bunny in a beret

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Hello!!!! Yay. such a lot has happened, where do I start?...

Well.. from the beginning (of the week) to the end of the week I went to rehearsals for youth theatre (mpyt). We're doing Watership down incase I haven't mentioned it before. (see Emily's moonbright blog --->) And it was relitively stressful and tiering, with little sleep and little spare time (none). But quite fun too, because after all it is mpyt. I think it's damaging my spelling.

On sunday I had just one free day to complete (and commence) an art project for college. Grr.

But before that.....Due to the annual celebration of no-one-quite-knows-what me and my brother dressed up all scary and went to a local pub. There we met up with Bethy, Janie, Sam and Ezralink. This was fun. I liked seeing them. (-:= We got free drink (non-alcoholic because I was driving again) and free Twix bar merely for dressing up, which was fab!
But the music was not within my comfort zone and seeing the 14 year olds (and 40 year olds) dancing wildly to such things as atomic kitten frightened me. It's good for them though, it's nice to dance.
Although I might mention the fact they did have a UV light there.. which brings endless entertainment when wearing white as I was. Tee Hee, how I love UV light!!
Ezra in particular, but Janie also I think really felt like going to teepee Valley to a rave/party type thing and after being exposed to Ezra's extreme convincing powers I relented and decided to drive up there to find it too. Poor Bethy was with her locals (as in people she knew and we did not) so she was happy there shakin' and gigglin', but we convinced her to come too. So there began our journey...
We stopped off at my brilliant and fabulous house becasue it rules. Oh and to drop of Bod and get some trousers for Jesus, the Princess and me. Oh and to eat some Quiche. Oh and use the facilities.
Then began the second leg of our adventure. (What am I writing like today?!?!?! Frith Knows!) We drove for about 30-odd miles trying to find it, even after obtaining a map and directions from Joe on the way (this is now at 12pm or half past) because Teepee Valley is actually up some track somewhere which is unknown to all who have a map. Er.. anyway, We ended up at numerous farmyards, Salem, and the local village more than once. But in the end some guy actually gave up acurate (ish) directions! and we got there!!!! Yipeeeeeeee!

It was fantastic, All UV lights, mad people, fireworks (inside and outside the barn) smoke, oranges, free water, someone called John, the guys from 'the Nude', John and Drew, Someone called Megan who painted my nails with UV nail varnish (yay!), Someone called Agnes on the balcony, a bonfire, a kitten, two guys discussing whether Val Kilmer starred in 'Momento', and lots lots more folks. We stayed 'till the wee hours and I arrived home (tip-toeing) at 7.30am, absolutely knackered. And not having fun driving either, I felt like one of those adverts on television. "Bob (me) died in his sleep..But by doing so he killed his family ( friends) because he was driving tired. Take a break, don't be a ..er..snake?" Tee Hee. Maybe it's a good thing I don't write adverts hey. It was marginally fun though just for the fact that I kept seeing the road going stripey and wobbily.

So, Halloween was good.

Monday, I went to college. It was quite good.. but nothing much seemed to have changed over the weeks break. And people eren't quite as groovy as I remembered them. Hmm. Maybe they're (inc. me) were a bit rusty on the old talking easily. It's weird with people you don't know all that well. We're just at that stage where you know them almost well enough but not quite. We had lectures on what each specialism consisted of, so which one we'd like to opt for next term (Fine Art, Visual communication, 3D design, textile design, and I think that's it..) I'm sooooo exited about doing Vis Com. It's definitely my favourite. I left at 3.15ish, got some petrol, picked my mum up from work then went home to drop her off, then drove up in the opposite direction to mpyt (about 60 miles in all).

Since then I haven't been to college due to it being completely impossible to keep repeating monday, (and everyone else is going to london wednesday and today )-:= ) so I've been getting up at 11.30, pottering about in my underwear if I feel like it, (it's an empty house) going on the net, eating breakfast, getting ready and then cycling or walking the 2 1/2 miles down to the village to the train or my friends house to go up to mpyt for a performance.

So there you have it, a terribly written-over-two-days blog that tells you I'm still here if I haven't emailed or been on msn or spoken to some of you for a while. hello (-:=

And bye bye!
p.s. come and see Watership Down while you can! The AUTHOR -Richard Adams will most likely be coming- and you might even get to meet him!!!! And no-one has made this novel into a play before.. and most likely won't for quite a while again, so you know you'll have such a spondonics fun time! (-:=

p.p.s. oh and I'm in it.. so you'll obviously want to come and see it *


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