bunny in a beret

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Hooray it's christmas. I'm happy. Shall I list the (main) reasons for me being happy? ok then.

---Our internet is now working again
---So Msn is now available again--i.e. distant friends can be contacted.
---I have lots of scrumptious presents
---I have a gorgeous and lovely and friendly bunny who's brilliant and cute and friendly
---Emi has updated her blog ( moonbright)
---And also Emi seems to have more confidence in her blog. So it's nice to read, and not all "ahh I can't write! the world sucks!" (but not in an american phrase like that) and similar things.
---I'm doing my geog field work each day, which involves cycling down into our next-door valley (un-inhabited) in the mud and rain and crossing a river and going into the forest, which is brilliant!! The idea seems boring and monotonous...but it's not! Its fun to get soaked and try not to get water in your boots in the river and get lots of exercise and see the beatiful valley each day.
---I'm an optimist. So most things are good to me.
---It's fun being around my family, having my dad around for so long is cool.
---I have some soya milk! Yay! a present from my sister. It is better for you than normal milk, and I do like to feel like I'm being nice to myself. Even if convincing other people not to each ready meals and biscuits all day doesn't work. tsk tsk.
---Errrrm...did I mention Moquette? heheeh..perhaps..
---I have lots of superduper style friends. Like Emily and Kathy especially but I can't say everyone else because I'd be sure to leave some out by complete accedent, and I'm sure some are secret....mwheh heh heh.
---I like tangerines.
---I like giving people presents they really like for charity shop prices. (-:=
---I looove velvet jackets. mmmmmm...
---There's a party in town ...the day after tomorrow. yippe.
---I watched Amelie last night. Which always makes me happy!! lovely film.

There are of course some stuff that makes me a bit sad:
---My...great uncle George's daughter (???maybe??) and husband are having to move out of Zimbabwae to britain on sunday, with like no money, no house or anything....scary man.
---My mum's friends husband has cancer. makes you think.
---Grandma has completely changed her life...seems to be coping..but doesn't show weakness at all.. so I hope she's getting along ok.
---There are people I don't speak to anymore, or have lost contact with. Silly me.
---Someone else has cancer. maybe Great Uncle George. )-:=
---Silly people in large groups are sooooo stupid. Idiots. Stop Killing each other!!!!!
---Oh and my sister killing foxes. pfffff.

Thats about that. Too many people have cancer. it's so bad. I want to email them. Or do an Amelie thing of some sort. I feel like I'm one of those that might get cancer one day. (as there is so many, why not me?) weird. -I love you all by the way. (incase I get run over by a car or something before that. Although..I haven't seen a car in ages..exept our ones, but they don't count.)

00:30. I'm getting into my natural state of late up late to bed again, which means I see loads less daylight and less people too. hmm.

mmmm Green & Blacks organic GM free White Chocolate~~~~~mmmmm~

Anyway, must dash, y'know...(I like saying must dash...has a nice sound to it)
see you all. (-:= (-:=


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