but it's only now I'm beginning to get to know properly friedly nice huggyness.

It's so lovely it makes me so happy.

It's 9.30 pm and I've been awake 6 hours, after 11 hours sleep. Which is extremely impressive. I love having tons of sleep. mmmmm yummy.

Last night I went to the Towy bridge Drum n Bass thingy, which was fantastic!! It really was absolutely scrummy in it's friendlyness. Although I did miss the bands because I arrived quite late, which was a shame because I love them to bits, but, I suppose I'll see them again.
Friday night; that is, the night before last night, I went to the famously fab Fat Lace drum n Bass event in Carmarthen. I haven't been to the waterside before, since the Riv closed, but it was very cool indeed. I approve of it's appropriateness! hehe. great English here.

I love people!

Just now I was looking at blogs, as I often do before blogging, and I feel like commenting.. so I will (-:= especially as people keep commenting on how no-one reads them, well, I DO!! and I love them!! -oh and it's not for other people that you write blogs, although it may seem like it, it's for your good. It's very theraputic to write and clear things from your head. Also it's nice to look back on how you used to be, think and what you did. so there.

Janie: Aww you're so sweet with your Ezralink. It's lovely. And I've thought about the parents thing too.. but I was thinking about how there isn't actually much of me that I can't see in my parents. Let alone bits of me being inherited. I think drama and doing theatre was one thing my parents don't do.. but then my gran does.. And she's just like my mum. So there we go, if anyone wants to make their own Charlotte, just mix the following ingredients:

500L Grandma & Grandad Annison
500ml Grandma & Grandpa Turtle
200000L Kim
200000L Mike
300ml Cynghordy and llandovery people
1000L Bryony and Edward, but it's more vise versa on the 'affecting' development scale
1000000L all my lovely friends
200ml my house and bunnies and the hills
30ml yogurt covered raisins
800ml Cake music

and other things that I can't remember. Hmm. By adding other ingredients though I've made the point that I was all of parental produce invalid. Hmm. well.. and my friends shouldn't be added either. Hmm this proves to be a problem. Ok well maybe the readers of this can interpret the above recipe to not include anything but parents and grandparents.. with the other things as a sugary lovely yummy topping. There. sorted.

Kwong- thinking about the random spontaneous greetings? hope so. (-:= Wow I'm impressed with your phone. probably, hope you have fun with it!!

Kathy - tee hee, I'm glad those Edexcel people realised how fab you are. And realised theier terrible mistake. tut tut.

Beth- why don't you ever blog now-a-days.. )-:= ?

Emily. Emily, Emily Emily. Way to bring moods down.. you scare me sometimes, but it does show how I'm so incredibly right all the time (hah!), I'll see you on tuesday in mpyt, but remember this: I'm always right. tee hee. (-:=

Righty ho, it's now 10 past 10 because I've been talking and doing lots of other time-consuming things that take away from writing this. ah well.

Oh by the way last weekend's visit to see CAKE in London was even more fantastic than the word fantastic can convey. It was sooooo fun!! Cake were amazing live, they came on for TWO encores and plays tons of extra songs..Being with Danny and Beth on the way up and Danny on the way back was just lovely lovely cuddly lovely friendliness. Haha and making top trump cards based on our friends was fun too.. hehehe. Can not wait untill cake come back and play in February on the 4th. even though the tickets are a bit more. sooooo good. I do love Cake, such good lovely music. it just works so well.. and makes you want to type furiously and without capital letters. i love them!. i think i might marry them. all of them of course. cos they rule. anyway.. where was i? hee hee.

I'm going to finish now, I was on the computer to make some christmas card images.. but hey, that's not going to happen. And I'm tired now. I keep noticing my shoulders are hunched on the computer when I'm typing, so I'll go and do some streches to un-hunch them. Have fun everyone, you rule!! mwah kiss kiss x x x


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