bunny in a beret

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Hmm.. where is everyone? I don't know of anything happenin' this saturday.. maybe I should give some people some calls. Find out 'where it's at'. Yesterday was kindof fun, for the evening me, Bethy, Janie and Sam went to llandeilo for a musicy live-thingy. It was a bit of a different crowd but ok people. The bands were... ok, Nikolai the most famous round this area were the best but they're not my favourite band. The others ..were.. ok-ish although we got there quite late on so we (thankfully) missed the first few bands..The headliners from london (gosh) were radical in their appearance (cool!) but their music-a-makin' wasn't too special. Heh.. Because they were on last..after 11pm ish.. most people (all the kiddies of about 14) went home (their papernts would want to get to bed i would think) And so at one point, it was only Me, Janie and 3 and 2 other people in the WHOLE room! Listening to this band from london! poor them!! me and Janie were the only ones dancing.. with 3 leaning on the front of the stage (one I htink came with the band) and the other two people (this is exculding one of the band's groopies) were tech people doing the 'levels'.. So basically it was quite sad for them. ..Hehheh kindof funny anyway. Although my ears were ringing so much after.. )-:=

In the day I had my last biol exam!! Yay!! and that means: (yes? dear faithful followers?) Yes! only one more exam left!! Drama, which isn't too stressful. So much so I went to the shop today to some working/getting moneying. And it was a good day. I've just had pizza..and here I arrive again in a circle at the beginning of my post.. I'm bored, what can I do to fill my few hours before bed?

Argh! I'm scared. . . . . I don't want nightmares.. I don't want skin problems.. I don't want KIDNEY problems... but I suppose I don't want malaria either.... S-:=

Ohhhh hhooo ohhhoohh hohoh oooo what are we going to do Beffn??!
We've been prescribed these Malaria drugs we have to take if we want to go to certain places in Malaysia on our adventures.. but they're baaad drugs. So we're a bit apprehensive. Whether to take them anyway.. (Which I think I will) And risk my poor little kidneys and skin being a bit difficult (but there is a chance the side effects will not show themselves) or go to malarial areas and risk getting malaria. -yeah right. Malaria kills and is horrible horrible. And you DIE! Yughch. Wouldn't want plasmodium entering my liver and blood stream so it can rupture all my precious red-blood cells and make life not worth living.

Ok then.. Possible nightmares it is.

But you know how you can sometimes really be almost ok with bad things in the world (to some extent) as long as.. (rather selfishly.. but survial-y) as long as your little world remains stable? If your family and house, friends and what you do daily is affected though.. that's when the trouble starts, you can't deal with things half so well when your foundations are shattered beneath you.. I suppose it's linked to the subject of disability, it's all about what you take for granted, and what is stable and makes you know where you are in life. If that changes it's scary and your feet have to try and stand on what comes out of whatever has happened.

I sooo don't want to get cancer. Apparently cancer rates will triple within 25 years, making the NHS bankrupt and incresing the divide between rich & poor dramatically, in the sense that the rich will be able to pay to survive. And seeing as a greater proportion of 'poor' smoke.. Lung cancer will become a "disease of the poor man". With grim prospects.
I'm not sure how much of this will happen, it's only predictions and estimates. Someone said that this wouldn't happen because Cancer is manily caused by lifestyle choices and that they can be changed with government and public will. Heh. When'll that happen? When it's too late I should think -not as a precaution. Like fattness.. people are starting to die from being waaay too overweight so now we're having to do something about people eating so much sugar salt and fat in their diets. why not think of that before? pfft eh.."we did". Education I think is best. At least then if people know what they are eating, what their body needs and doesn't need and what it does to a great extent and in depth, then it's (kindof) their fault if they actively choose a diet packed full of things that they are concious are 'bad' in too great a quantity.


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