bunny in a beret

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Well, the sixth form party was...acceptable. It is a bit jumpled up in my poor head so I'm not sure how great it was. My dress was cool, hair wasn't..but there we go. I look terrible in the numerous photos, and I think I'll now just move on from that.

Since then...hmmm. I drove to the drum n bass thingy again yesterday which was fun, at the same venue as before. I can't decide which time was better, there was less people yesterday, less of a crowd, and I didn't make friends with new people, but there were nicer people I knew there. (-:= so quite good really. Although I did get to bed at quater to 4 am. Which wasn't soooo much fun.

Charity shops are sooooo amazingly good I cannot believe sometimes. The hospital charity shop in town is closing )-:= (and we only discovered it the other day!!) so they are practically giving away sooooo much stuff. I got tons and tons of books, some amazing Wrangler leather boots and two pairs of jeans, 4 albums (cds) and a brilliant white coat, and a jacket posh set thingy, all for like...£5 or £6 (although I could have given less if I'd been ever so tight). It amazes me.

I can't think what else I have done much...an awful lot I think. Hehehe..christmas presents...I have opened one and 1/5th..(-:= I got a lovely little sketchbook, which I am going to use and keep as a "stuff book". I.e. stuff I always forget and get annoyed about forgetting, like quotes, or clever things, or Humphrey Bogarts name or using glue guns to make pictures etc.

Aaaaaaanyway.. last day of school today... I was supposed to attend the carol service but... didn't. Chocolate everywhere. ..and charity shop goods. anyway, I have begun sneezing...ohh dear I say. Nighty night sweet people. x


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