bunny in a beret

Sunday, June 20, 2004

To have a disability? A prober big serious disability that changes the way the way you interact with people must completly change your life in a way you'd never understand until it's happened to you. I can't imagine it, if something big that would mess up your face or voice or eyes or something. Having a very very mild not-being-able-to-speak thing since thursday I felt a tinge of what it must be like. Just this damn clip-in brace that stopped me being able to say anything properly was scary for a while, I really couldn't say anything properly (and Ss?!?!? thothugeth instead of sausages..hmm..) Until next september- I don't think so...But then relitively fast I learnt how to say things differently, and then talking to people who'd had the same made me feel better. I can say things better now, although not half as good as when I take it out. It's nice to have nice people around that are nice. Although talking to strangers is hard because you feel they think this or that because of the fact you talk differnet as opposed to how you consider yourself, and how your consider the way you speak says things about you. I'm beginning to get used to it now, although I get frustrated, but I am really in awe of the amazing people who have adapted to things a bit bigger than a little crappy brace. Really really brilliant people. It scares me a bit to think how easily things can happen to our little bodies.

Anyway, I can never write as well as my thoughts occur to me. And I think of them when I'm away from the computer often so they are remembered thoughts. I crept into bed at 4am this morning (so as not to wake anyone) and woke up again at 1pm and maybe it's due to return to my dear bed again (00:44 now). People don't seem to realise how brilliant my bed really is, it is soo completely awesome I can't express it in words alone. heheehhe.. it's 3/4 (so not quite kingsize) and has a huge couple of quilts (one has been discarded for summer though) and enough pillows for making nests out of, and it's just the right bouncy-ness. Well worth coming home for.

I have only 3 more exams left! (then maybe we can all stop talking about the damned things) Biology, Biology and Drama. These two biology ones are so solidly hard it's kindof depressing, but I'm sure I'll survive.

Bye for now!


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