bunny in a beret

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Hello again. Yays kath-o kish-i-ness, that was actually really interesting. I'm actually inspired to actually go and read those. The square 'plane' flatlands one sounds kindof hallucinogenic, but life changing.
And I promise I won't say anything about anyone else's blogs again.

Well. Maybe just a brief mention. Like above.
But nothing else.


Anyway, last night was fun. It would have been 'funner' if the whole student union wasn't full of.. well, students from trinity college. Because they're all quite (a lot) townies. Sorry if anyone from trinity reads this.. but y'know. And the music.. well.. the macarena, congo song, Bewitched (remember them?), queen and the stereophonics repeated a mere 6 times (same song) should be reserved for year 7 discos. It was raaaaaather painful at times. But raaaaather funny too. But scary. Everyone looks the same... and .. anyway.

I hope that doesn't count as being mean.. it's not anything about blogs, so that doesn't count..
Oh and the other thing.
Oh, and we kind of lost Kit.. but I'm sure he'll turn up in a bathroom down the road, perhaps. And James' Knee cap slid off.. and Riva wasn't let in, and lots of the fashion lot had to leave for london this morning at 6.30am. Hah! And they only left the house at like 5am ! Tee Hee.

Yay. I'm so excited about Ezra's llyn Brianne on friday. I may have to work on saturday though, which won't be quite as fun.

OoOoOo And everyone has to come to Serena's festival not this week-end the week-end after (30th April). Most people are going from around carmarthen, and Alun (phonetically) has changed the barbecue at porthyrhyd to another weekend so he can and others can come - yeeeeeah! There'll be teepees, bands (-the states, Hip HQ I think.., & one from swansea,) Djs from carmarthen, and there will be equipement that can be used if other bands want to play (hint hint nude, alcatraz m.project, little johnny and if robin dies). Also lots of fire sticks, poi and like-minded groovy happy people!!! It's by Talog, on the fields by Serena's house, which is out of carmarthen a bit in the Newcastle Emlyn direction. I have directions (they're simple) if people want them.

AAAAaaand! It's bank holiday weekend!!! so we have an extra day to be monged out/recover/get home! OoOoOo so exciting. I may even take a tent..

Diddly middly. Twinkly ho and off I go

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Deary me. Once more.

See? Now by getting annoyed that my lovely friends sometimes don't consider their beautiful writings as brilliant as they are I've put people off and changed how they look at the blog. Damn. Well, to completely contradict my previous post - Sorry, you can apologise if you want. Just don't stop writing. please. um. thanks.

I don't know. I think I'll give up on this whole 'you lot are brilliant even if you say your last post hasn't been' topic. P.s. this isn't aimed at any one in particular- it's been building up for years.


Now then.

Perspectives and Reality.

Two very different things, but then again- not always. ever so interesting.
Just, I've been noticing lots of occurances recently. (With Emi too). How perceptions of the same reality change as we grow or do different things (like growing up through school and walking on a different side of a road you are very familiar with); and vary from person to person.

I'm sure millions of people have gone through the motions of noticing this and then have moved on to notice something else, but, just so I remember, this is my turn to notice it. hooray for reality.

Hey... speaking of reality, I don't know if it's just carmarthenshire, but does anyone else notice "The Reality Group" vans driving round the whole time? Like.. at least 3, maybe 4 a day? Because I do. With 'Reality' scrawled accross the side it creeps me out a bit. Very orwellian.

Another car crash this morning. Upside down car in a field/garden just outside llandeilo. I think it was doing the school run because I saw some children being comforted. Amazing really seeing as the windscreen pillar things (that hold the roof up) had given out. Creepy. And the bus driver was saying (to whom, I'm not sure..) that the council have just put up new chevron sign things just around the corner from there yesterday and a lorry went and smashed through one just last night! How inconsiderate! those signs cost money! and the field the lorry went down into is all mashed up now. tut tut.
And there was obviously the crash on monday too, just between llandovery and cynghordy straight. Something-or-other (lorry or transit van I think) on it's side and an axle and pair of wheels on the opposite verge.. urgh. And an air ambulance! And some stupid stupid land rovers that we had to follow around the narrow roads in way of a diversion. Argh! scary, man. Aren't firefighters nice though? Whenever you need saving or cutting out of some crumpled metal or buring room.. they're there. Nice people I think. Maybe I'll become one. Like John-at-the-printers. A part-time / volunteer one. That'd be cool. I could cut people out of stuff.

Tee Hee.

So, I don't know what the weather's like outside.. It was absolutely gorgeous about 1/2 an hour ago, but then 10 minutes ago it was clouding over.. so I don't know. Don't you just love april showers?! hooraaaay! "I wore a summery white shirt today and now it's going to hail so it goes all see-through! wooo!"

Heh.. I'm going to go now, and maybe do some workn'. Going out tonight! hooray for going out. 'twill be jolly fun. Haha.. except for what will probably be annoying. As I told some of you after last wednesday's going out. *sigh*. OoOo and I bought some new trousers yesterday! for 3 quid, 'hiaawge' enormous pink flares! hehehe they're fab. And they fit so well too, which is rare for trousers. Ok, enough detail about trousers.. more working to be done. Bye for now, and remember... don't crash your car. (-:=

testing post - to see if I can post in college (-:=

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Deary me!!! God I wish people would shut up sometimes. Everyone seems to think they're silly, or not as good as everyone else, when they are. They're just as friendly or un-friendly just as nice or un-nice. Everyone is simply human. We're designed to have bad days, or weeks, and designed to be unhappy sometimes. But it doesn't make us less of a friend. Or less of a person worth knowing and worth wanting to be with.

