bunny in a beret

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Wait! don't worry, you haven't come to the wrong site, this is indeed my blog still.. just changed. With all this up-to-date-technology I thought having the same template still was boring when there was so many fun-er ones. I did get a black one but although it was 'shwish' it wasn't fun enough, so I left that one. This will be my proper blog for now then. When me and Beth go to Singapore/ Malaysia on the 12th of July I'll set up a new one that can be viewed publically to limit the number of emails we'd have to pay to send in cyber cafs. One with pictures and comments and everything. Oh.. and a sensible web address that people can spell and remember S-:=

I'm learning to speak better! It's getting ok-ish now. I can say Ss and Ds and even Ns. "State" and "reach" are a bit dodgy though. Had a biol exam yesterday -Hah! it was so bad it was kindof funny. None of us could do any of the im possibly hard questions.. shish it was bad, but it is the hardest module of the course. Hopefully I'll do ok in this next one and with the A, B and maybe B and B already then an E might not bring me down too badly. Especially if I get a D, C or even B in unit 5 on friday. I'd be happy with a C in A-level Biol, even a D would suit me ok! This is A-level Biol! clever stuff.
And My other subjects should be ok-ish..it's hard to tell... but they should be ok-ish.

I'm looking at Unis now, If I wanted to do a joint course of Psychology and Art then there are really 3 places to do it at, Worcester, Reading or Chester. All nice places that I'd quite like. But now I don't know if I really want to do a joint course? is it too much faffing about? I could just do psychology..and do arty stuff in my free time, but I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy that. I don't know, this university stuff is hard. If only I knew what I wanted to do properly.

I'm going to update links now, including Emi's new bloggg!! Yay!



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