bunny in a beret

Monday, December 29, 2003

oOoOoOo 18th Party last night ..heh heh. I was in carmarthen hospital from 2.30 till 4am! and I had a fun time. Except I was cold in the morning. It was fun though, and eventful.

I was in A & E not for myself but with Danny who had had a speaker fall on his head, making a big gash above his eyebrow and falling backwards onto a guitar. I'm glad I got to go with him, I'd have been worried otherwise. It's nice to help people. Its also nice that he's ok now. Pity about his party planned for today though! hehee.

I have red wine splattered all down my White skirt. When I reeeally don't like red wine. Not my fault either.And I only slept about an hour from 7-8am all night!! It's amazing I'm still here and fully alive! I also have someone's hat, which I apologise for repeatedly telling people about...(-:=

I just saw the Lord of the rings in the cinema. It was pretty.. engulfing.. was pretty cool. made me jump a few times, and it was freezing in the cinema.

I'm being contemplative..sitting watching very very large faces for 3 hours makes you block out most of the other stuff in your brain. But now I've recovered from all those Orcs and such like I am thinking of: My hat that isn't mine. Bethie. (how can I not..hehee). Last night's details. People who I like so much as friends and want to hug. How I dislike red wine. The new-years-do at Bizzes (come along!) and something else...but I can't quite put my finger on it what it is... *sigh*. How I don't like most silly town-y people with no individualness and personality. I haven't been to Swansea in a while, but seeing allllll those people who look so stupidly similar and made-up I alllll those crappy expensive same-and-same-and-same shops.. urgh. Pity Emi wasn't with me. Look out clones! mwhahaha.

Anyway... I don't really mean it. They can be that if they want to be. I, though, might go and sleep for a bit. And drink some water. How I love the fact my head never hurts at all in the morning!! hahahaha everyone else! (-:=

Night night lovelies. (-:=


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