I could go on forever about ..well, most things really. People, how people think and how it is in reality. State of minds is a big favourite. Strange thing really, because we acctually have so little power over our state of mind, (I say it like it's a surprise..(?)) and that is just about the biggest influence of how we live and think. Everything!

Anyway. Kwong has just left, which means I'm in rather a bossy and stubborn mood, because I'm always bossy to kwong because I believe he should try home-made jam, cheese with apples, tea, apricot bread, vegetables, fish, Hull, bananas, vitamin Cs, buses, sleeping, travelling, adventuring and all the other things. Sorry if I sound aggressive anyway.

And there is an example of me demonstrating what I began this post with. But I'm still being aggressive, I just don't want to sound like it's personal. But does that mean I'm just doing what I didn't like...

The other thing that annoys me is when people apologise for posting either a 'boring' post or apologise for a post solely about themselves.


There is no such thing as a boring post if you are friends with that person. If you make the effort to read their blog because you like them and want to know them, then anything they have to say is interesting. I think anyway.

And the whole point of bloggers is to act as a PERSONAL outlet in a literary form, a journal. Based simply around themselves. For themselves.
You didn't start a blog because Wilbur Jones wants you to write about him every week, did you? If he had asked you to start a blog it would be because he's interested in what you've been doing or thinking. There is absolutely zilch wrong it writing every single post about your lovely selves. (Of course there is nothing wrong with writing about something you are interested in, or feel passionate about, or just felt like writing about, but we like to read it still because it is about you and the way you work.) But, there's nothing wrong with writing about you in every post. We love it, because we want to know you.

Right. [Oh.. post script: Wilbur Jones is purely fictional.. sorry if anyone knows anyone by that name..]

But then again, apologising all the time for not being a nice human being all the time is one thing, but apologising on a small scale about possibly offending... is that ok,? I suppose so. As long as it is relevant. And has nothing to do with how you think you're a bad human being.


Am I now just being a complete arse?

And if I was.. and if I was to realise it (or be told it-if anyone had the guts) would I apologise? Because that is what I've been moaning about.. and by airing my annoyance at how everyone lowers themselves and humbles themselves for no reason I'm merely not doing that..
oh this gets too confusing. I think now I'd rather go and vent this kwong-induced-mood on some other poor piece of molecular structure.

Hello kwong - when you get home and read this, it was nice having you over! hope you found something to entertain you in swansea. And get a fish! And apply to Hull! And learn to love health-giving-veggies.

Oh, on a not-so-violent topic, Last Night!!! The party at Matt's old house was so lovely! It was just scrumptious and beautiful and very very happy. I'll remember it, I think, as one of my happiest times. Everyone there was so nice, all my best friends (although of course with a few important ones absent) of whom I have seen so little lately. I discovered that I can speak with a Irish (rather crude) accent with Joe! Which I didn't know I could do. I don't really know where to begin.. everything about it was so nice. Except for the fact we should have go there a bit earlier because we had to leave at 2.30 / 3am ish. It was nice to come home and sleep though- I slept from 3.30am till 11.30 or 12 noon ish. Hah! fab.

And when I say it was beautiful, it was. Really pretty. Every minute was like a gorgeous photo in my mind. People round the fire, their faces, and when they stood up against the starred night, with the bright moon.. river running past, fire jousting, dancing in the strobe, glow balls, paraffin, the half-chair that was thrown on the fire by Joe and rescued by Janie, the lighter I rescued but lost, the beers I ..kind..of. pinched.. .. thankyou, who ever they belonged to. (-:= Ezra borrowing the coat Danny bought me for my birthday when me, him and Emi-doo went to Cake, The coat that I bought with Emi at the beginning of the easter holidays in llandovery charity shop number two, the armwarmers required because the sleeves are too short, the armwarmers I lent Danny when he came over at easter, when Kath Janie and Ralph also did, when we watched Salad fingers, when I spoke to Fiona because I noticed her msn username, photos of brothers, gay-ness and straight-ness, intelligent conversation, clever people, friends who you can talk to, talk to properly,

and there we go. end of train of thought I think.

I will go and do stuff now, for fear that I'll say something I won't want to post. What naughtiness. OooOo bye!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Yo there, this is really Emilie's..(Monsieur Izzard is her thing..) He rules though. Here is the joke of which I am:

[ ohh..college tomorrow..argh.. don't want to get up that early!... karate was brilliant on friday!! yaaaaaah man. And thursday ruled 'cos of te lovely sniggles we had round 'ere in our little abode.. oOoO..I had my blood pressure checked on saturday! (the rotary were doing it in brecon town centre) it ruled. Bet none of you know what your blood pressure is! naaah haah nah! mine is very low, which is jolly good, but I shouldn't get out of bed too speedy. Back to what's important now: ]

THE SQUIRREL JOKE!Just because youre profane doesnt mean youre not
hilarious. Youre the unique kind of joke
people remember for a long time.

Which Eddie Izzard Joke Are You?
jiggly wiggly-o char charl charlott-o